7 Surprising Benefits of Ginkgo Berry in your Diet


Gingko (also known as maidenhair tree) is a deciduous tree having unique fan shaped leaves, considered to be the world’s oldest living species of tree, it’s by products (leaves, fruits) are used for medicinal purposes. The species originated in china.

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What are ginkgo nuts?

Ginkgo berries are grown from the ginkgo biloba tree, which is a native Chinese plant. Both the leaves and the fruits of ginkgo biloba have been used as medicine for various health complications. Much of the current research focuses on the extract of ginkgo leaves but eating ginkgo nuts also offers a number of valuable health benefits.

Ginkgo nuts are rich in proteins and healthy fats, which boosts energy levels. Once the fruit pulp is removed, the inside may look like a pistachio or a chestnut which is called the ginkgo nut.

Ginkgo nuts are oval and have a smooth outer shell. The shells are light yellow/beige in colour when they ripe. Ginkgo nuts have a texture that is soft and chewy like a roasted chestnut.

Sold in Asian markets, ginkgo nuts should be kept refrigerated. They can be stored for a week or so; the time when they start to smell unpleasant, you should toss them and to do so, Take a frying pan, add a tablespoon of oil in it, and then add the nuts and half a teaspoon of salt. Cook over medium-high flame until the shells starts to split. Remove from heat and let them cool enough to handle. Remove the shells and the paper-like outer skin.


100 g of fresh, raw ginkgo kernels contains 182 calories. The Chinese used to consume ginkgo seeds to get relief from breathing problems.

Read More: Is Ginkgo Biloba Unsafe During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding?

7  Amazing Benefits of Ginkgo Berry in Your Diet

ginkgo berry

Reduces Tinnitus (ringing sound)

Ginkgo nuts when taken appropriate dosages can be effective in reducing tinnitus. Ringing in the ears can be a onset of many underlying issues, including circulatory disorders in the body. Ginkgo leaf contains antioxidants and promotes circulation e body. Flavonoids and Terpenoids found in it can protect the nerves, heart muscles, and blood vessels from free radicals which can reduce the ringing noises in the ear.

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Lower Cholesterol in blood

Consumption of ginkgo nuts lowers cholesterol levels in your body, according to a study by “Food Research International.” ginkgo nuts were fed in four different forms to mice, including whole nuts. Mice that took fat-soluble portions of ginkgo nuts were found to have lower cholesterol levels in the liver, whereas those mice who consumed water-soluble portions of ginkgo nuts demonstrated to have a increased serum cholesterol levels in their bodies. This study shows that the fat-soluble portions of ginkgo nuts can be useful in preventing heart disease.


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Helps in brain development

Ginkgo extracts fights against Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, and other brain related problems. Thus it can be taken by children, adults and elderly for an improved cognitive performance. It is especially beneficial to handle age-related brain problems.

Ginkgo nuts when taken along with antipsychotic drugs can help in treatment of schizophrenia and other mental disorders. It can improve the cognitive function in people who have multiple sclerosis. It also sharpens memory, builds concentration and retention ability of children.

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Improves Blood Circulation

Ginkgo helps in more absorption of oxygen and cleanses the blood. It also prevents blood from becoming thick. Being super helpful in the purification of blood, it can also regulate the flow of blood to the body organs. It also prevents the risks of clot formation inside vessels.

Reduces symptoms of PMS

Some researchers have found that taking ginkgo nuts can effectively fight pre menstrual syndrome symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, and fatigue, food cravings and cramps.


Protects Against Cancer

Ginkgo nuts can be beneficial in preventing cancer. This is because it contains antioxidant. Those antioxidants can protect the body against oxidant compounds that may cause damage to body cells and promotes cancer. The antioxidants also provide anti-carcinogenic benefits by altering gene expression. Ginkgo nuts have been known to retain approximately 60 percent of their antioxidant content even after being cooked.

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Protects eyes

Ginkgo nuts are an effective tonic for people with poor eyesight. It is known to improve the blood flow to your eyes and protects the eyes from pollutants.

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginkgo help to lower the chances of free radical damage in the cornea, retina and macula. And eventually helps in lowering the oxidative stress in the eyes.

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Possible side effects of ginkgo berries

There are certain possible side effects of taking ginkgo nuts, and yes it is not suitable for all, there are few conditions in which you should avoid taking ginkgo nuts. First let’s see its side effects.


Ginkgo contains ginkgolic acids which can result in allergies in some people.

You should avoid taking ginkgo in following conditions:

  • Pregnancy and menstruation since ginkgo is anticoagulant in nature.
  • People who have sensitive skin should consult your doctors first before taking any form of ginkgo.
  • People who are under antidepressant medications should not consume ginkgo, and also people who have undergone surgery should avoid ginkgo.

Nutritional facts of ginkgo nuts

Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 182 Kcal 9%
Carbohydrates 37.6 g 29%
Protein 4.32 g 8%
Total Fat 1.68 g 7%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Folates 54 µg 13%
Niacin 6 mg 37.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.160 mg 3%
Pyridoxine 0.328 mg 25%
Riboflavin 0.160 mg 12%
Thiamin 0.220 mg 18%
Vitamin A 558 IU 18%
Vitamin C 15 mg 25%
Sodium 7 mg 0.5%
Potassium 510 mg 11%
Calcium 2 mg 0.2%
Copper 0.274 mg 30%
Iron 1.00 mg 12.5%
Magnesium 27 mg 7%
Manganese 0.113 mg 5%
Phosphorus 124 mg 18%
Zinc 0.34 mg 3%


Eating ginkgo berries or nuts over a limit can be poisonous. The pulp of the fruit and juice can irritate the skin and mucous membrane in some people. Children must not eat more than five ginkgo nuts per day, and adults should not eat more than eight per day. Also people allergic to mangoes and cashews should avoid eating ginkgo.

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