21 Home Remedies for Treating Fever Blisters in Children


A fever blister is a small sore that is caused by the Herpes simplex virus type 1. It appears as a small granular sore on the face or in the mouth. Fever blisters are extremely infectious and spread by the means of skin contact. The infection is more common among the people with low immunity and hence children and pregnant women become easy victims for the virus.

The sore acts as a region of irritation and burning that gives the infected child a troublesome period of time. As expected for any viral infection fever blisters does not have a cure but the symptoms can be greatly reduced by certain remedial methods to make the infected period and the recovery process smooth.

Fever Blisters in Children: 21 Ways to Prevent

Fever Blisters in Children: 21 Ways to Prevent

21 home remedies for treating fever blisters in children are given below. The remedies are not only meant for eradicating or nullifying the symptoms but also to stop the spread of infection among the people who are close by.

Isolation and icing

The first step that needs to be taken before proceeding with any remedial procedures is to isolate the infected child and avoid contact with the patient. While in isolation the person in charge must apply cold water or ice on the sore region to ease the pain and irritation. This process needs to be done frequently and it should be kept in mind that application of extreme temperatures means only low temperatures – the virus thrives at high temperatures.

Over-the-counter medicines

Most of the medicines that are available for the treatment of fever blisters are ointments and creams that only reduce the intensity of the symptoms but do not help in the process of recovery. It is important to note that the child should not be given tablets and pills without consulting a doctor. Some of the best creams that are used as a remedy are docosanol and topical acyclovir and penciclovir. The child should not be given painkillers just to ease the pain.


Lysine in diet

Lysine is an amino acid that helps to counter another amino acid named arginine that is needed by the virus to survive and thrive. The infected child must consume a diet that includes fish, meat, and beans that are rich in lysine. Lysine can also be consumed in the form of food supplements but the dosage of this supplement must be fixed by a doctor.

Avoid arginine-rich products

As stated above, arginine is the amino acid that is required by the virus to spread across the body of the infected child. Since it is highly unlikely that a child may suffer from liver problems arginine containing foodstuffs – such as chocolate, nuts, and whole grains must be avoided. Instead of these, the child must eat fresh vegetables that boosts up the activities of the immune system.

Stay away from citrus fruits and cold drinks

The child must not be allowed to cola and citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, etc. for the whole of the infection period. Basically, this implies that acidic environment must be avoided in the body that helps in the thriving of the virus.

Zinc supplement in the diet

Zinc is a mineral that helps the body fight the virus by boosting the immune system. It can be obtained by consuming iron-rich food and in the form of supplements. In addition, the Virunderim gel containing zinc-compounds can also be applied to the infected region of the child if the infection is on the outer skin.

Vitamin E supplements to smoothen the skin

Vitamin E is known to ease the pain of fever blisters by soothing the skin and decreasing the inflammation and easing the pain consequentially. Children are allowed to have vitamin E concentrate tablets or they can be given food that is rich in this vitamin such as spinach, avocados, and almonds.

Baking soda

This is one of the oldest remedies of the infection and is perfectly safe to be used on children too. The baking soda dries out the inflammation of the skin and neutralizes the acid in the infected region to ease the pain eventually. If someone suggests peppermint oil over baking soda, ignore the suggestion as it causes major respiratory trouble in children.


Cold compress

It is a common home remedy for almost all infections that involve inflammation. It is completely safe and is a popular and frequent method followed in the household. It basically involves pressing the infected region with a towel or cotton dipped in cold water.


Licorice is a plant root that can be eaten directly which may prove to be quite tough for a child. So, the better way is to mix it with water and apply directly to the infected region. There is a certain ingredient in the root that helps in the recovery process of fever blisters. This can also be consumed as a functional food.

Use tree tea oil

Tree tea oil is antiseptic and antibacterial and has also been known to treat herpes and fever blisters. It is an effective natural oil that is used in the treatment of many skin diseases. This oil can be mixed with water and the mixture can then be applied to the infected region of the child.

Apply cold milk

Milk contains proteins that are necessary to counter the pain and spreading of the infection. It is to be noted that the milk must be cold and it can be applied directly to the infected region.

Protect the infected region

Further skin contact with the affected region must be avoided and contact with the external environment must be restricted. Not only does this solve the problem of spreading of the infection but also prevents the infected region from developing bacterial growth or attack by other micro-organisms that may further complicate the conditions. Cover the infected regions.

Avoid scratching and cover the region

It is absolutely necessary to not let the child scratch on the inflammations in case the irritation becomes unbearable. The infected region must be covered so that it itches less and does not come into contact with direct sunlight.


Cassava powder

The supplement of cassava powder is well-known to prevent the spreading of the infection and also help in the process of eradication of the infection. It is better to mix this with water and give it to the child while in isolation. The chemicals in this plant extract can prevent the damage caused by hepatitis especially mouth sores.


In case the fever blisters appear inside the mouth, which is commonly known as mouth sore honey can prove to be the best complete solution. The honey can be applied on the ulcers after a meal and also it can be mixed with turmeric starch. The mixture acts as an antiseptic and heals the wounds or inflammations. This is an interesting remedy for the child.

Apple cider vinegar

Although it has been said earlier to avoid acidic products, apple cider vinegar is recommended for children with mouth sores. This kills the infecting micro-organisms and interestingly, increases the activity of the beneficial bacteria thereby speeding up the process of recovery. The child has to gargle with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water.


It is a common fruit that provides several essential vitamins and minerals required by the body. The green starfruit cools the nerves and helps ease the pain of the inflammation of the skin. The juice from the fruit can be extracted by boiling it in water. This juice can then be directly consumed by the infected person.

Tomato and tomato juice

Tomatoes are found in almost every household. It contains essential vitamins A, B6, C and K and also important trace minerals. All of these are needed for the healthy functioning of the immune system and the production of antibodies necessary for destroying the herpes virus. Although it can be eaten raw the child may not like the process so it can be given in the form of juice as well.

Include radish in the diet

Radish is a common vegetable that is rich in vitamin C and also contains zinc and phosphorus in significant measures. It improves the functioning of the immune system of the body thus accelerating the process of antibody production to fight the infecting virus. The juice from the root is recommended more in case of children than the direct consumption.


Apply coconut oil and milk

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, the application of coconut oil and milk on the infected region not only prevents the growth of micro-organisms but also prevent the spreading of the infection to an uncontrollable state.

These methods are just a temporary solution to counter the symptoms of fever blister. If the conditions become complicated due to the presence of other infections in the body it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor before undertaking any remedial procedure or any form of medication.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!