Are Deodorants Safe During Pregnancy?


The toxins and chemicals in deodorants and perfumes make a lot of woman question if they are safe to be used during pregnancy. Normally, when we apply a perfume or deodorant, it stays on our skin for a long period of time, almost throughout the day. And for some people, they may also experience headaches or nausea by applying strong deodorants and perfumes. In this article, we will be discussing if perfumes and deodorants are considered to be safe during pregnancy or not. Let’s read below to find more:

deodorant while pregnant

In this article:

Deodorants and Perfumes During Pregnancy
Do you Have More Body Odor During Pregnancy?
Perfumes to be Avoided During Pregnancy
Amount of Perfumes or Deodorants to be Used During Pregnancy
Safe Natural Fragrances to Try
When to Consult a Doctor
Choosing a Safe Deodorant During Pregnancy

Using Perfumes and Deodorants During Pregnancy – Is it Safe?

Deodorants and Perfumes During Pregnancy

Generally, deodorants and perfumes are considered to be safe during pregnancy. According to the doctors, the chemicals in deodorants and perfumes stay on the skin’s surface, thus they do not really infiltrate the skin. In fact, even if you have cuts on your skin, the toxins that may get passed on through your skin are not enough to cause any damage to you or your baby.


Apart from that, one thing to be kept in mind is that deodorants and perfumes may cause an allergic reaction during pregnancy. In such a case, go for perfumes that are all natural and organic.

Do you Have More Body Odor During Pregnancy?

Heightened sense of smell is called as hypersomnia. During pregnancy, it is commonly thought amongst pregnant women that they are smellier than they actually are. This is generally most common during early pregnancy and beyond. However, this strange smell actually helps to protect your baby from certain things like rancid food.

Perfumes to be Avoided During Pregnancy

There are a number of perfumes and deodorants that are advised to be avoided during pregnancy. These are:

  • Deodorants consisting of harmful chemicals like parabens, sodium lauryl sulphate, petroleum by-products, polythene/pegs, BHA, parabens and silica should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • It is advised to choose unscented perfumes and deodorants rather than using the fragrant ones. This is mainly because fragrances usually consist of hormone-disrupting phthalates as an ingredient, which may not be mentioned on the label of the product.
  • As per the studies, aluminium based compounds are linked to a higher risk of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer and gene instability. Make sure you select an aluminium free deodorant or perfume.
  • Also, avoid using camphor, birch, wintergreen, pennyroyal, aniseed, sage essential oils during pregnancy.


Amount of Perfumes or Deodorants to be Used During Pregnancy

Although deodorants and perfumes are considered to be safe during pregnancy it is always better to take precautions, especially when it’s about your baby. it is thus advised that you limit the number of deodorants and perfumes on an everyday basis, especially when you are pregnant. It is always better to make the minimum use of such scented products. Instead of using perfumes or trying out new products, you can rather use safer essential oils like citrus oil.

Safe Natural Fragrances to Try

You can find natural fragrances in the form of sprays, roll-ons, jars or sticks. There are a few ingredients that may work best for natural deodorant during pregnancy. These are as listed below:

When to Consult a Doctor

In case you go through any of the reactions listed below, make sure you consult your doctor:

  • Headache
  • An allergic reaction
  • Choking
  • Rashes
  • Difficulty in breathing


Choosing a Safe Deodorant During Pregnancy

Now that we have discussed all potential harmful effects of deodorants and perfumes during pregnancy, you know, the less ingredients, the better. however, if your deodorant or perfume consists of any of the ingredients that are considered to be harmful during pregnancy, avoid using it and switch onto other products.


Make sure you consult with your doctor about any possible triggers, so that he/she can suggest some safe deodorants and perfumes during pregnancy. Not only this, you must also exercise precautions from your end, by checking the label before purchasing the product and moreover, by keeping its use to a minimum extent. If your deodorant consists of aluminium, phthalates, propylene glycol, triclosan and parabens, it’s better to switch onto another one. You can choose one with natural antibacterial and scents like coconut oil, essential oils. In addition to this, also make sure that you don’t make use of the same right after shaving.


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