Bentonite Clay During Pregnancy:  Benefits, Side Effects and Precautions


Bentonite is absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite (aged volcanic ash). It usually forms from the weathering of volcanic ash, most often in the presence of water. There are certain different types of bentonite, each named after the respective dominant element such as potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and aluminium (Al). It was named by Wilbur C. Knight in 1898.

A Guide for Bentonite Clay During Pregnancy

bentonite clay

Bentonite clay during pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy is the foremost thought of every woman who is expecting. According to some researchers, living clay affects menstruation which results in pregnancy. Living clay often works as a supplement for women deemed sterile as an aid for conception. The clay boosts detoxification therefore many women use it to create a healthy environment in the body for the foetus inside the womb, thus increasing the chances for a healthy pregnancy. Doctors recommend prenatal vitamins to expectant mothers. Edible clay such as calcium montmorillonite clay is also a rich storehouse of vitamins.


  • Easing labour pains, accelerating delivery, and rejuvenating the strength of the weary mother.
  • To solve nipple soreness and facilitates the secretion of milk after child birth.
  • To help a woman recover from stretch marks after pregnancy.
  • Bentonite clay mixture applied on the legs can reduce swelling.
  • The clay is placed on the tongue of a woman who is believed to facilitate delivery and expulsion of after birth.
  • The Calcium bentonite clay facial masks can prevent acne by absorbing excess bacteria and oil from the face.
  • It helps to neutralize harmful bacteria which can create digestive problems.
  • Bentonite clay is effective in removing toxins from the body.
  • It inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria making the immune system strong.
  • The clay also helps in healing certain skin infections.

Uses of bentonite clay

Bentonite clay can be used as an ingredient in the following products and methods.

  • Face mask: It absorbs excessive oil and draws out toxins thus preventing rashes or acne.
  • Deodorant: It prevents itching and unpleasant body odour. It is a natural deodorant and can be made at home as well.
  • Toothpaste: It is a rich, effective alkaline dental cleaner. It is an important ingredient in re-mineralizing tooth powder.
  • Itch relief: It draws out the substance causing the itch and also provide a soothing feeling.
  • Bath detox:It pulls out all the toxins from the skin surface and pores. It also helps in reducing stress.
  • Baby powder: The clay is hydrophilic or water loving. It draws moisture to itself. It helps to prevent rashes specially on babies who have rolls of fat where moisture can get trapped.
  • Cosmetics: The use of clay facial will soften the skin and draw out impurities and smooth wrinkles.
  • Detox drink: The small particles of clay are electrically charged and act as a magnet in pulling heavy metal particles and holding on to them while leaving the body.
  • Burns: The wet clay soothes the burn as there are no impurities to draw out.
  • Shampoo: It is chemical free and gives natural glow, softness and shine to the hair. However it should be kept for only 10 minutes.

Bentonite clay mask

This clay is very effective and beneficial for the skin no matter what one’s age is. It draws out toxins from the skin, shrinks the pores, prevents breakouts and makes the skin soft and smooth and gives a definite glow. It is also a good exfoliator, controls the overproduction of sebum which makes the skin oily. This clay also helps in lightening acne marks, scars and stretch marks too. It can be used to rebuild damaged skin tissues.


  • Some bentonite clay products contain traces of metals like lead etc. and sometimes may not be appropriate for pregnant women or children. When consumed, the stomach acids pull most of the lead out of the clay and into the body. The clay face masks also have lead in them which gets absorbed in the bloodstream.
  • Bentonite clay should not be ingested in huge quantities because of the way it expands inside the body. Too much of the clay might result in the disruption of digestion and absorption of vital nutrients.

Where to find Bentonite clay

Bentonite clay can be found and bought from any healthcare, medicine store or cosmetic shops or it can be bought from online as from Amazon.


Side effects of using Bentonite clay

  • Headaches occur due to certain diet routines that involve cutting out carbohydrates or sugars. This type of headaches can be quite a nuisance. Depending on the degree of detoxification this headache can continue.
  • Due to the absorption of water by the clay, dehydration can occur easily in the body.
  • Muscle tension is also a side effect of the clay due to excess dehydration which also cause headaches.
  • Fatigue occurs if the body constantly spends energy in removing toxins.
  • Too much use of the clay can make the skin dry. It is therefore advised not to keep it for more than 10-20 minutes.
  • The constant spending of energy and stress on the mind may also cause problems in the sleep patterns.

Bentonite clay is a natural product highly beneficial for the body. However it also has certain disadvantages which should also be kept in mind while using the product for safe and better results.

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