Vaginal Burning after Sex: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Home Remedies


Vaginal itching and irritation are typically not a reason for worry. However, continuous burning and irritation can be an indicator of either an inflammation or some other latent disease. Such burning includes aches and pains localized in the vaginal region. This includes your vaginal opening as well as the labia and the clitoris, to name a few primary parts. Read on to know more about vaginal burning after sex as well as its causes, symptoms, and treatment, which includes home remedies as well.

vaginal burning after sex

In This Article:

Must-Know Things About Vaginal Burning after Sex

Burning from Indirect Contact

Substances found in daily commodities can inflame the delicate vaginal region and form burning and irritation. Such things consist of soap, scented toilet paper, laundry detergent, bubble bath products, and sanitary pads. Burning can occur from specific clothes, such as pantyhose, fitted trousers, and rigid innerwear.

How to Cure this?


Avoid using any perfumed products in and around your genitals. Make sure to bathe or shower if you have been in a pool or a hot tub to rinse off chemicals and chemicals that can potentially affect your vaginal region.

Burning from Direct Contact

Any creams, sprays, and other products such as condoms and tampons, that one might put either inside or near their vagina can lead to vaginal irritation. These substances and products can cause problematic symptoms.

How to Cure this?

The best way to cure such burning is to avoid using the specific product you believe is causing the itching and burning.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most widespread vaginal condition in women aged 15 to 44. It can occur when a specific bacterium grows radically in the vagina. In addition to itching and burning, there may be a white or gray discharge, with a fishlike smell, chiefly after intercourse.

How to Cure this?


In some cases, BV will not need any treatment. Most women, however, will still need to see their doctor in order to take the right prescription antibiotics.

Yeast Infection

A yeast infection happens when yeast grows inordinately in the vagina. In addition to itching and burning, the vagina may swell, and one might experience itching, redness, and swelling of the vulva, and pain during urination and/or intercourse. One can also have a thick, white-colored discharge that looks like cottage cheese and red rashes on the outside of the vagina.

How to Cure this?

Yeast infections that are few and far between can typically be treated with home remedies and/or over-the-counter antifungal medicines. But if you think you have gotten a yeast infection and it is your first one, make sure to book an appointment with a medical professional.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

A urinary tract infection (UTI) happens when bacteria invade one’s urinary tract or bladder. The condition causes internal burning and a painful feeling during urination. You may also experience an intense urge to urinate, but an insignificant amount of urine is formed when you attempt to do so. The urine may be strong-smelling, have a cloudy texture, and can be anywhere from red and bright pink to dark cola in color, which may be an indicator of blood in the urine itself. Other conditions such as fever and chills along with back, stomach, and/or pelvic pain may accompany a UTI.

How to Cure this?


If you think you have a UTI, definitely see a medical professional. Usually, a course of specific antibiotics removes the infection immediately. Make sure to complete the prescribed course of antibiotics even after the symptoms have gone away. You should also drink extra fluids during this period.


Trichomoniasis (or Trich in short) is a very widespread sexually transmitted disease or an STD. Symptoms include itching and irritation in the genital area, frothy discharge that can be white, yellow, clear, or green in color, accompanied by a very foul odor, pain during urination and intercourse, as well as pain in the lower abdomen.

How to Cure this?

Trich is tackled with a prescription antibiotic. A single dose will work in most cases. Do keep in mind that both you and your sex partner will need to be treated fully before having coitus again.


Gonorrhea is a common STD. It’s mainly widespread among young adults aged 15 to 24. Gonorrhea rarely produces symptoms, which is similar to many STDs. Most of the time, an STD test is the sole method to know for certain whether you have this condition.

How to Cure this?


Gonorrhea is effortlessly cured with a single-dose prescription antibiotic. However, if it is left untreated, gonorrhea can result in severe medical complications, such as infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).


Chlamydia is another widespread STD. Keeping in line with many other STDs, it may not show any signs or symptoms. When symptoms do happen, they can consist of atypical discharges and a burning sensation during urination.

How to Cure this?

Prescription antibiotics are effective in curing chlamydia. But if it is not treated in time, it can cause indefinite harm to the reproductive system. This can make conception quite difficult. Repeat infections are also quite common in this disease. Every ensuing infection enlarges the risk of having fertility issues. Hence, having antibiotics on time is crucial.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is another widespread STD. When symptoms do occur, they aren’t non-existent, as is the case with most STDs, but are often slight. The condition causes sores to form, which typically resemble an ingrown hair or a pimple. These sores may spring up around the mouth, rectum, or vagina.

How to Cure this?


Prescription medication is effective at reducing outbreak risk and shortening the duration for which the sores remain. It’s crucial to keep in mind that while the antibiotics nullify your condition, they don’t stop the STD from spreading over to your partner.

Genital Warts from HPV

Genital warts are formed by human papillomavirus (HPV). It is the most widespread STD. These warts may come into view, on your vagina, vulva, cervix, or anus, like white, or sometimes skin-colored bumps either as one or two bumps or in groups.

How to Cure this?

Warts can be removed to lessen the pain. This also lessens the risk of spreading the infection to your partner.

Lichen Sclerosis

Lichen sclerosis is an uncommon skin disease. Thin, white patches occur on the skin of the vagina. These patches are especially common around the vulva as well. They can lead to scarring for an indefinite amount of time. It is more likely for postmenopausal women to develop this condition, but it can occur in women at any age.

How to Cure this?


If you think you have lichen sclerosis, consult a doctor. They will probably advise you to apply a strong steroid cream for reducing the symptoms. They will also need to look out for possible lasting complications such as thinning skin and other scars.

When Should You Consult Your Doctor?

If the itching and burning persist and other symptoms come to the fore, then you should make an appointment with your doctor. In most cases, they will be able to offer you a specific medication to cure the condition(s). In other cases, your healthcare provider may get together with you to form a long-term treatment plan.

