Bleeding After Sex During Pregnancy- Is It Normal?


Bleeding after sex during pregnancy is pretty common and thus, it is very rarely an indication that something is wrong. Of course, many women may panic after noticing the blood but it does not mean that it hurts your baby in any way. However, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor in order to find out the exact cause of your post-sex blood flow. In this article, we will be discussing all about bleeding after sex during pregnancy. Let’s read below to find more:

Read More:Vaginal Bleeding After Sex: 11 Reasons You Must Know

bleeding during sex while pregnant

In this article:

What does it Mean when you Bleed after Sex During Pregnancy?
What Causes Bleeding After Sex During Pregnancy?
What to do about Bleeding After Sex?
Can Bleeding After Sex Be Prevented?
How to Stop Bleeding after Intercourse while Pregnant?
Should you Tell your Doctor if you Notice Bleeding?

A Guide for Bleeding After Sex During Pregnancy


What does it Mean when you Bleed after Sex During Pregnancy?

If you bleed after sex, it simply means that your pregnancy is going normal. If you go through light to medium vaginal bleeding, it could either be a sign of implantation (during the first trimester) or could be the result of natural changes to your cervix. However, the chances sometimes can also be that of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy in case there is heavy bleeding.

What Causes Bleeding After Sex During Pregnancy?

There can be a number of factors behind bleeding after sex during pregnancy. A few of them are as listed below:


The fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus lining about a week after conception, which is called as implantation and can lead to a little spotting or light flow.

Ectopic Pregnancy

Bleeding after sex can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy but it is pretty rare. In such a case, the fertilized egg attaches itself to some other place than the uterus.

Placental Abruption

In this condition, the placenta cover a part or all of the cervix and it happens in the second or third trimester. In case, you notice bright red bleeding, placenta previa is likely to be the cause.


Early Labor

In case, you go through regular contractions that become more frequent and intensify and go through bleeding, pelvic pressure and back pressure, these can be signs of preterm labor. You must consult your practitioner in this case.


Sex is not the cause for miscarriage. But your pregnancy may be at a risk for ending before 20 weeks if you notice heavy bleeding (filling a pad every hour) or light bleeding, that last for days. In such a case, you should contact your practitioner immediately.

Changes to your Cervix

The cervix undergoes a process called as ‘remodelling’ in order to prepare for the birth. This causes the cervix to change shape, open up, shed cells and makes it quite tender. Thus, your body becomes a little extra vulnerable that may lead to bleeding during sex.

What to do about Bleeding After Sex?

You can wear a pad instead of using a tampon, if you notice spotting or very light flow. Also, if the bleeding is accompanied by cramping (moderate or severe), fever, back and pelvic pressure or contractions, make sure you consult your practitioner.


Can Bleeding After Sex Be Prevented?

Bleeding after sex can be prevented by avoiding intercourse but that would not affect the underlying cause anyway. In case, your doctor hasn’t asked you to avoid intercourse during pregnancy, you can keep it going.

How to Stop Bleeding after Intercourse while Pregnant?

The risk of bleeding can be minimized by following a few simple rules:

  • you should try comfortable and safe sex positions such as spooning and rear entry.
  • You can enjoy the intimacy through kissing, hugging, cuddling, holding hands or just sharing a shower.
  • Using a condom will prevent you and your baby from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Make sure you do not skip on it.
  • Using water-based lubricants will help reduce the friction and discomfort and will also reduce the chances of bleeding.

Should you Tell your Doctor if you Notice Bleeding?

Definitely. If you go through any blood loss, it is important for you to mention the same to your doctor or midwife, so as to be on the safer side.



Although it is very rare that bleeding after sex during pregnancy can be an indication of a serious underlying cause, but in any case, do not hesitate to consult your doctor. You have to make sure that sexual activity does not harm your baby. in case the bleeding is heavy and is accompanied by fever, cramping or last for more than a few days, check with your practitioner. Apart from that, little spotting during/after sex is of no harm, so you do not have to panic. Most importantly, take precautions so as to be on the safer side.


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