7 Ways to Tell Baby’s Gender from an Early Sonogram


You’re pregnant and are absolutely and completely excited at the thought of having a baby soon. But what about its gender? If you would like to know its gender when you have your first sonogram at 18-20 weeks pregnancy, you can get the information you long for. However, waiting five months can be excruciatingly long. Can you wait?

Fortunately, you needn’t wait for your doctor to put you through an early sonogram because you can go with some methods that predict the gender of your baby.  There are many such methods, but here are seven that you can rely on:

7 Ways to Find Out Gender of Baby from an Early Sonogram

7 ways to tell baby's gender

Genital Tubercle Angle Theory

It has been medically proved that sonography can determine the gender of your baby to about 98.7% accuracy, and all this in week 12 of your pregnancy. This is ably done using the genital tubercle angle theory. The genital tubercle refers to the nub that is visible in week 4 of gestation, which later becomes the penis or clitoris. At 12 weeks pregnancy too, it is difficult to tell whether the baby is a boy or girl, however this can be found out based on the angle of the nub.

For this, it’s important to have a profile view of the genitals. By drawing a horizontal line along the lower spine and another one passing through the genital tubercle, you can find out the gender based on what you find at the point of intersection of these lines.

If it’s a boy, you will find the angle more than 30 ֯. If it’s a girl, you will find the angle lesser than 10 ֯.


Read more: 15 Noticeable Baby Boy Symptoms During Early Pregnancy

DNA Testing

Though expensive, you can have this test done through some companies that actually collect samples by post and let you know of your baby’s gender in just a week. This test can be done at week 10 of your pregnancy and is 99% accurate.

This test works like this:  Send the company your blood sample and allow them to analyze its foetal cells to look for a Y-chromosome in it. If they find this, you will have a baby boy. Conversely, the absence of this will mean it’s going to be a girl.

Read more: 15 Noticeable Baby Girl Symptoms During Early Pregnancy

The Cabbage Test

A cabbage is the hero of this test. Its success is because the cabbage reacts to your urine’s pH level. The formula is simple: If the pH level is high, it means you’re going to have a boy, else a low pH means it’s a girl. To perform this test, here’s what you need to do:

Chop a cabbage into bite-sized pieces and boil it in water. Do this for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Now, collect a little of your urine sample in a disposable cup or container and combine equal portions of your urine with the water of the boiled cabbage. If the resulting solution turns red or pink, you’ll have a boy, but if it turns purple, it’s a girl for you.


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The Wedding Ring Test

Use your wedding ring differently. Here, you need to pass a string through your wedding ring and hang it over your stomach. Let it swing naturally. If it swings from side to side, you’re going to have a boy, but if it moves in a circular direction, you could well have a girl.

Ramzi’s Method

Dr. Saad Ramzi’s research involved more than 5,000 sonograms from which a baby’s gender can be determined within six weeks of gestation, based on how the placenta is placed. According to Dr. Ramzi’s findings, if the baby was male, the placenta would be attached to the uterus on its right, and if a female, it would be attached on the uterus’ right side. These were found to be 97.2% and 97.5% accurate.

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The Skull Theory

Though there isn’t much scientific basis in this, yet it has been found to reliably determine a baby’s gender using an early ultrasound. It does this by studying the shape of the baby’s growing skull. According to this theory, if the forehead is more rounded, it’s a girl; but if the forehead recedes backwards or is a little flat, it’s got to be a boy.

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The Baking Soda Test

As in the cabbage test, here too the pH level of the pregnant woman is used. For this test, you need to add a tablespoon of baking soda to your urine sample. If it effervesces, the foetus is a boy, but if it falls flat without any bubbles, it’s a girl.

If you’d like to give any of these a try, why not?



