11 Home Ingredients to Avoid During Pregnancy


We always count on home ingredients when it comes to a quick health fix or diet planning. During pregnancy things change and not all home ingredients can be trusted. You body changes and reacts to things it loved before. The reactions can impact your baby as well. It is important to be aware of the home ingredients that can affect your pregnancy adversely. Here’s a list of the 11 home ingredients that you should avoid during pregnancy.

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Home Ingredients That You Should Avoid During Pregnancy

1. Papaya

Unripe papaya is not safe for consumption during pregnancy. The unripe papaya latex acts as oxytocin and prostaglandin which triggers labour contraction. You don’t want to increase risks of premature baby by consuming unripe raw papaya. Ripe papaya is however safe for consumption but in small amounts. The papain enzyme helps with the indigestion experienced during pregnancy.

2. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are heat generating food. Heat generating food should be ideally avoided as they cause miscarriage. Small amounts of sesame seeds can be consumed but large amounts can trigger premature labour as well. Same applies for any sesame product like sesame oil or tahini.

3. Clove oil

Clove oil is usually considered safe for use during pregnancy but studies have proved that it can trigger contractions or premature labour. It is also known to slow down the clotting process which indicates heavy bleeding during delivery or longer healing time post delivery.

4. Bitter almond essential oil

Bitter almond essential oil may have a million benefits including antibacterial and antifungal properties but you have to avoid it while you’re pregnant. It increases the risk of birth defect in babies. Avoid it in any form during your pregnancy.


Ingredients avoid while pregnant

5. Wintergreen essential oil

You may be tempted to fix your hormonal breakout with some wintergreen essential oil but it is a bad idea to use it while you’re pregnant. It contains an extremely toxic substance called methyl silicate. It can cause deformities in the foetus and restrict its normal growth.

6. Raw eggs

Raw eggs contain salmonella which can cause nausea, stomach infection and vomiting which will be experienced by the expectant mother. Cooked whole eggs are the safest option for mothers. Poached eggs, lightly scrambled eggs, homemade ice cream and mayonnaise should be strictly avoided.

7. Caffeine

Caffeine is one ingredient that is available in abundance in our daily coffee or cocoa. It should be limited to only 200 mg per day. It gets absorbed easily by the placenta and reaches the foetus. The placenta and foetus do not produce the enzyme that is required for the metabolism of caffeine. High levels of caffeine restricts the growth of the foetus and increases the low birth weight risk.

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8. Raw milk

Raw milk contains bacteria that could be naturally occurring or due to any kind of contamination. Milk and cheese can contain salmonella, E coli or even Listeria. Pasteurisation is an effective way to eradicate these bacteria from milk making it safe for consumption for expectant mothers.


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9. Basil essential oil

Basil is an extremely useful herb. It adds flavour and promotes overall wellbeing as well when added to food. But basil essential oil is unsafe for pregnant women. It contains a compound called estragole which initiates uterine contractions. This can lead to premature labour. However, consumption of basil leaves in food can be continued.

10. Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile essential oil is usually used to initiate menstruation. Use of this essential oil during pregnancy should be avoided as it may cause miscarriage. You will feel like reaching out to your bottle of chamomile essential oil for treating your acne, rashes or just to de-stress but do not use it without consulting your doctor.

11. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is a very soothing essential oil and helps with stress management and also skin care. It is one of the mildest oils but should be avoided during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. It induces menstruation and can trigger miscarriage.

Eating healthy is the key to a healthy pregnancy. But make sure you know if the usual healthy food you’re planning to gorge on is healthy for your pregnancy. Visit a dietician to make a list of home ingredients that you should avoid during pregnancy. If you want to use essential oils then use a diffuser. Use them in moderation though. Buy bottled milk and eat well-cooked eggs. Also avoid unwashed vegetables and fruits. It is healthy to have processed fruit juice also as it reduces the chances of bacterial infection. Drink loads of water to keep yourself hydrated along with the right food to have a happy pregnancy.

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