21 Natural Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children


Probiotics, ginger tea, aloe vera, garlic, fennel, beetroot, papaya, flax seeds, and peppermint oil are some of the natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome in children.

In case of irritable bowel, the stomach pain in kids is sometimes so intense that one is literally folded in pain. To calm the pain, a background treatment associated with simple reflexes is essential. In addition to monitoring the diet, do not forget to control the stress and anxiety, as well as any type of negative emotions that can also irritate the intestines.

It is clear that you should consult your child to the doctor to find out what type of medication can help treat this disorder better.Irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself differently in each patient. This is why it is also difficult to treat: what works in one is sometimes ineffective for others. And while some medications can relieve symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and constipation, some people prefer to try natural remedies.

Below mentioned are some of the natural treatments for irritable bowel syndrome.

Natural Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children

irritable bowel syndrome in kids


Probiotics, as we know it can encourage the growth of good bacteria in the stomach, thus reducing the presence of unhealthy bacteria and facilitate good digestion of food. Take yogurt daily to avoid indigestion and associated symptoms. These live microorganisms, found as a supplement or in some foods such as yogurts, would help soothe the pain associated with irritable bowel syndrome.


Diarrhoea can drain and evacuate good bacteria that help prevent harmful bacteria that are becoming increasingly out of control. When you have irritated colon-related diarrhoea, eat plenty of yogurts containing active bacteria, such as acidophilus.


Increasing fiber intake by eating fruits and vegetables seems to help some people with irritable bowel syndrome, especially when they suffer from constipation problems. Take care in case of bloating, flatulence or diarrhoea, which can increase when you eat fiber.

Soluble fiber absorbs the fluid in your intestines to help prevent diarrhoea. Good sources of fiber are beans (green), oats and some fruits such as apples, strawberries, and grapefruit.

If you cannot increase the soluble fiber in your diet, take a daily supplement of psyllium, the main ingredient of dietary fiber. Unlike chemical laxatives, psyllium is safe in the long run. Follow the dosing instructions on the label.

If constipation is your main problem, use insoluble fiber found in whole wheat, bran and other whole grains, salad leaves, and other foods. The insoluble fibers swell the stools which accelerate their passage through the intestines.

If you do not have a lot of fiber in your diet, increase the amount gradually. A strong addition of fiber too quickly can actually give you gas and bloat. Slowly add the fibers to your diet.


Drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day to keep the fibers moving smoothly through your system.

The essential oil of peppermint

Of all the herbal remedies that have been studied, peppermint essential oil is the only one that has shown good results for irritable bowel syndrome. It would be particularly effective for relieving abdominal pain.

For severe cases of IBS, anything that offers some control provides a huge relief! Peppermint oil, fortunately, can offer great comfort. Taking peppermint oil supplements twice daily between meals will prevent flatulence and also the pain associated with IBS. You can also take mint tea after your meals to improve digestion. However, if you suffer from acid reflux, avoid consuming mint tea.

Reduce stress

Stress is an important factor that can aggravate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. A stress-free life is therefore very essential to deal with the problem. To prevent stress and anxiety, you can practice yoga, meditation, exercise, or indulge in some of the highlights of activity such as listening to music, spending time on some hobbies, and more. Herbal medicines that can improve moods such as chamomile tea and peppermint can be used as well to control stress.

There is no miracle medicine to avoid being stressed and anxious, but this remedy is one of the most effective for reducing the symptoms of the disease. Indeed, stress only aggravates the patients’ problems, and these problems increase the stress. To break this vicious circle, one must find the solution that best suits one’s nerves. Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, sophrology, sport, time for oneself … it’s up to you to find what suits you best.

Drink ginger tea

Ginger soothes all kinds of digestive problems, including irritated bowel syndrome. To make a fresh ginger tea, grate half a teaspoon of ginger in a cup, then pour into hot water, let infuse for 10 minutes, strain ginger and drink tea. Tea bags of ginger are also available. Drink four to six cups a day.



Whenever possible, do at least 30 minutes of non-competitive exercise such as walking. Exercise helps relieve stress, releases endorphins, which are natural painkillers, and allows your digestive system to function smoothly.


Fennel is an ideal treatment option for children who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. It is able to eliminate stomach upset and also helps digestion. Fennel can be safely administered to children and infants for the treatment of indigestion and other stomach ailments.


Garlic helps cleanse the digestive system by removing parasites and mucous membranes from the colon. It also prevents the formation of gas. Add garlic to your diet or take 3-4 cloves of garlic each day to prevent stomach infections and also control the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Avoid bigger meals

Bigger meals will pose the risk of taking longer to digest and create symptoms like abdominal pain and loose stools. Small meals are easier to digest and so you have to break your meals in 5 or 6 sessions instead of 3 solid meals a day. This will help control the symptoms to a great extent.

Diet control

It is essential to identify foods that can aggravate irritable bowel syndrome and keep them away as a rule. Foods that are high in fat, gaseous and caffeinated drinks and chocolates belong to the list of foods that can trigger IBS. Dairy products too are known to aggravate the symptoms and therefore should be avoided as much as possible.

Drink water to prevent IBS

Drinking plenty of water is one way to keep constipation under control. The water will keep the body well hydrated and ensures that the stool is loose enough to prevent you from exerting the pain of pressure and cause. Drink at least 2 liters of water to keep the bowels loose and the body well hydrated.


Take gentian root for irritable bowel syndrome

Gentian root should be taken before meals so that digestion can take place well, preventing IBS attacks. For best results consume 300 mg of gentian root at least 15 minutes before you eat.

Aloe Vera juice for IBS

Taking a cup of aloe Vera juice quarterly can be of great benefit to patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe Vera is considered as one of the best healing agent that will help heal the digestive tract and also soothes to give great relief for IBS sufferers.

Take care of your intestines

Try to have control over fried foods, meats, oils, margarine, dairy products and other fatty foods. They force your colon to contract violently, which can lead to diarrhoea or abdominal pain.Avoid spicy foods. Capsaicin in hot peppers, for example, causes spasms in your large intestine which can cause diarrhoea. Reduce caffeine as it can aggravate colon syndrome by irritating your intestines.Avoid foods known to cause flatulence, such as cabbages, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli, red and white beans.

Marshmallows for IBS

For indigestion related IBS, marshmallows are considered as a good source. Take about a tablespoon of marshmallows boiled in water for about 40 minutes and consumed each day. This will prevent digestive disorders and resultant IBS.

Elm herb

Elm is another herb that can be added to other fruit juices and beverages to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes and facilitate relief of irritable bowel syndrome.

Beetroot Juice

The juice of beetroot and carrots, in addition to being very nutritious, will act as a great purifier and protector of your colon. Perfect for your dinners, for example.


Papaya Salads

Prepare papaya salads and have it 1-2 times in a day. Plum juice is also very medicinal, just like oats and apples.


Sit comfortably, or lie down. Pay attention to the air coming in and out of your body. Let your overwhelming or anxious thoughts go by without trying to repel them, just let them flow like water. Concentrate on your breathing, listen to your breathing. Practice this daily.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are also recommended to treat irritable bowel.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas have wonderful benefits that have a soothing and relaxing effect on the body. Chamomile and peppermint tea can be had frequently to prevent IBS attacks that are stress related.

Remember that you should never practice self-medication. Also take into account that the continued use of drugs can in the long term bring you health problems in the liver, kidneys, etc. Take appropriate medications when needed, and follow small, natural strategies to make yourself feel better every day.





Read more:

7 Causes and Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children

21 Foods That Worsen Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children
