Fibromyalgia: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention


Researchers in Mayo clinic explain fibromyalgia as a disorder that is characterised by acute musculoskeletal pain that is usually your response to pressure. It is said that this condition is responsible for augmenting painful sensations in the body by accentuating the brain’s method of processing pain signals. Although the precise reasons causing fibromyalgia are unknown, the major causes that are believed to be:

Fibromyalgia: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Genetic factors

In some people, there might be the possibility of some genetic mutation that leads to disorders related to pain points and irritation in the muscles. For example, if a relative had suffered from extreme pains from rheumatism, in the past, it is possible that you might have contracted the same genetic characteristic.

Fatal infections and diseases

At times, there are some infections that might lead to acute pain and develop into fibromyalgia. This might be accentuated due to long-term physical disorders like osteoarthritis, rheumatism, lupus, or constipation.


Emotional trauma

Mental stress tends to add up to the physical discomfort that your body goes through, which leads to acute pain in the tender areas of the body. This can develop into the long-term disease called fibromyalgia.

Physical trauma

Sudden jolts to the body from an unexpected source can result in physical trauma, and hence lead to acute and long lasting pain. This might also develop into fibromyalgia.


Researchers say that fibromyalgia causes intense pain because the brain of the affected person tends to undergo specific changes. There is an increase in the levels of some chemicals in the brain, which causes the neurotransmitters to send pain signals. This makes the body more sensitive and receptive to pain. Even though doctors have not yet been able to hit the right chord with regard to the causes of fibromyalgia, there are specific symptoms to help you get yourself diagnosed early:

Acute pain in tender points

With the inception of fibromyalgia, there’s a feeling of pain all over your body, especially in the joints, ligaments, and muscles. There is a prolonged feeling of extreme pain that is similar to that of arthritis, tendinitis, or bursitis. Sometimes, the pain is confined to certain areas around your muscles, which hurt when pressed. However, every kind of pain felt during fibromyalgia has its point of origin under the skin. If you experience such acute pain for more than a couple of days in a row, visit the doctor without any delay.


A major physical sign of fibromyalgia is overall fatigue. Some researchers have compared this symptom to one of the symptoms of flu. The affected person is always tired and drained out. Even 12 hours of sleep seems to be less! If you suffer from a prolonged period of tiredness and fatigue, visit the general physician to get diagnosed timely.

Trouble sleeping

Sleeplessness is another major sign of fibromyalgia in the sense that the affected people are able to fall asleep because of their fatigued mind and body, but the sleep is often interrupted. A whole night filled with broken spells of naps naturally results in tiredness.

Brain fog

This is also called ‘fibro fog’. In this situation, you are not able to concentrate on your work, multitask, or even remember simple regular things. This is generally a result of your fatigue, along with the acute pain that diverts your mind. Within the first few days of facing this symptom, visit the doctor to get yourself tested and start the treatment.

Anxiety and depression

Dealing with constant fatigue and pain can be taxing for your mental health too. You tend to become less socially active and turn into a recluse. This in turn, increases your anxiety and might even lead to depression. To avoid this, visit the clinic as soon as you realise that you are experiencing acute body pain and fatigue. Fibromyalgia is often misconstrued as a general health issue related to sedentary lifestyle. Although it might be one of the contributing factors, fibromyalgia is far more painful that just that. Timely detection is vital for avoiding further complications.


Frequent headache

Nearly 40% of the people diagnosed with fibromyalgia face extreme levels of headache; especially migraine. These pains might be a result of the sprained or tightened muscles in your neck, shoulders, or upper back. You might also see that the tender points around your neck. In such a situation, get yourself tested immediately.

Irritable bowel syndrome

About 66% of the people affected with fibromyalgia face issues of the stomach. They face acute stomach aches, gastric pain and ulcers, bloating, diarrhoea, and even constipation. Although this might seem like a mere problem of the stomach, there’s much more to that. Visit a general physician to get yourself diagnosed correctly.

Painful menstrual cramps

As fibromyalgia is about facing pains throughout the body and in the special tender spots, menstruation becomes even more painful. This is because the abdominal tissues and muscles are at a high risk of becoming the tender points and facing tightening. Visit a general physician followed by a gynaecologist to begin systematic medication.

Fibromyalgia is known for being a common yet problematic disease due to the fact that it does not have a hardcore treatment procedure. Doctors are still studying the symptoms and trying to gather more information for research. However, the most common treatments are:

Medicinal drugs

People who are at potential risk of fibromyalgia are recommended to take some drugs that ease the nerve endings and muscles, to reduce their pain. The most popular drugs that are provided by doctors are Cymbalta, Lyrica, and Savella. Taking these medicines are prescribed by doctors, on a regular basis can soothe both the mind and the body.

Lifestyle training

Many a time, sedentary modern lifestyle is what the core of most physical diseases becomes. One of the best ways, along with medication, to reduce the risk of fibromyalgia is a controlled way of living. The main things included in this list are eating low fat foods, exercising more, drinking more water, and eating fibre-rich foods.


Physical therapies

Physiotherapy is one of the best ways to overcome acute physical pain and irritation in the muscles or bone joints. A regular session of an hour is enough to reduce the pain, along with your daily dose of healthy food and medication.

The treatments involved in dealing with fibromyalgia are also the ways in which you can prevent the disease from recurring, if it is not in your genes already! Follow a healthy lifestyle, exercise daily, and visit the doctor whenever you feel uneasy and are unsure about the cause. Timely diagnosis is the prime factor involved in getting back on track.
