Can You Get Pregnant Right After Your Period?


This is question that crosses the mind of just about every young woman. Can you really get pregnant soon after your period? Is it a safe time for love making or should you be taking contraceptives? Read on for more information!

You may enjoying intercourse or actively trying to get pregnant. Whatever, you must be curious about the odds of getting pregnant every time your period ends. Conventional wisdom tells you that the best time to get pregnant is around your ovulation period, though that’s not the only time of month that’s perfect for you to conceive in.

Read More: Spotting Before your Period: Are you not OK?

To know more about this so that you’re sure, read on and find out all the answers to those questions that keep buzzing in your mind:

Is it Possible to be Pregnant After a Period?

Any stage of your cycle can get you pregnant. If your cycle is regular, you will ovulate 14 days after your last period. However, if yours is an irregular cycle, or if you ovulate soon after your period ends, you can become pregnant because you now begin to move into your fertility phase.

If yours is a typical 24-28 day cycle, you will ovulate between the 10th and 14th days of the cycle. In perfect conditions, one sperm can survive about three to five days in the Fallopian tube. So, if you have a six-day period, at the time you finish your menstrual cycle, you will be between four and eight days away from ovulation.Add to that the time a sperm survives in your womb gives you a narrow period which can make you pregnant. You can also become pregnant if you ovulate many days earlier than usual.


With every day after the last day of the menstrual period, you increase your chances of conception. If you have sex every alternate day for the next couple of weeks, your chances of getting pregnant increase.

period after pregnant

Other conditions of getting pregnant

Apart from the above, you can also conceive if you haven’t had a period before, or at any time of your first period or soon after you have sex for the first time.

You can also become possible through your safe period every month even while your partner pulls back his penis before he can ejaculate. During sex, it’s normal for some semen to be released, so if you’re having sex without any protection, it could mean conception and pregnancy.

Sometimes, women can get pregnant even though they might not have had any penetrative sex. At such times, the sperm becomes resilient and lasts for many days after ejaculation. In this instance, you could well be pregnant if one of you has sperm on your hands or any other part of your body and it makes contact with your vagina.

Of all the possible ways of conceiving, one sure shot way to increase your chances of conception is to use an ovulation testing kit. There are several kinds of kits in the market today, ranging from simple strips that help test urine to digital computers that can be used to monitor and detect ovulation accurately every month.


So, what does this mean for you? From the above, one thing is clear. There isn’t any “safe period” each month where you can have sex without using contraceptive methods and still not get pregnant. You can also conceive very easily if you have sex while still having your period.

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Ovulation signs

You know that you have ovulated when your cervical mucus turns wet and slippery, and is highly receptive to the sperm. This will stand you better chances of getting pregnant.

At this time, their cervical mucus also becomes plentiful and they get a sharp pain on one side of the stomach. Women also have a higher libido level around the time that they ovulate.

When to have sex

If you have a very sexually active life with sex every couple of days, a healthy sperm with excellent motility will be positioned in the right place when you ovulate. However, fertility experts suggest that couples must have regular sex right through their cycles so that they have the maximum number of chances to get pregnant.


Instead of resorting to Nature or moving by trial and error, speak to your doctor and chart out a plan so that you increase your chances of conception at the right part of the month. It’s never too late to be informed about ovulation methods and timing.


