7 Ways to Manage Frequent Urination in Pregnancy


You may be wondering whether the fact that you’re peeing a lot is a sign that you’re pregnant or whether this is a sign of another health issue. Frequent urination is a common early pregnancy symptom, although it can definitely be annoying, in most cases, it’s nothing to worry about.

Frequent Urination During Pregnancy

In This Article:

Is Frequent Urination a Sign of Pregnancy?

Like tiredness and morning sickness, frequent involuntary leaking of urine, or incontinence, is a very usual pregnancy symptom, that can occur quite early on. Just on its own, it would be an unusual indicator of pregnancy, so it usually occurs along with other characteristic symptoms such as a missed period and tender breasts.


What Causes Frequent Urination?

The bladder is immediately above the pelvic bones and is sustained by the pelvic floor. Its usual function is to store urine while it is opening, i.e. the sphincter constricts itself until you can relieve yourself in a toilet when the sphincter relaxes and lets the urine flow out. During pregnancy, and later in childbirth as well, these muscles are put under considerable pressure. Leading on from here, the usual reasons for pregnancy incontinence are as follows:

  • Clinical Conditions: There can be a few clinical reasons for incontinence during pregnancy, such as multiple sclerosis, anxiety, diabetes, or a history of stroke.
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): For women, there’s a sizeable number of UTIs that are not treated properly. Anywhere between 30 to 40 percent of that number of women will acquire further symptoms when pregnant. Incontinence itself is a sign of a prior UTI.
  • Hormones: Rapidly changing hormones can impact the vesical and urethral linings substantially.
  • Pressure: Urine can leak out in the event of sneezing, laughing, coughing, and/or exercising. These physical motions put additional pressure on the bladder, thereby causing incontinence. The growing fetus also puts pressure on the bladder.

What makes you need to pee more than usual is the increased amount of blood being produced in your body. To process this, your kidneys tend to produce extra fluids, which then end up in your bladder. Peeing often during pregnancy is annoying, but it’s also a normal and common pregnancy symptom.

When does Frequent Urination Start if I’m Pregnant?

Frequent urination is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy and this starts in the first trimester, around week 4 (or the time you’d be getting your period). However, this pressure is often diminished once the uterus rises into the abdominal cavity during the second trimester, although you will notice there’s not much relief. Most expectant moms, however, find they have to pee with even more frequency later in their pregnancy, about week 35 onwards.

How often will I Frequently Urinate while Pregnant?

You should consider it as simply more than your usual amount. It may lessen for a while when you enter your second trimester, but you will find the increased urge to pee returns later, as your growing baby places more pressure on your bladder.


Towards the end of the third trimester, when your baby‘s position shifts, the extra pressure on your pelvis and bladder might have you racing to the bathroom even more often.

What can I do about Frequent Urination During My Pregnancy?

Try to empty your bladder completely by leaning forward, so that you’ll need fewer trips to the toilet and it is easier on your back. Try to double-void, where you pee and when you’re done, pee again.

Do not cut back on liquids thinking it’ll help keep you out of the bathroom. Your body and your baby need a steady supply of liquids during pregnancy and dehydration causes urinary tract infections.

Top 7 Ways to Manage Frequent Urination During Your Pregnancy

You can’t really avoid or prevent frequent urination, and you really shouldn’t want to, since it’s a natural side effect of staying well hydrated and healthy during your pregnancy. Here are some tips that might help make your life easier:


Lean forward while Peeing

Try to empty your bladder completely by leaning forward, so that you’ll need fewer trips to the toilet and it is easier on your back. Try to double-void, where you pee and when you’re done, pee again.

Avoid fluids before Bedtime

To prevent increased urination at night and to have a good night’s sleep, try not to drink too much water just before going to bed.

Drink Enough Fluids

You probably don’t want to drink more if you are already sick about having to run to the bathroom all the, but you need to stay hydrated. You are already losing fluid through your urine, so you do not want to reduce your liquid intake to stop the frequent urination. You should continue to drink at least eight glasses of water or other healthy liquids every day.

Stay away from Caffeine

Do your best to avoid beverages and foods that contain caffeine, which can make you need to pee more often. Caffeine is a diuretic which means it removes water from your body.

Try to Exercise Your Pelvis

Exercise to strengthen your pelvic muscles, since this can help prevent leaking when you cough, sneeze or laugh, both before and after giving birth. (If you do find yourself peeing when you sneeze, consider wearing panty liners.)

Avoid Constipation

When stool sits in your bowels, it takes up a lot of space in your abdomen. It adds more mass, pushing on your bladder. You can do your best to eat right, drink enough fluids, do enough exercise and get enough fibre.


Plan, Plan, Plan

If you’re heading out of the house, or you know you’re going into a long meeting, consider taking one more visit to the toilet. You can also try to figure out where the nearest bathroom is so you’re not caught in an awkward situation.

Frequent urination early on in your pregnancy is very common and usually nothing to stress over. It may feel like if you are peeing all the time, do keep in mind that it may ease up for a time before returning later in life. Once your baby is born, your urge to pee more often should go away, and you’ll only have your baby’s pee to worry about.



How to deal with frequent urination during pregnancy

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