21 Health Benefits of Eating Green Vegetables


Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”  ~B.K.S. Iyengar

It is often heard to be said that rather than eating less and exercising more, it is better to eat like your ancestors; that we must look at our genetic and cultural history while we decide what to eat. Well, right now, we are all struggling with issues like weight management, health restoration and maintenance. All we are looking for is a glamorous way to keep fit but, what we don’t envisage is the fact that there is no way we could achieve the desired health goals just by a heavy workout or doing yoga or getting active in some sport. A vigorous diet is as essential as a regular dynamic exercise session.

Now, while talking about diet, we don’t just focus on the lessening of the carbs and fats, but more on the type of nutrition we gain through the various food sources. Two of the main and most beneficial source of the talked about “nutrition” are vegetables and fruits. Among these, the ones that provide the largest variety of nutrients and related benefits are the green vegetables. Yes, that’s right. Vegetables like kale, peas, spinach and the like are the ones that would provide the maximum amount of required benefit to your body. Let us look at the top 21 benefits green vegetables can have on one’s health:

Green Vegetables: 21 Amazing Health Benefits

Health Benefits of green vegetables

  • Green vegetables are one of the highest plant-based protein sources available, providing all essential amino acids which help to build strength and muscle mass.
  • Green vegetables are a much cleaner food than animal-based proteins, which are acidic to the body, causing uric acid build-up as well as unhealthy cholesterol levels associated with cardiovascular disease.
  • These vegetables are a natural plant-based multivitamin packed with vitamins A, C, K and folate, in addition to trace minerals, including good amounts of sulphur, potassium, calcium and iron.
  • Consuming green smoothies or green juices, made out of fresh green vegetables every morning is a healthier habit than the consumption of coffee or tea as it can help to get rid of the addiction to caffeine and other caffeinated products.
  • Green vegetables, when used in and prepared as salads, serve as one of the best sources of dietary fibres that help to enhance digestion and healthy bowel movements.
  • Green leafy veggies are a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids (Alpha Linoleic Acid) which is considered as the good fat required by every body on a regular basis as it is extremely essential for the brain and its neurological functions.
  • The derived oils of Omega-3 help in reducing inflammation in various body parts and thus, help to counteract the effects of proinflammatory AA fatty acids.
  • Green vegetables, especially darker leafed varieties, contain exceptionally high amounts of chlorophyll. This chlorophyll has a very close structure to that of human blood cells and is hence, beneficial for enhancing oxygen transport and increasing the red blood cells production.
  • Green smoothies and juices help to nourish and cleanse the blood as well as help in purification of the liver and the lymphatic system of the body.
  • The greens are deemed very useful in removing and neutralizing poisonous substances from the bloodstream that might have gotten ingested via radiations or other pollutants in the body.
  • As a side-effect, daily consumption of green vegetables can help to elevate one’s mood and alleviate depression which leads to increased mental focus.
  • Eating plenty of green leafy vegetables on a regular basis could even help to ward off dementia in the later life.
  • Eating green leafy vegetables have proved to be the most effective in in providing protection against cognitive decline.
  • Green vegetables are seen to have a good enough amount of Vitamin K which is found to not only enhance brain activity, but has also proven to improve psychomotor behaviour, reflexes and overall cognition.
  • Green vegetables contain folate, which when oxidizes, transforms into folic acid. This folic acid is considered t be extremely important for maintenance of haemoglobin levels of the body and helps to reduce depression and anxiety as well.
  • A high amount of vitamin B9 is found in green vegetables which improves concentration and memory power in a person.
  • Leafy green vegetables help make the blood more alkaline, that subsequently improves the calcium absorption process of the bones
  • The high amounts of vitamin K, present in green vegetables, produces a protein called ‘osteocalcin’ which helps to improve bone density.
  • Presence of rich amounts of folate can greatly help in ovulation and in prevention of birth effects.
  • Green vegetables are found to play an important role in increasing iron levels in one’s body, which in turn increases red blood cells.
  • Green vegetables contain a mighty good amount of anti-oxidants, vitamin A and collagen boosting vitamin C that helps to fight the effects of aging, reduces the appearance of wrinkles & fine lines on the skin and helps to keep it looking healthy and glowing.

So, as we see, the health benefits, of consumption of green vegetables, are not just limited to one body part or organ or area but, are actually manifold. As we know, that health comprises of physical as well as mental and emotional well-being, hence, it just doesn’t remain a question about ‘what it does’ but more about ‘what all it does’. Green vegetables seem to take care of every nook and corner of our body – right from the hair tips to the toe nails, which is pretty much what a person is looking for from a healthy food source. Thus, how much ever they may taste bland or bitter, green veggies are those that will definitely keep you in good shape, without any side effects or adverse reactions (unless of course if you’re allergic to any of those!). So – eat green, live clean! 

