Health Benefits of Black Strap Molasses for Children
The sweetening agent in sugar cane and beet, black strap molasses, are grown widely in India, Thailand and Brazil, among other countries. Today, it’s...
Consuming Onions During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Having unusual food cravings during pregnancy for a woman is normal. Some women crave for ice creams or pickles while others for raw vegetables....
Prurigo of Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Pregnancy brings immense changes to the female body. Changes that can be seen physically as well as mentally experienced by the woman herself. Physical...
201 Unique and Beautiful Girl Names Starting with N
If you are expecting a baby girl and are in a search of girl names starting with N, here are 201 unique and beautiful...
Autism in Infants – Symptoms, Risk and Detection
Autism is a developmental disorder of the brain which generally arises during the first 3 years of age. Normal development of the brain is...
Health Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy
Consuming coconut water during pregnancy boosts immunity, fights heartburn and constipation, effective and natural diuretic, fights dehydration and exhaustion, rich source of electrolytes, replenishes lost fluids, acts as...
Health Benefits of Psyllium Husk for Children
Some of the health benefits of Psyllium husk for children include control of blood pressure, relief from constipation, has soothing effect on haemorrhoids, helps...
Health Benefits of Fish Oil For Kids and Pregnant Women
Some of the benefits of fish oil for kids and pregnant women include high in essential Omega-3 fatty acids, can help in controlling asthma,...
Health Benefits of Goji Berries for Kids
Goji Berry offers numerous health benefits for kids which include improved eyesight, strengthening of the immune system, can protect liver, is a good source...
Cod Liver Oil for Kids: Health Benefits Vs Side Effects
Cod liver oil reduces the risk of type 1 diabetes, remedy for vitamin d deficiency, accelerates wound healing, heals gastric ulcers, helps in brain...
11 Birthday Gift Ideas For The Eleventh Bday Of Your Girl
Are you looking for some great ideas to gift an 11-year-old girl? We present here some cool ideas that will set you thinking about...
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