21 Effective Home Remedies for Constipation


Constipation is an ever-growing problem in men and women all across the globe. There are innumerable causes and factors, which contribute to the onset of constipation. An extremely common disorder, constipation can lead to various other health disorders in individuals. There are medications, which help in relieving the signs and symptoms of constipation, but these might come with side effects.

Read on to know about 21 highly effective home remedies for dealing with the problem of constipation:

21 Effective Home Remedies For Constipation

1. Soaked raisins

Raisins are fiber rich. Soak raisins overnight and eat them in the morning. Also drink the water in which the raisins were soaked. This should be done daily to get best results.

2. Lemon juice and olive oil

Olive oil works on the digestive system and lets the waste products pass out of colon easily. You can either take 1tbsp of olive oil in empty stomach every morning or you can add 1tsp lemon juice to it.


3. Lemon

Lemon juice is excellent in treating constipation. Extract juice from half a lemon and add the same in a glass of warm water. Little rock salt and honey can also be added to the water. Drink on an empty stomach and at evening.


4. Honey

Honey acts as a mild laxative and hence it can treat constipation. Take 2tsp of honey thrice a day or add 1tbsp of honey and 1tbsp of lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drink it every morning in empty stomach.

5. Fennel seeds

Various digestive issues including constipation can be addressed with fennel seeds. Dry roast fennel seeds and then grind and sieve the mixture. Store it in a jar. Take 1/2tsp of this powder with warm water daily.

Read More: Health Benefits of Fennel for Babies

6. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids and have laxative property at the same time. Soak 1tbsp of flaxseeds in a glass of water and let it be there for 2-3 hours, drink the water before going to bed. Ground flaxseeds can also be eaten with a glass of water.

7. Castor oil

It is a stimulant laxative and can relieve constipation. 1-2tsp of castor oil can be taken or it can be mixed with some kind of fruit juice also. This oil should not be used frequently as it might cause serious side effects.

8. Abundant fluids

Drinking abundant fluids is one of the safest and easiest ways of dealing with constipation. Refrain from caffeine or alcoholic beverages. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water is recommended to relieve constipation and keep the system hydrated.


9. Aloe Vera gel or juice

Aloe Vera has many medicinal benefits and treating constipation is one of them. Take 2tbsp of pure aloe gel or 1 cup of Aloe Vera juice. The juice can be drunk directly. For the gel, you have to mix with fruit juice and drink.

Read More: Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Women and Kids

10. Epsom salt

Epsom salt softens stool for easy passing. Take 2tsp of Epsom salt and add in 1 cup of water or fruit juice. Drink the same for best results.

11. Plain yogurt

Plain yogurt is filled with healthy probiotics and ensures good digestive system and combats constipation. Try eating a cup of plain yogurt with breakfast. You can also eat the same during snacks time.

12 .Spinach

Spinach works excellently for constipation. It can be taken in raw form as well as in cooked form. The whole intestinal tract can be rejuvenated with spinach. Raw spinach juice is also highly effective for constipation.

13. Sesame seeds

Bulk and roughage can be provided by sesame seeds; hence it can help in passing bowels thus relieving constipation. Sprinkle these seeds on salads and other foods for crunch and crispiness.


Read More: Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Kids

14. Oranges

Orange is not only high in vitamin C content, but loaded with fiber as well. Eating 2 oranges in a day is recommended to combat constipation successfully.

15. Vegetable oils

One of the best ways of dealing with constipation is using various kinds of vegetable oils including soybean, safflower etc. Vegetable oils offer lubrication inside the intestine and help in easy bowel movement.

Read More: 7 Substitutes for Vegetable Oil

16. Fruits and vegetables

Consuming fruits and vegetables is a great way of fighting constipation. Fruits and vegetables are not only rich sources of nutrients, but also add to the fiber content, which helps in easy and smooth bowel movement.

17. Dandelion leaves

Among various natural remedies used for curing constipation, dandelion leaves play an important part. The leaves are not only an effective detoxifier but also act as gentle laxative.


18. Prune juice

Prune juice has sorbitol and high fiber content. It also acts as natural laxative for smooth bowel movement. Drink one glass of prune juice at night and one glass in the morning after getting up to get relief from constipation.

19. Baking soda

Baking soda helps in re-alkalizing the stomach and neutralizes the acid content. It also gives relief from constipation. Take 1tsp of baking soda and add it to ¼ cup warm water. Mix well and drink immediately.

20. Ginger

This root is used for digestive and carminative action. It helps in easing the problem of constipation to a great extent.

21. Molasses

Molasses play an active role in relieving constipation effectively. Consume 1tbsp of molasses before sleeping at night. You will experience smooth bowel movement the next day morning. The ingredient is rich in vitamins and minerals.
