Rosemary During Pregnancy: Is it Safe?


Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in a female’s life. Thus it is important to think before choosing the organic and health-related supplements like herbs, essential oils, and other things during pregnancy. Pregnancy is the time when many ailments happen to a female’s body. The body becomes sensitive and one needs to be careful while dealing with pregnancy. There are huge loads of things that happen in the body, and mints and herbs have a lot of benefits in  a human’s body but may not be suitable for all. Here is everything you need to know about whether rosemary is safe during pregnancy or not.


In this article:

What is Rosemary?
Can Rosemary Cause a Miscarriage?
Can You Use Rosemary Oil While Pregnant?
Risks  that Result Because of the Intake of Rosemary
Rosemary Oil/Herbs Usage Cautions While Pregnant
Herbs to Avoid While Pregnant

Rosemary During Pregnancy: Things You Should Know

What is Rosemary?

Rosemary is an herb that belongs to the mint family. It is woody and has needle-like leaves, its evergreen and has different color flower bearings namely pink, purple, yellow, blue and red. It is quite refreshing and has a tremendous impact on the human body, including both benefits and side effects. It has its origin in the Mediterranean region. It is great medicine and has various benefits but when it is considered for usage for pregnant women then one has to decide everything with caution.


Can Rosemary Cause a Miscarriage?

Herbs are considered safe because they are natural and have replaced many chemicalized medicines. Medicine goes through a lot of testing, checking and evaluation thus their side effects and problems are publicized and people are aware of them. But if one is preferring herbs over medicines then it might be a danger sign because herbs are more impactful and they have fewer checks and investigation done upon them. Rosemary as mint and an herb both can have  side effects and benefits for pregnant women.

Rosemary is Good for External Use Only

Rosemary is a beneficial herb if it is used physically on the outer side that is referred to as external use. This is because if it is used externally then the external parts and organs of the body will be affected so there is less scope for side effects.

Rosemary can be Dangerous for Pregnant Women

TRosemary can be dangerous for pregnant women only in the rarest cases. this is due to the fact that anything which is taken in large quantities is harmful this means that even rosemary taken in large amounts is very unsafe as it will cause vomiting, liquid in internal body organs like lungs and unnecessary and very painful body aches.

Rosemary can be Taken in Limited Amounts like in Dishes

Rosemary if taken through dishes by mixing in food items and fewer quantities then it is not harmful to pregnant women. Though Rosemary if taken in limited amounts is not harmful, still women avoid it because of the harmful body effects it has and the side effects which are a result of its intake. So, to be on the safer side, it is advised not to take it in large quantities and if possible for pregnant women it is best to avoid it.

Rosemary in Little Amount is not Harmful

Rosemary’s use in a little amount will not cause any deformations or malfunctions in the fetus because it is taken in small and limited quantities.


Pregnant Women Should Avoid Using it in any form Over the Skin

Rosemary should not be applied on the skin and body surface of pregnant women. As the skin has a permeable surface, the rosemary oil can go inside the body through the skin and can affect the fetus and cause many deformations and even miscarriage. It can also result in malfunctions and other side effects for the fetus.

Can You Use Rosemary Oil While Pregnant?

While most herbs are safe to use, some herbs have adverse effects on the body of pregnant women. Rosemary is one of them. Thus it is not safe to use it while one is pregnant.

This is because rosemary is a herb that results in uterine contractions, irritations, and malfunctions. This contraction can result in miscarriage in women and other problems.

It can cause preterm labor as a result chances can be there of immature births and fetus deaths.


Risks  that Result Because of the Intake of Rosemary

  • Miscarriage is one of the risks that are a result of rosemary direct ingestion or application on the skin.
  • Bleeding is also a result of rosemary ingestion or application on the skin. This is again because of the fact that rosemary ingestion or application can cause uterine contractions.
  • Miscarriage is also one of the prominent and common risks because rosemary can cause uterine contractions, as a result, it will lead to miscarriage or harm to the fetus. There can be a lot of deformations and abnormalities to the fetus.
  • Preterm labor is also one of the dangerous risks. In this the baby is born early because of the contractions in the uterus. It can be immature and the baby can be affected a lot, it is weak and premature, unhealthy and soft , the fetus is too tender to handle all these abnormalities and risks. Ultimately it would lead to the death of the fetus or the baby.

