21 High Fibre Foods You Can’t do Without


Fibre is an essential ingredient that your body requires in order to keep the bad cholesterols, fats, carbohydrates, and carcinogenic cells under control. Foods rich in fibre must be an integral part of your regular diet, without fail. The current lifestyle scenario of most people is such that barely spares time and energy for working out. However, at least 30 minutes of brisk walking or exercising is necessary for your body to burn the energy. Along with this, you must remember to eat well. Foods high in fibre contain extremely low levels of fat, thereby enabling the maintenance of a healthier body structure, both internally and externally. Here are some of the high fibre foods that you can include in your regular diet chart:

21 High Fibre Foods you Can’t do Without

1. Spinach

This green leafy vegetable is very well known for its low carbohydrates and calories, while at the same time it high in fibre. Spinach improves digestion and increases metabolism, thereby burning excess calories and preventing the deposition of bad cholesterols. 100 grams of spinach each day provides half the regular required quantity of fibre! You can include this in your curries, soups, pasta, and pies.

2. Broccoli

Being a cruciferous green vegetable, broccoli has a high concentration of dietary fire, which aids digestion and prevents inflammation or constipation. 100 grams of broccoli contain about 2.7 grams of fibre, which meets almost half the day’s requirements, of eaten on a daily basis.

21 High Fibre Foods

3. Carrot

The high concentration of fibre and antioxidants in carrots helps flush out excess toxins and boost your metabolism. Eat carrots regularly to avoid digestive tract infections and constipation. Two carrots a day are enough to provide you with about 30% of your total fibre requirement!

4. Beetroot

This red veggie contains soluble and insoluble fibre that prevents constipation and gastrointestinal diseases. A 136-gram helping of beetroot contains about 15% of your daily fibre requirement.


5. Radish

100 grams of fresh white radish contains 1.6 grams of dietary fibre and just about 3.4 grams of carbohydrates. Eating a bowl of radish salad daily, leads to a better digestive system and reduces internal infections.

6. Okra

This vegetable is extremely low on fats and carbohydrates. Okra contains high levels of fibre and vitamin C. These help in increasing satiety and metabolism. 100 grams of okra add to nearly 15% of your daily expected fibre intake.

7. Chia seeds

These seeds promote a healthy digestive system by enabling better bowel movements. A regular serving size of about 28 grams of chia seeds contains approximately 10 grams of fibre. This contributes to nearly 42% of your daily recommended dietary fibre intake. Chia seeds act as an excellent source of roughage, helping in digestion and preventing constipation.

8. Flax seeds

These contain omega 3 fatty acids too, along with a high concentration if fibre. Hence, flax seeds are extremely effective in preventing heart diseases as they promote smooth digestion and prevent blockages in the arteries or vessels. A 168-gram helping of flax seeds contains about 45 grams of fibre, which is approximately 183% of the minimum expected quantity of intake! Adding these seeds to your breakfast porridge, smoothies, and sandwiches a great way to start the day!

9. Pumpkin seeds

Most people don’t know that pumpkin seeds are a food that’s high in fibre, apart from being rich in zinc and magnesium. These seeds work as excellent fat burners. A regular intake of about 138 grams of pumpkin seeds provide 5.4 grams of fibre, which amounts to 22% of the recommended fibre dosage.

10. Oats

This is one of the healthiest foods rich in fibre, which can be eaten for breakfast daily, for regulating your cholesterol levels. A 50-gram serving of oats can replenish 20% of your body’s regular fibre requirement.


11. Quinoa

Of all the grains, quinoa contains the highest level of fibre. It increases the level of satiety and consequently decreases blood sugar and bad cholesterols. A 170-gram serving of quinoa provides nearly 50% of your regular fibre requirement, to keep your digestive system functioning well. Use quinoa instead or rice, to make rice-based dishes, and unleash the magic of good health!

12. Barley

The husks of barley make a great source of roughage, due to the fact that barley is a high fibre food. Barley water too makes for an excellent health drink. 184 grams of barley can fulfil your recommended fibre requirement by up to 127%!

13. Millet

You can use cook millets in the same way as lentils. 200 grams of millets contain about 17 grams of fibre, which is equivalent to 68% of your recommended intake. Use millets instead of rice, for stir fried recipes, so that you can keep your cholesterol and fat levels under control!

14. Maize

The corn that you eat comes from maize. This crop is immensely rich in fibre, which helps maintain a good digestive system and a healthy BMI. Eat a bowl of sweet corn or popcorn as snacks to add some tingle to your taste buds and boost your health at the same time!

15. Almonds

This crunchy snack is more than just tasty. Almonds contain a good amount of vitamin E, apart from fibre, which also plays a vital role in protecting your heart. A regular helping of 95 grams of almonds contains approximately 11grams of fibre, fulfilling 46% of your daily intake by rule. Add almonds to your breakfast for a healthy and powerful way to begin the day.

16. Orange

Rich in soluble fibre, oranges stabilise blood sugar and destroy bad cholesterols. They also prevent constipation. A 180-gram serving of oranges will satisfy 17% of your body’s fibre requirement.


17. Apple

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away! Eating one apple daily can provide you with soluble dietary fibre that helps digestion and prevents constipation. It also helps in controlling the sugar levels.

18. Blackberries

Vitamin K, along with concentrated fibre, in blackberries helps fight the carcinogenic cells and burn more energy. 144 grams of blackberries are enough to complete about 1/3 of your daily quota of fibre. For best results, ass them to your smoothies or porridge!

19. Pear

These contain even more fibre than apples! A serving size of 150 grams of pears provides nearly 20% of your regular fibre intake. Pears prevent deposition of harmful fats.

20. Dates

These extra sweet fruits are excellent for treating constipation, because they are rich in fibre. Include dates in your regular breakfast or snacks menu to help in better digestion and weight management! 24 grams of dates can fulfil up to 6% of your daily fibre requirement.

21. Avocado

This is the latest fruit that has taken the world by storm! An avocado sandwich, salad, or dip is enough to make numerous people go crazy! Take this opportunity to consume more of this fruit that’s high in fibre. A helping of 150 grams avocados provides about 40% of the daily recommended fibre.

These are some of the fibre rich foods you cannot possibly do without! Make sure that you include all of these in your daily list of food intake, for a better BMI, circulatory system, cardiovascular health, and; most importantly; digestive system. A better digestive system leads to an overall improvement in your health conditions.
