Health Benefits of Eggs for Kids


Some of the health benefits of eggs for kids include well developed immune system, it is good for eyesight, it is a good source of protein, it is high in iron, it is high in good cholesterol, etc.

So, what came first, is it the chicken or the egg? Well, this question might still be unsolved for some thousands of years, let us move on to the health benefits of egg. Egg has been consumed for many millennia by people all over the world. While today, most people eat chicken eggs, ancient and middle ages people ate eggs of various birds including ducks, quail, roe and caviar. Today, egg is associated more with chicken than any other bird.

Chickens are thought to have been raised in South East Asia and India during 7500 BCE and were brought to Egypt in 1500 BCE. From there it reached Greece in 800 BCE and to the rest of Europe in the decades to come.

benefits of eggs for children

Source: Mixed Greens Blog

Nutrition found in egg


According to the National Nutrient Database from the US Department of Agriculture, the nutrition found in an uncooked whole egg include

Nutrition Component Value per 100 g Nutrition Component Value per 100 g
Water 76.15 g Energy in Kcal 143
Protein 12.56 g Total Lipid (fat) 9.51 g
Carbohydrate 0.72 g Fiber 0.0
Sugars 0.37 g Calcium 56 mg
Iron 1.75 mg Magnesium 12 mg
Phosphorous 198 mg Sodium 142 mg
Zinc 1.29 mg Vitamin C 0.0
Thiamin 0.40 mg Riboflavin 0.457 mg
Niacin 0.075 mg Vitamin B-6 0.170 mg
Folate 47 ug Vitamin B-12 0.89 ug
Vitamin A 540 IU Vitamin E 1.05 mg
Vitamin D 82 IU Vitamin K 0.3 ug
Cholesterol 372 mg


Health benefits of Eggs for your kids

Here are some of the health benefits of eggs for your kids.

Good amount of protein: Eggs have a high amount of protein, of about 12 g of protein per 100g. This amount is not very high when compared to other foods, but is considered to be high because, the protein found in egg is more or less complete in terms of all the essential amino acids.

Good source of iron: Eggs are also high in iron. Iron is an important nutrient in food which when not taken adequately can lead to anemia or less blood. Good iron content prevents anemia in children.

High in cholesterol: Though many people say that eggs are high in cholesterol and their consumption should be limited, this is in view of adults, but toddlers and kids need foods which are rich in fat and cholesterol. The fat and cholesterol help in optimum brain development of a toddler. Apart from the fat and cholesterol, eggs are also high in choline, which is also good for brain development.


Good source of vitamins: Eggs are also a good source of vitamins such as Vitamin A, B-6, B-12, K, E, folate, riboflavin, thiamin, niacin and also in vitamin D. Most vegetables or fruits are deficient in vitamin D, but eggs also contain vitamin D which is good for bones. As we know vitamin A is good for eyesight, vitamin B-6 is good for brain development, vitamin B-12 is good for reducing anemia, etc.

Better immune system: Apart from these benefits, eggs contain selenium, an element which is known to boost the immune system. The way selenium acts in the immune system is still not understood very well, but according to some scientists, the selenium helps in producing free radicals in and around invading microorganisms which kill them. Eggs also contain zinc and it is useful in controlling the immune system cells that fight off invading microorganisms.

Measures to be taken while giving eggs to your baby

  • Some experts advise that you can introduce egg yolk and avoid egg whites as egg whites are believed to be causing more allergies than egg yolk.
  • Eggs are considered to be one of the very high allergy causing foods and hence a word of caution is advised to parents giving eggs to your babies. It is better to speak with your pediatrician before adding eggs to your baby’s diet. As such you might have to wait for at least 1 or 1½ years to introduce egg because of the high incidence of allergies.
  • Babies from families with known history of allergies should be extra careful while introducing allergic foods because allergies can pass down from parents and if both parents are allergic to one or the other foods, then there is high risk of the baby might also be allergic to certain foods. So, talk to your pediatrician about such allergy causing foods and be cautious.

