11 Signs of Implantation Cramping


For a girl, cramping is one of the most common occurrences and at times becomes a part of her life be it implantation cramping or period cramping. Many of us are not aware of the phenomenon of implantation cramping and may confuse it with period cramps. It is essential to note that implantation cramping can be amongst the first few signs that confirm your pregnancy.

What are implantation cramps?

In this ,the fertilized egg tries to burrow and attach itself to the wall of the uterus and may often lead to slight spotting known as implantation bleeding. What many of us don’t know and is also a frequently asked question is in regards to the duration of implanting cramps as they tend to cause discomfort and lethargy in the patient. Implantation cramps unlike period cramps last for about a day or two and are constant in nature. They do not keep on reoccurring throughout the day.

Unlike period cramps that occur after the 28th day of ovulation, implantation cramps start from the sixth to the twelfth day of ovulation in women. Majorly to distinguish an implantation cramp from a period cramp the doctors study the nature and pattern of the pain. To differentiate between a regular period and implantation, the best way is to study the colour of the implantation bleeding discharge. If it is vibrant red then it is just a visit from Aunt Flo but a pink or brown discharge can be signs of good news. The severity of the cramps in both the cases also helps in distinguishing the nature of the cramping.

implantation cramping

If you feel that there is an intense and sharp pain in the lower abdomen then it is more likely to be a period cramp while an implantation cramp is generally faint and light not as problematic as a period cramp. You may feel a pulling and pricking sensation in the lower abdomen a week before your expected period dates. It is always advisable to the expectant mothers to stay hydrated during this period of time and start avoiding coffee as their morning beverage. Many mothers try and search cures for dealing with these implantation cramps but it is essential to note that one must not take any form of painkiller instead they should try and lift their legs bringing them near the stomach and allow the pain to pass naturally.

Read More: 11 Natural Remedies to Relieve Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy


What does 5 weeks pregnancy cramping indicate?

A five week pregnant mother has just entered the club of expecting mother and has many questions in mind that she seeks the answers to. At times a few weeks pregnant mother may also feel some cramps and discomfort in the lower abdomen but one can always take a breath of relief since such cramps are an indication to a successfully developing embryo. In general 5 week cramps are an indication that the embryo has attached to the uterus and the heavy feeling in the body is an indication of its growth. These cramps also indicate that the uterus wall, tissues and ligaments are now expanding and growing to accommodate the growth of the foetus in the future also. Though if you feel that the pains are too severe and are becoming hard to bear a visit to the doctor is always suggested for the safety of both, the mother and the baby.

What are the signs of implantation cramps?

Certain symptoms and changes in the body tend to give away the news of an expected pregnancy that can be validated by the doctors and medical tests in a week or two also. Some of the major signs that go hand in hand with these implantation cramps are;

Severity: The severity of the cramp is a major indicator of implantation. If the cramping is extremely light and faint then the cramps may be the forbearer of good news.

Discharge: The discharge during implantation cramping is either light pink or brown in colour. This makes it easily distinguishable from the period cramp that is vibrant red. The examination of the same at come can also be a sign of the implantation process.

Frequency: The regularity with which the cramps are occurring can also tell the nature of the cramp. It is an on and off mild spotting that may reoccur at times during the early stages of pregnancy.

Bleeding: If the bleeding has great quantity of blood in it then it is generally a period cramp but if you experience light to no bleeding but faint cramping then it is an indication to implantation in the body.


Temperature: A mother whose body is experiencing fertilization, the mother may have slight fever that lasts for a day or two.

Fatigue: The mother may feel tired and restless during this process and also during the implantation of the egg and therefore lethargy and irritation is always a part of the pregnancy journey.

Breast Changes: The breast of the mother are bound to enlarge as a result of the activation of the milk ducts that react to the increased oestrogen level in the body.

Mood swings: A pregnant mother has multiple mood swings and may also feel cravings for certain food during her pregnancy. She may feel happy one moment and a small incident can leave her in tears but this is a part of the pregnancy journey and the family must look after the needs of the mother.

Heart Rate: During implantation the heart rate of the mother is generally on the higher side and this also increases the blood pressure of the patient. Therefore proper care and rest during the first trimester is extremely important.

Weight gain: The body of the mother after the process of implantation starts storing food and nutrients to accommodate the growing embryo and the weight of the baby also causes an impact on the weight of the mother.


Nausea: The most common indicator of a women being pregnant is her morning sickness and nauseas which she experiences with the onset of her pregnancy. Her intolerance to certain food products and cravings for the other is a major indicator to implantation in the body.

Thus here was a list of some of the most common and helpful ways in which one can detect the possibility of being pregnant at home but it is to be kept in mind that implantation cramps are never the most accurate tell-tale signs of pregnancy and visiting a doctor for a medical check is still a must.
