31 Foods that Help Improve Fertility in Women


If you are trying for a baby, before going to the doctors, you should try these foods at home in order to improve your fertility. Starting from dry fruits like almonds, raisins, dry dates, Indian gooseberry, and nutmegs, to savory fruits like mangoes, jambul fruit, and muskmelon, many natural food items actually help in the growth of fertility amongst women. (Bakhru, 2000).

A wide array of seeds including pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, fenugreek seeds, and sesame seeds are also helpful for improving the overall fertility of a woman. Spices like asafetida, cardamom, and black pepper are also known to have the positive effect on the process of triggering more fertility. The list obviously includes the foods like ginger, garlic, onion, and honey, in a limited amount. Vegetables like carrots and lady’s fingers are always good for fertility. Drumstick flowers and ginsengs have also proved their worth in boosting up chances to get pregnant.

31 Fertility-Boosting Foods for Women

 fertility foods for women


If your fertility problem is related to the weakness of your nerve tissues and brain muscles then the consumption of almond is really helpful. It nourishes the brain and the nervous system and boosts you with the ability to conceive.

It should be noted that the nut has the tremendous impact on the overall nervous system and hence the consumption should be in regulated amount only. 6 to 7 almonds per day is a good start. You can also have almond milk to be on the safer side.


This powerful herb, turned into spice, impacts the nervous system by a great deal. It is rich in nutrients and iron. So, it has the potential to boost the quality of your eggs. The astringent quality of this herb will help you to make your uterus stronger and will prevent excessive bleeding during your periods.

This herb has the special power to protect the uterus and all the surrounding muscles of the pelvic region. This ensures that the chances of a miscarriage are less. Also, this herb is safe to be consumed during your pregnancy. There are several brands selling this spice.



This highly alkaline vegetable is filled with good nutrients and vitamins. Also at the vegetable is very rich iodine. Your iodine balance is very critical especially when you are trying to conceive. Women who are low in iodine will fail to develop quality eggs in their womb. (Van Duyn, 2000)

Asparagus also has other therapeutic properties. It boosts the metabolism and helps you to maintain proper blood circulation. Proper blood circulation is necessary for enabling the blood to reach the uterus.


A well known Indian fruit is known for its medicinal values. It has a great impact on the overall production of blood. The fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals. It purifies your blood and helps you to nourish your eggs. (Bakhru, 2000).

Indian banyan is also a fantastic detoxifier and it cleanses the body from any kind of toxins thereby aiding conception and pregnancy. It also helps you to maintain a healthy liver and a proper blood hormonal balance. This herb is known to cure multiple infertility related issues like a blocked fallopian tube and irregular menses.

Bengal Gram

Looking like chick peas, this is very well known Indian pulse. It has many medicinal properties including the improvement of fertility. You can very well soak the pulses in water, overnight and then chew with them honey in the morning. (Bakhru, 2000).

It has great impact on the overall level of hormones which induces fertility in a woman. The pulse also maintains and regulates an ideal blood pressure which triggers the possibility of getting pregnant.


Betel Morsel

This nut is known for its ability to bring endocrine and hormonal balance. The nut is known to regulate thyroid along with adrenal gland functions. It also has a soothing effect on the nervous system which makes you sleep properly. Along with women, this classic herb is also known to improve the fertility of men. It increases libido along with sperm count in men.

Bishop’s Weed:

The herb has been used by midwives to improve female health, for ages. It aids in the cure of painful menstrual cycle along with PMS and uterine fibroids. This herb can also help you get rid of ovarian cysts. Along with the fertility boosts, the herb also ensures that you have a healthy heat, a very critical factor for a soon to be a mother.

Having this weed will make you feel relaxed and help you find a cure to your depressions and anxieties before getting pregnant. However, it is advisable that you stop the intake of the herb once you get pregnant. This herb is ideal to have before conceiving a child.

Black Gram

Black gram is well known for its aphrodisiac properties. It is also good for boosting overall fertility in women. It purifies your blood and helps you to nourish your eggs. Black gram is also a fantastic detoxifier and it cleanses the body from any kind of toxins thereby aiding conception and pregnancy. It also helps you to maintain a healthy liver and a proper blood hormonal balance. This herb is known to cure multiple infertility related issues like a blocked fallopian tube and irregular menses. (Bakhru, 2000).


