15 Top Gender Reveal Party Ideas From 2018


A piñata, confetti balloons, gender reveal box, gender reveal cake, color smoke bombs, scratch off card, silly spray strings, cupcakes with the gender color in as the filling, blue and pink popcorn, blue and pink cotton candy gifts, bow and arrow to pop the gender of the baby, gender reveal photo booth, halloween gender reveal, baseball gender reveal and pillow fight gender reveal are some of the top gender reveal party idea from 2018.

Nowadays it has become a common trend to actually have a really interesting party thrown to simply reveal the gender of the baby. It’s a type of thing that has become very common and many people try to innovate newer ideas to make a huge difference in the outcome of the party. Therefore, we have a few of the many genders reveal party ideas given below.

15 Best Baby Gender Reveal Party Ideas

gender reveal party ideas

A piñata

Piñata is perfect when you want to show the color of the baby. Mainly because of the fact that it can be shaped into any choice of animal or thing and then upon hitting, the filling inside the piñata can give out the gender of the baby.

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Confetti balloons

Balloons are a favorite thing for any kind of party to take place. They are something that has become the essential thing for any type of party and can give a different type of feeling to the overall atmosphere of the party. Hence filling it with pink or blue confetti and pooping it simply reveals the gender.


Gender reveal box

A box that happens to be filled with various things that either a girl would use or a boy is packed into a box. Upon opening the package, it gives out the gender and also can be very eye-opening depending upon the things that you put inside.

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Gender reveal cake

Food is one of those many things that one just can’t get enough of. Hence, filling the inside of the cake with either pink or blue color does give out the gender of the baby. A nice way to convey the message to people.

Color smoke bombs

For many of you out there, this is one of the most unique genders reveals party ideas ever. This is only because of the fact that the smoke bombs are literally filled with the color of blue or pink thus upon bursting it gives out the gender of the baby. Perfect for gender reveal party’s.

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Scratch off card

Another subtle way of revealing the gender of the baby as you can give each and everyone a scratch card such that once they scratch the card, the gender of the baby is written beneath it. A perfect way to create surprises too for all of the people at the party.


Silly spray strings

If you have seen a snow spray, then this works on the same principle. But then instead of giving out snow, it gives out strings of pink or blue depending upon the gender of the baby. It’s something that has been in trend in recent times.

Cupcakes with the gender color in as the filling

Once again, food conquers everything. It’s a simple way to reveal the gender of the baby. Take some cupcakes and fill the inside with either blue or pink cream cheese such that upon biting the filling reveals the gender of the baby.

Blue and pink popcorn

For any kind of party, there should be food which resonates to the gender reveal theme. It’s a perfect example of having blue and pin popcorn that can give an additional bang to the party and also make it one step ahead in terms of uplifting the overall excitement of the gender reveal theme.

Blue and pink cotton candy gifts

For any kind of party, there are certain gifts that are given back to the people who have attended it. Hence wrapping blue and pink cotton candy into a cone-like a shape such that it can be used as return gifts. It definitely makes it really special and also uplifts the mood as well.

Bow and arrow to pop the gender of the baby

It’s as simple as it gets. Tie up a balloon filled with water that is pink or blue, Depending upon the gender of the baby. Then ask the mother or the dad who might not be knowing the gender to burst the balloon with the bow and arrow.

Gender reveal photo booth

In every party, there might be a photographer going around and taking pictures, but then in this party, you can create a corner where people can come and take pictures where the background is filled with either blue paint or pink or both depending upon your style and taste.


Halloween gender reveal

Halloween is where one can get really creative in deciding how they would want to reveal the gender of their baby. Try becoming an oven where you can put a cake that is either blue or pink such that upon opening can give out the gender of the baby.

Baseball gender reveal

Fill a ball or some kind of other spherical object filled with either blue or pink powder that when you hit it with a baseball, the burst of colors can give you the gender of the baby.

Pillow fight gender reveal

Feathers these days can be customized to any color that you would like. Not only this but then you can have a pillow fight where the stuffing can be of either blue or pink feathers. When the pillow bursts, the gender of the baby can be revealed.

Hence all of these methods are few of the trending gender reveal ideas of 2018 that you can adapt and improvise in your party to get the best out of it.


