Benefits of Cervical Cerclage You Need to Know


Did you know that if you have a weak cervix, you stand a chance of a miscarriage? Scary, isn’t it? Thankfully, there are ways to remedy this and one such treatment is getting a cervical cerclage surgery. What is this all about? Read on to know!

Why do you need a cerclage cervical: Benefits

One of the most common reasons for premature childbirths is a weak cervix. Most of the time, the doctors advise pregnant women with a weak cervix to undergo a cervical cerclage surgery. In these cases, the possibilities of miscarriages and premature childbirths are greatly reduced. A weal cervix is also known as an incompetent cervix. Women having this problem are likely to deliver the children before maturity due to the shortness of their cervix. Besides, they often open up too early. Cervical cerclage is a surgical process, where the cervix is sewn, preventing premature labour and delivery.

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Benefits of Cervical Cerclage

The key purpose of undergoing a cervical cerclage surgery is to prevent premature delivery. In case the cervix is prone to early changes, this surgery can prevent it occurring at the wrong time. Premature delivery takes place when the baby comes out of the uterus before the desired time. Normally, healthy babies experience this stage when the foetus is 37 to 38 weeks old. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the cervix sewn up through surgery and prevent premature delivery.

The lowermost part of the uterus is known as the cervix. It extends into the vaginal region. When a woman undergoes this surgery, the risk of the cervix opening before time is eliminated. Although the process involves certain risks, most of the doctors recommend acerclage for women with weak cervixes. When the cervix is closed, the possibilities of premature labour get reduced to a large extent.

As the foetus keeps growing, the pressure created on the cervix keeps on mounting. In case the cervix is weak, it may give way under pressure and open up. This results in premature births.


cervical cerclage

When and under what conditions is thecervical cerclage placed?

Generally, thecerclage is placed during the third month of pregnancy, when the foetus is around 12 to 14 weeks old. However, under certain circumstances, it is placed at later stages of pregnancy. The woman is kept under observation and the doctors watch out for changes in the cervix. This process is known as ‘emergent cerclage’. In case a woman undergoes this surgery during pregnancy, she will need it during future pregnancies too. This is done when the cervix starts opening and shortening. As a result, premature labour does not occur.

The reasons for a weak cervix includes damages caused to it during abortions in the past. This can make the cervix weak, resulting in premature deliveries. Another possible reason is miscarriages in the past. Particularly, if the woman had suffered from miscarriages during the second trimester, the doctors recommend a cervical cerclage.

At times, the changes occurring in the cervix are noted at a later stage during the pregnancy. This may be too late for the surgery. The cervix may be already opened up by the time the changes are detected. Under these circumstances, doctors recommend the women to take bed rest for the remaining part of their pregnancy period.

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Why should you undergo a cervical cerclage surgery?

Cervical cerclage helps to prevent premature labour or miscarriages due to cervical incompetence. The procedure has a success rate of 85%-90%. When the cervix turns out to be weak, cervical cerclage appears to be the ideal remedy. However, the process is complicated and the diagnostic process may be inaccurate in certain cases.


Why doesn’t every woman having preterm babies need a cerclage?

Cervical cerclage turns out to be helpful for women with incompetent cervix only. However, even when the cerclage is placed, other issues like labour can start too early. Women who undergo this surgery need routine check-ups for other complications. These may include preterm labour and infections in the region.

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What is to be done before placing the cerclage?

Generally, the doctors view the medical history of the person before going ahead with the surgery. After this, you will have to undergo a thorough health test to ensure that you are suitable for the surgery. This includes a transvaginal ultrasound, performed by a specialist. Before placing the cerclage, the doctors discuss the side effects and pain issues with the patients, providing them with necessary advice for pain control. In case you are about to undergo the surgery, you should ask the physicians about the consequences that may affect your delivery or health.
