11 Foods to Overcome Iron Deficiency during Pregnancy


Many women suffer from anemia during pregnancy for several reasons. However, it is easy to combat the condition with a small change in diet. Listed below are few foods that help you overcome an iron deficiency naturally.

Iron deficiency is common during pregnancy. Iron is an extremely essential mineral required by the human body. However, pregnant women require more iron for various reasons of which formation of new blood to supply nutrients and oxygen to the baby is the most important one. An iron rich diet through your pregnancy can help you combat the problem iron deficiency or anemia during the pregnancy.

Read More: Home Remedies for Iron Deficiency in Infants

Top Foods to Overcome Iron Deficiency during Pregnancy

A healthy diet is a prerequisite for iron deficiency during pregnancy. Here is a list of 11 foods that can help you fight iron deficiency during pregnancy.

1. Apple

Apples are known for boosting the levels of iron in blood. Apple contains vitamin C that helps the body to absorb iron in a better way. Eating one apple everyday helps to combat the problem of iron deficiency. In addition, apples also contain other minerals like potassium and copper. Copper is a trace mineral that is needed by the body to produce collagen, hemoglobin, and melanin.

2. Peach

Peaches are considered an excellent source of iron. Surprisingly, dried every gram of peaches contains 6mg iron. Add them as a side dish with your breakfast or have them as mid-breakfast snack to combat iron deficiency in the blood.


3. Honey

Honey is good for overall body development. It is packed with high iron content. In addition to being a storehouse of iron, it is also packed with essential minerals like copper and magnesium, essential to increase hemoglobin in the blood.

4. Seafood

Fish is also helpful to combat iron deficiency during pregnancy. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are rich sources of iron. Make it a habit to have nuts daily as a mid breakfast snack or mid noon snack to raise the level of iron in your body.

iron deficiency

5. Nuts

Nuts provide as an amazing source of iron. They help to boost the iron levels in the body easily and efficiently. Pistachio, cashew nuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, roasted almonds, and apricot nuts are the best sources of iron.

6. Soy Beans

Beans are known to contain high amounts of iron and vitamins. Soybeans are the beans with high amount of iron. In addition, it is also low fat and high in proteins that help fight iron deficiency.

7. Pomegranates

This is yet another important food loaded with high content of iron and vitamin C. It helps to improve the blood flow. Besides, it is also efficient in the treatment of anemic symptoms like dizziness, weakness, and exhaustion during pregnancy. You can include it in your daily diet as evening snacks or a midday meal.


8. Eggs

Eggs are packed with good amount of proteins and antioxidants. These nutrients help to stock up the vitamins in the body during anemia. One large egg is believed to contain 1 mg of iron. Therefore, eating an egg everyday helps to fight iron deficiency efficiently.

9. Beetroot

Beetroot, especially the green part, is known to be highly effective in fighting iron deficiency. This vegetable is loaded with iron as well as other minerals, including copper and calcium. It helps to repair and reactivate the red blood cells. Red beetroots contain a significant amount of iron. Therefore, try to include beetroot in your diet in the form of salads or add it to the dishes you cook. Alternatively, you can also have it in the form of juice to treat iron deficiency.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are packed with vitamin C and Lycopene. The vitamin C content in tomatoes is helpful in easy absorption of iron by the body. In addition, tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamin E and beta carotene.

11. Spinach

Spinach is a popular leafy vegetable that helps to prevent anaemia. It is a rich source of non-heme iron. Besides being a rich source of calcium, it also provides a good amount of vitamin A, B9, C, and E along with fibre and iron. Add spinach to your daily diet to increase the blood formation in the body. However, it is better to eat it cooked rather than raw as cooking spinach unlocks the iron absorption inhibitors thus increasing iron bioavailability. Putting it simple, consuming cooked spinach provides more iron as compared to raw.

These foods help overcome iron deficiency which is common in pregnancy, rather naturally and without any side effects. So, if you are pregnant be sure to include these foods in your daily diet.