Cardamoms are rich in vitamins like A and C. These vitamins can help you to develop the adequate amount of red blood cells. They are also very good for your gums and teeth. Cardamom also contains Vitamin B12 and B6. Whilst the former is good for the overall brain development, the latter will induce a natural sleep cycle in you.

Both the things are important for your overall fertility and the sexual health. It is important to have a proper flow of blood and you must also have proper sleep if you are trying to conceive.



This particular vegetable has tremendous health benefits for people trying to conceive. High in nutrition, carrots also contain the all-important enzyme called carotene. Besides boosting your immunity and inducing proper blood circulation, carotene is also likely to boost your fertility. (da Silva Dias, 2014)

It will make sure that your uterus is well flushed with good blood and the eggs are ripe enough to conceive.


Cowhage is a very famous creeper plant with seeds looking like kidney beans. However, it is the roots which are more beneficial. Powdered roots of cowhage are likely to boost metabolism and increase blood pressure.

The increase in blood pressure is good for your uterus and womb as they need to be ready if you are actively trying to become a mother.

Dry Dates

Dry dates are also good for your fertility. It nourishes the blood which is good for the fetus, in the future. It induces sweat and makes sure that the blood reaches every corner of the body.

Dry dates are good to have if you are trying to get pregnant, as it will purify it and will enhance its flow. (Bakhru, 2000).


Drumstick Flowers

Drumstick flowers have very strong antibacterial properties. It fights off infections and restores proper metabolism. It also protects you from the seasonal diseases.

Over and above, these flowers (which are only available for a limited number of days in the year) are very good for the overall quality of your blood. It energizes the reproductive hormones and helps your body to prepare for the pregnancy.

Fenugreek Seeds

Unknown to many people, fenugreek seeds are very good vegetable protein sources. It boosts your entire body and helps you develop strong organs. Moreover, these seeds also contain certain forms of hormones which induce fertility amongst women.

The seeds are good source of vitamin A. A deficiency of this vitamin can reduce your fertility. That is why herbs and seeds which are rich in similar vitamins should be had during the period of conceiving.


Though often regarded as taste enhancer, garlic has tremendous impact on overall blood pressure. During pregnancy you can often experience spasms and seizures of arteries. This happens due to the alteration of the level of hormones.

Consumption of garlic will make sure that the arteries do not experience any sort of spasm and the blood is flushed regularly into the placenta. Garlic normally ensures a very healthy body enabling you to get pregnant.



Ginger juice induces proper functioning of the blood vessels. It has a positive effect on the veins and the arteries. Ginger or ginger juice mixed with honey will certainly help you create a favorable condition inside your uterus, in order to pregnant.

Having some amount of ginger, added with lemon and honey, is good for your overall fertility.

Ginseng Roots:

Ginseng roots are very popular in oriental dishes. The roots are rich in nutrients and iron. So, it has the potential to boost the quality of your eggs. The astringent quality of this herb will help you to make your uterus stronger and will prevent excessive bleeding during your periods.

This herb has the special power to protect the uterus and all the surrounding muscles of the pelvic region. This ensures that the chances of a miscarriage are less. Also this herb is safe to be consumed during your pregnancy.


Honey has great fertility development power. Some research suggests that honey has the potential to rejuvenate your reproductive system thereby enabling you to getting pregnant. Adding honey to your milk and tea can actually soothe your nerves before pregnancy.

However, consuming too much honey is not a good choice. It might upset your tummy. You can have a bit of it before going to sleep.


Indian Gooseberry

Like all fruits rich in vitamin C, Indian gooseberry also has tremendous potential to bring down the blood pressure. You can mix gooseberry juice with honey and have it every morning.

The mixture has a very calming effect on your blood vessels and helps your blood pressure to stay at the desired level as you are trying to conceive. (Bakhru, 2000).

Jambul Fruit

Jambul or Indian blackberry seed has terrific anti-bacterial properties. Like some herbs, mentioned in this list, the seeds of Jambul can actually offer a strong and sound reproductive system . (Bakhru, 2000).

Finely grinded jambul seeds, mixed with hot water needs to be had every 2-3 hours. However, check whether you are allergic to this kind of fruits before you start having them.


