Cramps But No Period: 26 Reasons and Home Remedies


Some of the astonishing reasons for getting cramps but no period includes possibility of pregnancy, UTI, miscarriage, pain due to gas, ovulation phase, ectopic pregnancy, PID’s, appendicitis, constipation, stress, ovarian cancer, inflamed colon and lactose intolerance.

Cramps before period is a very normal phenomenon but when you get cramps but no period, you have a reason to be worried. Since you are used to lower abdominal cramps during period, anytime you suffer from such cramps, you end up associating it with period. There are various other situations which may cause abdominal pain similar to your menstrual cramps.

15 Reasons Why You Get Cramps But No Period

1. You’re pregnant

The initial symptoms of pregnancy include lower abdominal cramps around the time near your period date. The pain is caused by the fertilized egg that gets implanted into the outer layer of the uterus. If you’ve missed a period and experiencing such cramps, get yourself tested or set up an appointment with your doctor.

2. Pain due to gas

Sometimes due to gas built up you end up experiencing abdominal pain that could be similar to period cramps. Try to detox yourself by drinking lot of water and perform some light exercises to relieve gas. Eat clean and keep yourself hydrated to avoid such situations.

3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is triggered by eating disorders linked with stress and is characterized by constipation or diarrhea and bloating. It can cause severe abdominal cramps as well. The cramps are identical to menstrual cramps and can confuse you. Visit your doctor for proper treatment of this condition.



4. Inflamed colon

If you’re getting cramps but no period, you could be suffering from inflamed colon. Diseases like diarrhea and constipation can inflame your colon and cause abdominal cramps accompanied by changed bowel movements, blood in your bowel and fever chills.

5. Lactose intolerance

Food intolerance can lead to discomfort in your stomach. Lactose intolerance can cause significant abdominal cramps but no period. Lactose intolerance is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting as well. Try to avoid dairy for sometime to see if the cramps disappear. If the pain persists, visit a doctor without any delay.

6. The ovulation phase

Two weeks after your last period, your reproductive system starts ovulating again. This phase causes cramps. There is no need to worry about the mid-month cramps as they are normal signs of ovulation. Usually ovulation pain can be experienced only on one side of your stomach.

Read More: Spotting Before your Period: Are you not OK?

7. Cystic ovary

Some women develop cysts on their ovaries. When these cysts rupture, it causes abdominal cramps. Cysts are mostly harmless but if you experience unusual abdominal pain then it’s always recommended to visit a doctor. Cystic ovary not only causes cramps but also cause delayed or early period.

8. Ectopic pregnancy

In rare cases, a fertilized egg fails to reach the uterus. It starts growing in other part of the reproductive system like fallopian tubes. These organs do not have ample space for the egg to grow into a foetus and creates complications in the pregnancy. This condition is called ectopic pregnancy and causes unwanted lower abdominal cramps. It may be accompanied with vaginal bleeding that could be mistaken for period blood.


Read more: Signs and Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

9. Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory diseases of PID are usually associated with sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea and chlamydia. PIDs cause lower abdominal cramps but no period. It’s always a good idea to get a check-up done to avoid any confusions.

10. Miscarriage

Miscarriage causes extreme abdominal cramps. It may happen even before you realise that you’re pregnant. It is accompanied with bleeding as well. If you’re experiencing abnormal and extreme abdominal cramps, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist and get a diagnosis done.

Read more: 11 Early Signs of Miscarriage

11. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is the process in which the outer lining of the uterus grows. It can happen at any time of the cycle and causes abdominal pain. It is a very normal process and if you have doubts then see a doctor.

12. Appendicitis

Inflammation of your appendix can cause ugly cramps. The pain originates from the belly button and spreads to the lower abdomen. Appendicitis should be taken seriously and a visit to the doctor is a must to avoid complications.


13. Urinary Tract Infection

One of the most common symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection is lower back and abdominal pain. It is accompanied by fever, painful urination and constant feeling to urinate. Always watch out for these other symptoms so that you don’t confuse the cramps with period pain.

14. Ovarian Cancer

Cancer is a scary disease but diagnosis at the right stage can make it curable. Ovarian cancer is one condition that causes lower abdominal pain along with bloating and loss appetite. If you’re experiencing cramps but no period, get yourself checked by a doctor without any delay.

15. Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can trigger stomach cramps. Even after a healthy meal if you experience stomach pain with no sign of period, it could be stress. Panic attacks due to anxiety are also characterized by abdominal cramps and nausea.

