Can You Get Pregnant Fast with Geritol?


Whenever a couple announces that they are planning to have a baby, the entire world around them becomes an expert and start giving them tips at the rate of hundred per hour. While this might sound funny, it becomes confusing for the expectant couple to decide what is good for them. Not to mention the fact that it is extremely infuriating to have people giving you useless advice. One becomes exhausted in such a scenario.

If you’re one of those couples who are trying to conceive, then you may have read about Geritol. The multivitamin is usually listed on blogs and online pregnancy message boards as to how to boost fertility. Some posts talk about there being “a baby at the end of every bottle.” In this article, we will discuss whether you can indeed get pregnant fats with Geritol, or it is just a rumor.

In this article:

What is Geritol?
Will Geritol Help You Get Pregnant?
What’s the Difference Between Geritol and a Prenatal Vitamin?
How Can You Boost Your Fertility?

Geritol for Pregnancy: Does This Work?

What is Geritol?

Geritol is actually a brand of vitamin and mineral supplements. The manufacturer makes a variety of different formulas. Some formulas are designed to boost energy. Others are designed to supply vitamins and minerals you’ll not be getting from your diet. There are specific Geritol vitamins for various groups, from senior citizens to vegetarians. The formulas come as capsules or in a liquid solution you’re taking orally. They’re available in some pharmacies and online.


geritol and pregnancy

Will Geritol Help You Get Pregnant?

Having the proper amount of vitamins and minerals is a crucial part of getting pregnant because it helps to extend your overall health status. But there isn’t any medical evidence to suggest that Geritol, especially will help you conceive.

In fact, the brand itself says that any claims that Geritol will boost fertility are false. There is, unfortunately, no evidence that specifically taking Geritol can increase your fertility or your chances of getting pregnant. One possibility for people thinking the multivitamin will help them get pregnant is due to its iron content. Iron is needed for the body to produce hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that moves oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

The mineral is also needed for growth, development, and the functioning of certain cells. When a lady has her period, she loses iron. A supplement can help replace what’s lost. Women also need iron during pregnancy when their blood volume increases by up to 40 percent. Iron is additionally found in foods like meat, beans, green leafy vegetables, and more, so if someone has a diet, they’ll already absorb adequate iron.

However, since the vitamin and mineral formulas sold under the Geritol label aren’t designed for fertility, they don’t have equivalent makeup as a prenatal vitamin.


What’s the Difference Between Geritol and a Prenatal Vitamin?

One key difference between Geritol and prenatal vitamins is that the amount of folic acid. There’s more folic acid in a prenatal vitamin. Folic acid is a B-complex vitamin that plays a key role during a baby’s early spinal development. Not having enough can cause spina bifida, a potentially disabling condition that happens when the spinal cord doesn’t form properly.

Another key difference is that prenatal vitamins include a stool softener. This is to help lessen the side effects of taking iron as a supplement. The mineral can cause problems within the gastrointestinal tract, including constipation.

How Can You Boost Your Fertility?

When you’re trying to get pregnant, a decent beginning is to make sure you’re eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. You want to undertake and obtain as many vitamins and minerals from your food as possible. Next, ask your doctor about selecting a prenatal vitamin that’s right for you. Prenatal vitamins are available a spread of various formulas. For example, some contain more iron. These are made for women who were anemic before pregnancy.

Geritol isn’t the miracle vitamin the web says it is. The best way you’ll raise your chances of getting pregnant is by practicing healthy lifestyle habits (eating healthfully and exercising) and taking the proper prenatal vitamin. Some women may need help beyond vitamins, and that’s where a fertility specialist comes in. You should get tested by a fertility specialist after trying to get pregnant for a year if you’re under 35 and after six months if you’re over 35. Also, get your partner’s sperm tested as a part of the process.


Getting pregnant might not sound as easy as you thought it to be, but with the magic combination of the right diet, exercise and visits to the doctor will ensure that you have no problem in conceiving.

