How do you know when you are ovulating?


This is a question that every woman needs to know, whether you want to get pregnant or abstain from pregnancy. As you start ovulating, your ovaries start releasing eggs. If the egg meets a sperm, you get pregnant. You need to be aware of symptoms of ovulation so that you can either abstain from sex or get involved in sex according to your preferences. Indeed, there are some symptoms of ovulation.

Changes in cervical mucus

During ovulation your body produces more of female hormone- estrogen. This makes the cervical mucus clear and stretchy, much like the white of an egg. This is, in fact, a kind of arrangement by the body to facilitate the entry of sperm and meet the egg. To test whether the cervical mucus is indicating ovulation or otherwise, you need to use your finger. Insert it inside the vagina and bring out some of the mucus. Now try to stretch it between the fingers and thumb. If it gets stretched, is clear and slippery, you are most likely ovulating.

Heightened olfactory sense

During ovulation you may have a heightened sense of smell. You are most likely to be attracted towards male pheromones like androstenone. It simply means that you are likely to feel more attracted to manly personalities.

Lower abdominal pain

Though this is not a common indicator, many women feel a mild lower abdominal or pelvic pain during ovulation.

Breast tenderness

Your breasts and nipples may become more sensitive to touch, tender or even sore, during ovulation. This is due to the production of various hormones during this phase.

Read more: Signs and symptoms of Ovulation