If you experience unusual pain in your abdominal area, it is best to rush to the nearest clinic instead of wasting time on self-diagnosis. Look out for other signs like spotting, bloating or inflamed urination- they can help you figure out the exact reason for the cramps. A healthy diet along with exercise always keeps your body balanced and ensures such unusual conditions don’t affect your system. Now that you know all the reasons for cramps but no period, you know what you need to do the next time you experience it.

Read More: Can You Get Pregnant Right After Your Period?

11 Home Remedies to Deal with the Pain

To combat these painful cramps, you can try some effective home remedies that have been considered useful since the olden times. Here are 11 of the easiest and effective hacks to consider trying, in the initial stages of the pain:



Fibre is useful for treating stomach aches and abdominal cramps. Oats are known to have a high concentration of insoluble fibre that boosts digestion and prevents inflammation. Try to switch to a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast for reducing chronic inflammation that leads to cramps.


Dietary fibre clubbed with folate can help reduce inflammation and internal cramps. The juices released from apples are known for their ability to soothe the abdominal muscles and reduce cramps. Eating one fresh apple a day can help relax your internal muscles.


This fruit is a simple and humble one that helps in digestion and soothes the muscles of your stomach by reducing constipation, which is one of the major causes of pain in the abdomen. One banana a day can reduce this by nearly 30%.


Cinnamon tea:

Cinnamon has lots of medicinal and healing properties. One of them is reducing internal inflammation, sores, and pains. The combination comprising of light caffeine, cinnamon, and hot water can help in relaxing the lower abdominal muscles and relieving pain. Drink one cup of this tea every night before bed, so get a good sleep too.

Ginger tea:

Ginger is a very well known herb that can miraculously treat internal injuries, inflammations, and soothe your muscles. One cup of hot black tea with grated or sliced ginger in it helps reduce the constant cramps.

Chamomile tea:

This concoction is known to work wonders on the muscles of your digestive system and soothe them very quickly. Chamomile tea also works as an anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling that is caused due to the cramps and vice-versa. This tea kills the bad bacteria in your stomach as well as abdominal lining, making you feel less bloated and sick.


Mint tea:

Once again, tea comes to your rescue! Mint has cooling and soothing properties that help relax your muscles and nerves. Mint helps the mashed food pass through the intestines and get disposed of from the rectum. This reduces constipation, and hence prevents painful cramps in the stomach, to a certain extent.

Hot water with lemon and honey:

Lemon and honey are very well known for cleansing the bowel. Many a time, lack of proper bowel movement leads to unnecessary pains and cramps. Drinking this concoction every morning on an empty stomach, can relax the stomach muscles and prevent soreness.

Rice water:

Yes, as weird as it may sound, that is right! The water that is left behind after boiling rice is something that can turn out to be miraculous during these days of extreme pain. It prevents further inflammation by forming a thin protective membrane over the layer of your stomach walls. After a couple of glasses of warm rice water, your muscles will begin to relax.



Probiotics happen to be one of the most important ingredients that help in improving your abdominal and stomach health. Yogurt is the best source of probiotics, which helps develop good bacteria and banish the bad ones inside your body. Apart from that, yogurt cools your body and soothes the muscles around your lower abdomen and below your stomach. This can help in the reduction of inflammation and cramps. It is also good for your guts.

Hot pack:

A hot water bag can help reduce cramps by relaxing the muscles that have swollen or tightened. Take a waterproof bag filled with warm, not too hot, water and put it on the lower part of your stomach while lying down in a comfortable position. Use this for about 15 minutes every day for loosening the lower stomach muscles.

A healthy diet along with exercise always keeps your body balanced and ensures such unusual conditions don’t affect your system. Now that you know all the reasons for cramps but no period, you know what you need to do the next time you experience it. Look out for other signs like spotting, bloating or inflamed urination- they can help you figure out the exact reason for the cramps. However, you must know when to stop self-diagnosing.

Even after the initial self-prognosis, if you experience unusual pain in your abdominal area, it is best to rush to the nearest clinic instead of waiting for more signs. If you see that there is a nagging feeling of pain or cramping for more than a couple of weeks, and home remedies are not working on them, you must visit the clinic without further delay. The doctor will possibly prescribe medicines and antibiotics to ease the pain, along with a diet chart to follow. As long as you abide by the medical instructions, there is not much to fear!


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