Breastfeeding while Pregnant: Is it Safe?


There are a number of questions that may rush to your mind when you find out that you are pregnant, Again! Now, these questions can be related to the safety of you and your child, the risks associated with it and everything else you have been wanted to know. One of the most asked question is regarding breastfeeding while pregnant. We will look at all these factors in this article below:

A Guide for Breastfeeding while Pregnant

breastfeeding while pregnant

Is it safe to breastfeed during pregnancy?

It is pretty common among women to make a decision whether to breastfeed while pregnant or not. This is because of the mild contractions that are caused due to breastfeeding.  But as far as we talk about a healthy pregnancy, these mild contractions are not really a concern because this does not lead to preterm labor. This is mainly because of the small amount of oxytocin released during breastfeeding that is responsible to stimulate contractions. The amount of these hormones released while breastfeeding is not enough to cause a preterm labor. Moreover, there are very rare chances of having a miscarriage because such contractions are not harmful to the fetus.

Read More: Can I Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?

Is weaning an advisable option for you?

Although it is generally considered safe to breastfeed while pregnant, in case you experience any of the symptoms listed below, you must consult your doctor:

  • If you are a mom-to-be of twins.
  • If you notice uterine pain or bleeding.
  • You have been advised by your doctor to avoid sexual intercourse during pregnancy.
  • If you are at a higher risk of preterm labor.

Is your child ready?

Are you sure that your older child is ready to wean? Well, this largely depends on your child’s age, nursing patterns, personality and his/her response to your pregnancy, both physically and psychologically. As we all know that the supply of a mother’s milk is likely to get lessened during the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy, thus this can have an effect on your milk, making it distasteful to your child. Thereby, there can be two cases, either your child will be ready to wean even earlier than you thought or he/she may not be ready to wean because he/she is attached to breastfeeding.


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Are you ready?

After your child, this is another important aspect to consider which means if you are ready for your child to wean and is your child breastfeeding for nutrition or for comfort. If your little one is less than six months old and is exclusively dependent on breast milk, it is essential for you to consider the healthy growth and development of him/her. You may have to rely on additional feedings to ensure that your infant is properly nourished. Whereas, other infants who have already started to eat other foods may prefer them over the breast milk later when the supply of your breast milk will decrease.

What are the challenges?

Apart from the benefits that breastfeeding during pregnancy consists; we will talk about some of its potential challenges. Some of these potential challenges may include nausea, sore nipples or even fatigue.

The let-down of the milk may possess some physical challenges like nausea and sore nipples. About 75% of moms-to-be experience sore nipples. Apart from this, fatigue is something that is pretty normal in all pregnancies. Therefore, some women may also hesitate to breastfeed thinking that this also may require a lot of energy. But, in any case, breastfeeding is not a tiring job. You may breastfeed while lying down, thus adding to your extra hours of rest.

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Staying healthy

In order to take good care of yourself, your infant and your growing baby, you need to have good food which means eating healthy. You have to intake a variety of healthy foods on a regular basis consisting of fruits, vegetables, fats and proteins. In addition to this, it is also important for you to drink enough liquid and stay hydrated.


Now one may wonder about the quantity of food they should be eating on a daily basis. Well, that depends on the age of your infant and your body weight. In case your child is having other foods as well, then you will require 500 supplemental calories per day. In case, he/she is less than six months old, then you will need 650 more calories. Keep in mind, that all of this is in addition to the required calorie intake in the second and third trimester, i.e. 350 calories and 450 calories respectively.


You will have to take your infant and your unborn child into consideration, in case you face a situation of breastfeeding and pregnancy at the same time. Apart from that, you also have to consider the needs of yourself and especially your body.

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