Pre-Pregnancy BMI: Does it Impact My Fertility and Baby’s Health?


Your body mass index definitely plays an important role in deciding your course of pregnancy and the characteristics of the foetus. Being overweight, as said by all gynaecologists can greatly affect your chances of getting pregnant. It means that BMI is a decisive factor in determining your fertility. A BMI calculator for women can help you understand the condition of your body and work on your weight accordingly. Doctors always advise their patients who cross the upper limit of female BMI to get a BMI calculator so that they can monitor their progress during the preparation for toning the body to increase chances of pregnancy.

While most people keep thinking that fertility is affected only when they are obese and cross the upper limit of the recommended BMI, it is vital to understand that it is equally effective both ways. Even if you are underweight, as per the average BMI regulations your chances of getting pregnant can be affected, and the foetus might face some growth deficiency.

Hence, after getting yourself tested by a BMI calculator for women, you might have to work on your weight either way to avoid pregnancy complications and an unwell baby. According to doctors in the American research centres, a healthy and ideal BMI should range from 19 to 24 in order to conceive smoothly and face minimal issues during the journey of pregnancy. The BMI calculator for women says that from 25 to 29 is what can be termed as being ‘overweight’ and any number above 30 is supposed to fall under being ‘obese’.

A Guide for Pre-Pregnancy BMI

A Guide for Pre-Pregnancy BMI

The ways in which your body and the health of the baby can be affected due to a higher level of BMI, are:

  • You might contract gestational diabetes which might increase your blood sugar levels in the long-term.
  • You will be more inclined towards developing heart problems.
  • The developing foetus will be very likely to contract diabetes from you inside the womb and might be born as a diabetic child.
  • The foetus might develop hypertension and thereby contract cardiac issues
  • You might face an early or even a mid-term miscarriage due to the fat cells inside your womb distorting the growth rate of the foetus.

The ways in which being underweight can adversely affect your pregnancy and the foetus are:

  • You will be at a heightened risk of miscarriage because the foetus might not be developing properly and might fall out of the womb before time.
  • The baby, when born might have a lower level of immunity and can hence contract common cold and other viral or bacterial infections too often.
  • The child might be malnourished and underweight after birth due to lack of proper nutrition inside the womb.

Keeping these risk factors in mind your doctor will firstly get you tested through a BMI calculator for pregnancy to make the required next steps known to you. If you are underweight, overweight, or; most importantly; obese, make sure that you visit a credible gynaecologist before planning conception. In fact, even if you feel like you have the ideal BMI, get yourself tested at the clinic just to be sure that your health and the foetus will not be in danger.

However, even before you start planning on expanding your family, you must make sure that you achieve the ‘ideal’ BMI level to increase your fertility. Numerous women all over the world complain about not being able to conceive. One of the central reasons surrounding this is being overweight or obese, even though being underweight has its own perils.

Women tested as being more heavy as per the regulations of the BMI calculator for pregnancy tend to be more infertile due to issues surrounding the irregularity of their menstrual cycle and the functioning of their reproductive system. The pregnancy hormone called oestrogen is produced by the ovaries. But when you are overweight, about 30% of this hormone is produced by the fat cells present in your reproductive system. As doctors would say, this is definitely not a healthy form of oestrogen that you are producing.

The additional fat cells actually start producing more oestrogen than what is required by your body. A very high level of oestrogen in your body can actually prevent you from ovulating on a regular basis and at times it might even stop the cycle of ovulation itself. This decreases your chance of getting pregnant by the natural cycle of menstruation and conception. You can however, get pregnant by artificial means but these will not reduce the risks that your body carries and the potential threats to the foetus in the long run.

Pregnancy is one of the best yet most fatal moments in your life, if you are inclined towards having a family of your own. Hence, it is vital to take into account all the pros and cons that might affect your pregnancy and the child. To maintain good health of both the mother and the foetus, you must plan accordingly and work hard to make sure that the BMI calculator for women counts your weight as an ideal one for moving ahead with the idea of conception. Nothing is impossible, as long as you try! You can definitely achieve your motherhood goals too!

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