7 Essential Oil to Treat Whooping Cough in Children


Essential oils are a definite must try for  treating whooping cough in your baby. Essential oils are a safe and effective way of healing your baby. They do not contain any harmful side effects  unlike pharmaceutical drugs.

Read on to find out the 7 best essential oils that can help treat whooping cough in your child.

What causes whooping cough?

Whooping cough is caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. It is a serious bacterial infection that can affect your little one.  This certainly cause great discomfort. It is highly contagious.  Whooping Cough can even make your child vomit in extreme cases.

It is commonly referred to as “whooping cough”. This is due to the sound made during inhaling air post a coughing fit. The coughing can come in spasmodic manner. This can leave your baby gasping for air. This is what is responsible for the distinctive whooping sound associated with the infection.

Why use essential oils to treat whooping cough?

 The symptoms of whooping cough are very harsh. It is more severe in case of kids. Excessive coughing can lead to retching and vomiting. This increases the overall discomfort of your little one. The spasmodic coughing fits are also difficult on your baby. They are left feeling dehydrated and irritable.

On being diagnosed with the disease, your doctor is likely to prescribe medication. However, medications alone do not solve the purpose. Doctors also provide dietary recommendations. You can help your child heal faster with the use of essential oils. They can successfully help in shortening and eliminating the symptoms of the infection. Read: 7 Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Infants


Which essential oils can I use to treat whooping cough in my baby?

When it comes to choosing the essential oils for treating whooping cough in children you need to be careful. You cannot use the same ones that are used for treating adults. Children, especially infants, are very sensitive to everything. Wrongful usage of an essential oil is likely to complicate the matter .

We have listed below 7 essential oils. This will help you choose better.  These can be safely used to treat whooping cough in your little one. Please remember – consult your doctor before using any of the oils.

7 Must Try Essential Oil to Treat Whooping Cough in Children

Cypress oil

This is the number one essential oil that can treat spasmodic cough. It can help relieve this symptom associated with whooping cough. Cypress oil is well known for its ability to fight infections. It can also effectively aid your kid’s respiratory system. It helps remove the bacteria and toxins from your little one’s body.

Cypress oil can be used to clear up congestion. In that way it calms your baby’s respiratory system. Cypress is also an antibacterial agent. Thus it has the ability to treat respiratory infections. The infections are  caused by bacterial overgrowth.

There is not enough research to show that it is safe for children. It is best to talk to your doctor.  Or you can consult a practiced aromatherapist. You need to be sure before you begin use. Always perform a patch test before using it directly on your kid’s skin. It is always better to use cypress oil with a carrier oil for topical use. This precaution is more important in case of children.

Peppermint Oil

You need to exercise great caution when using this essential oil in children. You should never apply peppermint oil too close to your infant’s nose. If your child is under two years of age, avoid application of peppermint oil near the nasal area. This is because the oil’s cooling effect can result in your baby’s throat to spasm shut. This is a potentially fatal condition.


Letting your child inhale diffused peppermint oil helps unclog his or her sinuses. It also provides relief to scratchy throat. It is a known expectorant. Peppermint oil is beneficial in providing relief from coughs. peppermint can also be used to make homemade vapours.  You can mix it with coconut oil to make the vapor. However, make sure this is safe for your child, beforehand.

Peppermint is not recommended for children under age 6. Make sure to consult a specialized aromatherapist before you use peppermint oil for treating your child. You do not want to aggravate your baby’s condition with improper use. Read More: 11 Must Know Benefits of Peppermint Oil for Kids

whooping cough

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus globulus is extremely effective in treating congestion. For children, the preferred eucalyptus oil to use is Eucalyptus radiata. It has a milder camphor smell.  Also it is less likely to cause laryngeal spasm of the throat.

It is best to avoid using eucalyptus oil if your child is below 10 years of age. Do not directly introduce eucalyptus oil into your baby’s nose. You should also avoid application of this oil on your child’s face. Specially if he or she is less than ten.

Check with your aromatherapist about 1,8 cineole rich eucalyptus oils. Eucalyptus oils with high 1,8 cineoles can lead to problems. The problems are related to the central nervous system. There maybe other serious health concerns. It can happen even with high content of cineole 1,8.


