11 Amazing Benefits of Drinking Wheatgrass Juice


Some of the health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice are boosts the metabolism, better skin, boosts the immunity, healthy hair, fertility aid, better digestive system, antiseptic properties, reduces fatigue, depression relief, soothes menstrual pain and heart health.

In addition to being a rich source of vitamins A, C, E, K and entire B complex vitamins, wheatgrass is also a good source of protein that too with 17 amino acids. Not only this, but it also consists of about 70% of chlorophyll, thus becoming one of the best sources of the same. So, you are nowhere wrong if you have heard people bragging about wheatgrass juice a numerous time because of its benefits. In this article, we will take a closer look at 11 benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice.

11 Wonderful Wheatgrass Juice Benefits

organic wheat grass juice powder


Boosts the metabolism

Drinking wheatgrass juice helps to boost the metabolism. Being low in calories and no fat, wheatgrass juice aids in weight loss and thus becomes an excellent choice if you are keeping a watch on your weight. It also consists of good amount of selenium that is essential for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland. Not only this but this nutrient dense food will make your feel fuller faster and longer, thus reducing the cravings.

Better skin

All thanks to the chlorophyll content in wheatgrass that is found to be very effective in treating a number of skin conditions. More specifically, it is even better with skin diseases that involve the outer and inner layers of the skin, for instance, itching, ivy poisoning, dry eczema, weeping and burning feeling of the rectum. It is also effective in treating psoriasis and eczema.

Boosts the immunity

Your immune system should be able to fight off against any harmful foreign bodies that try to enter your body. One is more prone to coughs, colds and other illnesses if the immune system is weak. Wheatgrass juice protects our body from harmful carcinogens and pathogens as it is loaded with amino acids and enzymes. Thus, right from strengthening each and every cell in our body to neutralizing the harmful substances, wheatgrass juice plays its role very effectively.


Healthy hair

Because of the antioxidants and the catalase content of the wheatgrass, it can help to slow down the aging process, thereby reversing the greying of hair. In fact, you can also apply it topically on your hair so as to get rid of dandruff and dryness.

Fertility aid

Drinking wheatgrass juice on a regular basis is one of the best ways to boost your sex drive and libido as it boosts the energy as well as the blood circulation. Thus, healthy blood flow to the sexual organs will result in improved stamina and vitality which will further increase the production of reproductive hormones. Moreover, it also consists of a compound called P4D1 that positively impacts the sperm cells and DNA.

Better digestive system

Wheatgrass juice consists of fiber and B-complex vitamins. This helps in improving the function of the digestive system muscles. Therefore, it is beneficial in treating issues like indigestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heartburn and other diseases.

Antiseptic properties

Whether it is clearing up foul smells, faster skin grafting, healing wounds faster or neutralizing strep infections, wheatgrass juice is a great way to solve all of this. In fact, other issues like leg ulcers, infections, impetigo, sinusitis and chronic inner ear inflammation can also be very well treated. In addition to this, it also helps in reducing typhoid fever, treats inflammation of the uterine cervix, gets rid of parasitic vaginal infections and cures advanced pyorrhoea.

Reduces fatigue

When your body lacks energy, you feel tired and lethargic. Being a rich source of iron, wheatgrass juice helps in the production of red blood cells in the body. This means that more the red blood cells, more will be the energy carried all over the body.

Depression relief

One of the causes of depression is iron deficiency and as discussed above, wheatgrass is a rich source of iron. Also, wheatgrass consists of B vitamins that help the body to overcome depression and anxiety. Not only this, but other compounds in wheatgrass are also beneficial in boosting the adrenal system, which helps with better stress management.


Soothes menstrual pain

Vitamins and mineral deficiency are one of the leading causes of painful menstruation and irregularity in menstruation cycles.  As wheatgrass consists of all these essential vitamins and minerals, you will not be lacking any of these nutrients. Say bye to the pain!

Heart health

There are a number of ways in which wheatgrass proves to be beneficial for the heart. Drinking wheatgrass juice on a regular basis helps to improve lipid levels, decreases total cholesterol, lower high cholesterol levels, increases high density lipoprotein cholesterol, increases glutathione and vitamin levels and decreases malondialdehyde levels.


Right from reducing fatigue, improving the heart heath to boosting the immunity and metabolism, wheatgrass juice has proven to be beneficial in a number of ways. Although there aren’t enough studies related to the same but one thing that has been found is that making it a part of your regular diet will surely help in providing you with all the essential nutrients.





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