Black Period Blood: Do I Need to Visit the Doctor?


It is pretty normal for your period blood to be black coloured. This is generally not a cause of worry, for this is just the blood that has taken a little longer to leave the uterus. But why does this happen? We will discuss all the possible reasons and factors that may be responsible for turning your period colour from red to some other unfamiliar shade particularly black, in this article.

Read More: Implantation Bleeding vs Periods: Everything You Need to Know

A Guide for Black Period Blood

black period blood

Is it normal for the period blood to be of different shades from the beginning to the end?

It is absolutely normal for your period to be of different colours in the beginning, middle or at the end. The colour may also differ from month to month or may be throughout your life. There can be a number of reasons contributing to this factor.

The variation of period colour from bright red to dark red to brown is what happens in the most of the cases. This is because of the blood flow that is faster at the beginning and comparatively gets slower towards the end of your period. As the blood stays in your body for longer period, it may turn into darker shade. However, I’m not saying that is normal to neglect any changes in your period blood colour. If you notice any unfamiliar shade, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Read More: Heavy Bleeding During Periods: 7 Causes You Need to Be Worried About


Why is it this way?

Black-looking period blood isn’t generally the sign of pregnancy or some complication. This is the blood that has been in your body for longer period.

Have you ever noticed how your period blood is bright red in the beginning? This is because of active bleeding and also because the blood is fresh. During this time, the body clears out the uterine lining and also sloughs and sheds the thickened lining once in every month. However, the periods become lighter and the blood starts to leave the body slowly when the sloughing process stops. Due to this, the colours of the blood can turn dark brown or even black because the blood gets more time to oxidise.

But, it is not necessary that every woman experience the black period blood during the end. While some women may experience this, others won’t.

What if the black blood is at the beginning of the period?

Not everyone is the same and thus, while some women may see the black period blood in the end, others may just experience the same in the beginning. This is the sign that the uterine lining is beginning to break down. This may also be noticeable a few days before the periods. But, if you have been noticing the same more than a few days before, it is better to consult your doctor and talk about the same.

Read More: Spotting Before your Period: Are you not OK?

Reasons for Black Discharge


It is common to experience bleeding in the early pregnancy, which may be around the time of a late or missed period. This bleeding may be a part of the implantation process. Usually, it takes 10-14 days after the conception, but if it takes longer, the blood may look black.


Missed miscarriage

This happens when the embryo stops to develop but isn’t expelled by the body for four weeks or even more. There are no associated symptoms with missed miscarriage and thus, some people may not be able to discover until they have an ultrasound.

Stuck object

Black discharge may be a sign of a foreign object that has been stuck in the vagina. For instance, condoms, sex toys, contraceptive devices like caps or if you accidentally put on a second tampon without removing the first one.  Trouble urinating, itching, swelling, fever, foul-smelling discharge are some of the symptoms.

Read More: 11 Must Know Facts about your First Postpartum Period

When to consult a doctor?

There can be a number of reasons why it may be important for you to see your doctor. Some of these are as listed below:

  • If the cycle is shorter than 24 days or longer than 38 days.
  • If you experience bleeding between periods.
  • If you had no periods for three months or longer.
  • If you have undergone menopause, but start to bleed.
  • Pain or other unusual symptoms during bleeding.
  • If the cycles are not regular.

Read More: When Will My Daughter Get Her First Period?



Black period blood shouldn’t be a cause of worry because it is perfectly normal. However, if you experience black discharge during pregnancy, it is recommended that you immediately contact a doctor. Same is the case with women who recently delivered a baby. Similarly, if you have reached menopause and experience black discharge, contact a doctor because this may be a sign of some serious condition.

Read More: How many days after your period do you ovulate?

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