This oil is quite strong. It can cause irritation and rashes in your baby’s delicate skin. Eucalyptus essential oil should be totally kept away from babies less than two years of age. Do not use on infants under two without proper medical supervision. Read More: Is Eucalyptus Oil safe for kids?

Lavender Oil

There are very few ailments that lavender oil cannot treat. Lavender is a safe and natural way to help relieve the symptoms of whooping cough. It is a calming essential oil.  It helps soothe your baby during the illness.

Lavender oil is well known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can diffuse it in your baby’s room to help him or her relax. This oil helps clear your baby’s lymphatic system. It removes the bacteria and toxins. It promotes holistic healing.

You also need to monitor the amount of lavender oil your baby is exposed to. Make sure you toned down your dosage to suit your child’s need. An adult can withstand a far higher concentration than a baby . Hence make sure to use the correct amount to avoid undue complications.

Cedar wood Oil 

Cedar wood essential oil is obtained from wood pieces of the cedar wood tree. It has major health benefits including anti-inflammatory properties. Cedar wood helps relieve spasms and cure fungus infections. It is also beneficial in reducing coughs.

Cedar wood is beneficial in treating spasmodic coughing. This kind of coughing is associated with whooping cough. Your baby can benefit from the calming properties of this oil. It helps relax the respiratory system of your kid. It also has the power to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract and lungs. This helps reduce the congestion resulting from the cough.


Cedar wood is recommended for use as an ingredient for making homemade chest rubs for children. But you must remember to be very cautious when using cedar wood. Caution should be more in case of children below two years of age. The neonatal skin of infants is very sensitive to all external agents. It cannot withstand the adverse effects like older children’s skin. So be very careful or do not use at all.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has gained major prominence in today’s world. This is mostly owing to its great benefits for curing skin conditions. It is also effectively used in treating whooping cough in children. Tea Tree helps in treating the underlying infections and clears bronchial congestion. It acts as a natural expectorant.

Tea tree oil is also beneficial in boosting your baby’s immune system. This helps your child fight the infection better. You should avoid using concentrated tea tree oil on your kid. You can rub some of the oil on your palms. Cup your hands over your child’s nose gently. Let your child inhale for a few times to help clear congestion.

Avoid oral intake of tea tree oil. Oral intakes can seriously harm your kid. Also, avoid any excess use as it. This can also affect your child adversely. He/she can be subjected to major complications.

Pine Oil

Pine oil can help to loosen and get rid of mucus and phlegm from respiratory tract. It has natural expectorant properties. These can help treat symptoms of whooping cough in your baby. Pine oil is also beneficial in helping fight symptoms of cough and cold.

Studies have shown the usefulness of pine oil. The usefulness are mostly related to the relieving of   bronchial infections. It is a powerful agent against harmful organisms. This can help your baby fight off infections. It is also helpful in naturally treating lower respiratory diseases.


You should use essential pine oil should with care. This is due to the fact that it is very powerful. If  you apply it undiluted, it may irritate your baby’s skin and mucous membranes. It is hazardous for your child’s health to consume this oil internally.


When using essential oils for treating your child you have to be extremely careful. Be sure to use essential oils carefully – in all routes – around children, especially infants. Remember to follow the exact dosage advised by an expert aromatherapist only.

Do not use the same dosage recommended for adults for your children. Children need far lesser concentration and exposure than adults. It is always better to diffuse the essential oils than applying it topically. It is also better than letting your child ingest it orally. Diffusion is the best way to use essential oils for children. You can diffuse a small amount in the baby’s room. Diffuse continuously for best effects.

Always consult your doctor before you use any of the essential oils to treat your child. Conduct a patch test for sensitivity and rashes in a small area. Do this before you apply any of the essential oils on your child. Consult your doctor if you are unsure about the side effects of any of the essential oils

Using essential oils to treat whooping cough is a safe and natural way. It  helps your child to heal holistically. Just remember not to go overboard. Use it correctly and in proper dosage. Follow the  instructions of a reputed aroma therapy specialist.