Nutmeg is that kind of spice which tends to control the flow of adrenalin in the body. It has a soothing effect on your nervous system. Powdered nutmeg added to a glass of lemon juice can be had during the period when you are trying to conceive.

This is quite beneficial for the women who fail to fall asleep on their own due to tension and anxiety. The calming effect will help the nerves to relax and help you get a peaceful slumber and. This induces proper flow of blood inducing adequate flow of the hormones.


Lady’s Finger:

This popular Indian vegetable has great impact on your metabolism and also your heart functionality. That is the reason why it is important to have this vegetable whilst you are trying to conceive.

Lady’s fingers are supple and easily digestible and perhaps the only food in the list which does not have any adverse impact on your health. However, too much consumption might trigger loose motion.


Mangoes are rich in vitamins and enzymes which are good for your overall reproductive health. For many years, people have relied on fruits like mangoes to improve on their fertility.

The fiber of the fruit is also good for your overall metabolism and that is how you can keep your body energized for a healthy future pregnancy.

Musk Melon

The acidic properties of muskmelon have a great impact on your overall reproductive hormones. Musk melon stimulates the blood flow and ensures proper metabolism.

It makes your body ready for a probable pregnancy. It boosts the metabolism and helps you to maintain proper blood circulation. Proper blood circulation is necessary for enabling the blood to reach the uterus.



Onion is a natural anti-bacterial food which treats many ailments. Moreover, it equips your body with the proper immunity. This potential of this food makes it an ideal choice for improving fertility.

Onion juice, mixed with honey, will offer you the perfect strength to conceive. It will free your body from any sort of infections and allow you to have a healthy pregnancy.

Black Pepper

Black pepper boosts up digestion, helps in the cure of a cough and cold and also treats any kind of infection within your system. Also at the same time black pepper is good for your overall metabolism.

The anti-inflammatory property of black pepper along with the minerals present in it helps in proper digestion Black pepper has the potential to kill any infection-causing bacteria. These are some of the reasons why you should consider having black pepper whilst you are trying to get pregnant.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds have great rejuvenating power. Powdered pumpkin seeds can also be had in the form of tea. . It nourishes the brain and the nervous system and boosts you with the ability to conceive.

It should be noted that the nut has the tremendous impact on the overall nervous system and hence the consumption should be in regulated amount.



Raisins have their fair share of health benefits. They are good for the kidneys and blood circulation. Moreover, raisins can also help you boost your digestive system.

In case of increasing fertility, raisins play a major role in helping you to maintain a clear stomach and proper digestive system. It ensures proper circulation of the blood and the hormones. However, too much consumption of raisins is not that good for you.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are well known for their aphrodisiac properties. It is also good for boosting overall fertility in women. It purifies your blood and helps you to nourish your eggs. Sunflower seeds are also a fantastic detoxifier and it cleanses the body from any kind of toxins thereby aiding conception and pregnancy.

Dry sunflower seed powders mixed with almonds are good food to have before pregnancy. The powerful enzymes stored within the seeds trigger fertility and boosts your sexual health.

Sesame Seeds

 Sesame seeds have the potential to impact your central nervous system and the functioning of some major organs including the heart and the kidneys. These are some of the major factors which induce fertility in a woman.

Sesame seeds can be had with foods or spread in salads. It should be taken in limited quantity to avoid any complication. Too much consumption might lower your blood flow disabling you from getting pregnant.


Wheat Germ Oil

Whilst consumption of regular oil and oily foods is deemed to be harmful and hindering your pregnancy, wheat germ has positive effect on the overall blood pressure level. Rich in vitamin E, this oil induces ovulation and creates a favorable condition for the pregnancy to happen. (Wang, 2001)

So, if you are trying to get pregnant and yet having cravings for fried foods then make sure that they are made from olive oil.


All the foods mentioned above contain strong reactionary enzymes and can disrupt your digestive system. That is why it is important that you have these foods in regulated amount. Some of the dry fruits and spices mentioned in the list are prone to trigger high blood pressure and hence should be had in small quantity. It is best to consult with your nutritionist about the possible inclusion of these foods in your diet chart before you start having them directly.

Hope this article was of help to you! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy, Healthy and Empowered Women!!




