21 Foods with Prebiotics Packed in Them


Prebiotic belongs to the bandwagon of fibers. Plant fibers of unhealthy nature set up base in your intestine. More the consumption of prebiotics, in an efficient manner these bacteria work wonders and your gut will be healthier.

Your diet may already be rich in prebiotics, but you might not be even aware of it. Prebiotics are known to exist in some natural foods that are part of our intake on a daily basis. The foods that are rich in fibers can be automatically classified to be vital sources of prebiotics. When you consume food rich in prebiotics you encourage formation of natural bacteria and contribute to the well-being of your own health.

21 Foods That Are Rich in Prebiotics

21 Foods with Prebiotics

Let us now glance through some of the foods rich in prebiotics.


A delicious and simple side is provided to all types of meals. Loaded with antioxidants it is full of benefits. To a stir fry or an omelette you can add asparagus.


Prebiotic in consortium with fiber content of bananas provides relief from bloating. You can consume it as a snack, blend it with smoothies or use it as an alternate for sugar and fat in baked products. It is considered to be one among the vibrant prebiotics storehouses.



Served in cooked or raw form, they are a vital source of prebiotics. All of us are aware that onions are a versatile product, full of essence. It is a wonderful addition to any dish. Chop them into pieces for your salad, add them to your curry or put them on your sandwich. There are never going to let you down.

Raw garlic

The essence of raw garlic is hard to bear, but from a prebiotic viewpoint it holds lot of value. You would not want to smack it throughout the day, instead you can think of adding raw garlic to your diet in subtle ways. Blessed with disease fighting nutrients it works out to be viable health option as well.


Get ready to start off your day with a prebiotic dosage in the form of oats. It lowers your cholesterol levels and controls blood sugar levels at the same time. If you want to multiply the benefits, then add some bananas to it.

Dandelion greens

For some dandelions are mere weeds, but bright flowers are an important source of prebiotics. In addition they possess a spicy, delicious aroma to them. You can add them to your pasta dish, pesto or mix it with other veggies for a delicious medley.


For a considerable amount of time beans are considered to be a popular protein source. In addition they are tasty and a vital source of prebiotics. Add them to your salads or a veggie dish.


Belong to the family of garlic and onion, no surprises to the fact that they are a powerful source of prebiotics.  Rated to be tasty vegetables a unique aroma and taste is provided to your salads or soups. In addition they break down the fats in your system which is a major benefit.



Incorporating this grain into your diet for healthy benefits and variety would do no harm. Surprisingly this grain is the main ingredient for production of beer, but a rich source of nutrient selenium that improves functioning of thyroid in human beings. It is an alternative for grains like rice and barley could be cooked to your oatmeal or a hot cereal.


Packed with prebiotics, and all the more reasons to smack them. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties as well. To keep away from sweet tooth, apple is a viable option as it can be added to oats. In baked foods they add a delicious taste and to enhance your gut health apples works wonders.


Emerging from a seed, it is a vital source of fiber. The raw version of cacao is rich in magnesium. It is a value addition to your diet for its nutritional content. The best ways to consume Cacao are baked foods, snack mix etc.

Flax seeds

If flax seeds are not added to baked goods or oatmeal then it is high time you start doing so. It is an excellent value addition to your diet chart. It presents itself with a nutty flavour that goes well with baked products.


If you have not ever heard of Jicama, it is a crunchy vegetable white in colour being cut into slices for snacking or dipping. It is empowered with prebiotics. From the health perspective, a rich source of vitamin C it is low on calories.

Jerusalem artichokes

Skinned brownish tubers are loaded with potassium and fructose. Your blood pressure levels are under control. Roasted artichokes could be added to chicken or veggies for a delicious soup.



The prebiotic content of kefir is more than 3 times than that of yoghurt. It is considered to be an excellent source of calcium and protein. You can pour kefir over granola, or cereal and drink it on your own. Blend with a fruit for a nice smoothie. An unflavoured product would be an apt choice to reduce added sugars.

Chicory (raw) root

65 % of its fiber is by weight, it is rated among the top prebiotic food sources. It is found in most pharmacies in the form of supplements or a grounded version. It is similar in taste to coffee, even though there is no caffeine in it.

Wheat bran

A vital source of prebiotics is raw wheat bran. It is similar to onions or raw asparagus and by weight contains 5 % fiber. The benefits of it can be cashed in by adding to your morning cereal, blending it with fruits or incorporating in to your yoghurt.


It is basically a German word that means raw cabbage. Regarded as fermented cabbage it is known to possess choline which is a chemical needed for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.

Acacia gum

To cash in on the benefits of acacia gum, you need to buy a powdered version of it and then mix it with water. A single teaspoon is going to power you with close to 6 grams of prebiotic fiber.


No wonders pregnant women crave a piece of pickle during pregnancy, it is beloved and a natural probiotic. Pickles could also provide you a pathway in introducing other fermented foods.



A lot of yogurt brands have emerged in the market, lately, but you need to be careful of what you are buying. The regular and Greek version of it is loaded with artificial flavours, sweeteners and sugar. Read the labels before you purchase them. If you are sensitive to dairy products, then coconut milk is an excellent option to add prebiotics and enzymes to your diet.

To conclude, it is pretty difficult in configuring on how much prebiotic fiber is lost when foods are cooked. It is fairly safe to assume the less they are heated more chances of retain prebiotics content. Eating them in raw form would be great rather than cooking them. If you are planning to cook them then steam it off mildly as more prebiotic content will be retained rather than go all out and boiling them.

To achieve minimum effects of prebiotics, make it a point of consuming 5 grams of foods rich in the same daily. Though your diet will be loaded with prebiotics food, but there is no guarantee that the foods will be rich in prebiotics.

One of the ways to ensure the correct intake of prebiotics in your diet is by popping in a supplement. Being available in powder form they are easy to consume as well.


Foods Containing Prebiotics


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Google Books: Super fruits