Rosemary Oil/Herbs Usage Cautions While Pregnant

Make Sure you Choose the Right Oil or Herb

While one is pregnant it is obvious that one might think of applying natural oils, essential oils and herbs on the body. One needs to be aware of the fact that some herbs and essential oils are dangerous for the mother while she is pregnant and also for the fetus.

Ingestion of Essential Oils and Herbs Should be avoided as Much as Possible

Ingestion of essential oils and herbs is very dangerous for a pregnant woman. This is because of the fact that these essential oils and herbs have dangerous effects and they can have highly toxic and damaging effects on the human body. For a pregnant woman, it can be really dangerous to ingest these essential oils. This is due to the fact that these essential oils and natural herbs have intense effects on the body as they are not diluted.

Inhalation and Application Should be Preferred Over Ingestion

Inhalation and application will have a low-intensity effect on the body. As direct ingestion can be really dangerous and the body can be exposed to a lot of intense substances from the natural essential oils and herbs.  Inhalation is a better option than direct ingestion. However, an application might result in the seepage of the essential oils to the skin and the other sense organs of the pregnant women. Thus, it should be used as it suits the human body.

Dilution is a Must

If the essential oil is ingested then it can have deadly effects on the body of pregnant women. Dilution with any sort of material, substance, and liquid will help to decrease the intensity of the essential oils and herbs. Thus dilution is a very necessary point to remember. It is one of the important cautions  any  pregnant woman has to take.


Herbs to Avoid While Pregnant


This is an herb that usually grows in the southwestern part of the United States and in the South Asian countries like China and Mongolia. It is a green shrub and is known for treating various health ailments with it’s healing properties. It is known for treating cough, sneezing, cold, nasal congestion, asthma, and wheezing. It is a really good and natural herb with so many benefits but it is not free from giving side effects. Like other herbs, it also has a side effect that is weight loss. The other side effect is, increase in the blood sugar level because of which it can harm the body and the results can be diabetes. Thus, pregnant women should avoid it as it might create problems for the womb and the child.

Black Cohosh

This is an herb from North America. It is also known for its strong, extreme and natural effects on the human body. It is basically known to remove the menstrual pain and makes the body induce itself towards labor in case of pregnant women. In this case, it is possible that there are chances of a premature baby or death of the fetus.


This is an herb from the region of North America. It is known for the extreme and hard painful effects that it has on human beings. Echinacea is known to have the ability and property of dealing with so much infections and cold. This herb is also known to cause stomach problems, digestion problems and it can also  be the cause of irregular medical problems and digestion issues.

Saw Palmetto

It is a palm native and it can be extracted through its berries. It comes from southwestern areas of the united states and is basically used for improving the balance of hormones, hair loss, improving prostate health and making the pelvic and abdomen areas more healthy. However, it should be avoided by pregnant women because this herb can lead to side effects such as mood swings and hormone changes and imbalances.

Common Herbs Used in Pregnancy


Ginger is an herb that easily blends with the body. It is found in Asian, African and North American regions. It is safe to use during pregnancy as it is not that extreme herb which can have highly toxic and extreme effects on the Body. Ginger is used during pregnancy as an herb which helps in stopping nausea and the urge to puke all the time. Thus it is an anti-nauseant.


Valerian is an herb that is basically originated from northern Europe and some parts of western as. It is used during pregnancy in minute quantities to stop the feelings of anxiety. This herb helps the pregnant women to sleep, relax and relieve stress.



Fenugreek has its origin in India and basically northern India. It is a kind of galactagogue. Fenugreek helps pregnant women to increase the production of milk. Thus, because of the consumption of fenugreek the body of a pregnant woman starts to produce milk which is good for the baby.


Chamomile is an herb that is having its origin in German and roman flowers. It helps in aiding digestion and is a great sedative. It can be used in the form of tea.

Clary Sage

Clary Sage is an herb that is originated from the middle eastern countries. It is used by pregnant women to induce labor and to make the body ready for giving birth to a child.

Every herb is not safe and every herb is not reliable. It depends on the extremity of the herb that one is using and the quantity one decides to intake that whether there will be side effects or not. No herb can rely on that it will not have any side effects. For pregnant women, it is an advice to consult your doctor before consuming any of the above herbs.



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