101 Would You Rather Questions for Teenagers


This has always been my favorite game! ‘Would you rather’ game is basically a game of choice between two interesting and yet difficult options. Suppose your friend asks you ‘would you rather own a house or a yacht?’ Now, you have to answer the question immediately by choosing one of the given two options, after which you will ask your friend some other questions.

Read More:50 Amazing Teen Quotes

would you rather game questions

The only issue one is likely to face while playing this game is, running out of interesting questions. In this article, we have listed 101 ‘would you rather’ questions for you and your friends. Read below to find more:

101 Interesting Would You Rather Questions

  • Would you rather have really large feet or really large hands?
  • Would you rather have a monkey that talks or a monkey that dances?
  • Would you rather prank your parents or have your parents try to prank you?
  • Would you rather have really bushy eyebrows or no eyebrows at all?
  • Would you rather pour water on the principal or the most popular student in the school?
  • Would you rather have long legs or a long neck?
  • Would you rather be a terrible dancer or a terrible singer?
  • Would you rather have gap teeth or have to use braces for your teeth?
  • Would you rather work as a clown or work in a circus?
  • Would you rather be very ticklish or have a friend who’s very ticklish?
  • Would you rather sit between two smelly people or two really fat people?
  • Would you rather have weird friends or weird parents?
  • Would you rather be huge or tiny?
  • Would you rather have a fat tummy or a cheeky face?
  • Would you rather have wings or have a tail?
  • Would you rather wear your clothes inside out or backward for the entire life?
  • Would you rather drink something that will give you a pink tongue or a black one?
  • Would you rather get a pet dog or a pet cat?
  • Would you rather shop at Gucci or at a vintage store?
  • Would you rather get your lunch from home or eat in the school cafeteria?
  • Would you rather be in a singing class or a dance class?
  • Would you rather spend time on the laptop or on the phone?
  • Would you rather stay in bed all day or stay up all night?
  • Would you rather travel by air or by road?
  • Would you rather be the first child or the middle one?
  • Would you rather have brown eyes or green eyes?
  • Would you rather eat at dominos or at McDonalds?
  • Would you rather have Pepsi or coca-cola?
  • Would you rather visit your school friend or a childhood friend?
  • Would you rather use an android or an iPhone?
  • Would you rather eat the dining table or in bed?
  • Would you rather have followers on Instagram or on twitter?
  • Would you rather go camping or go hunting?
  • Would you rather wear something that’s comfortable or something fashionably but uncomfortable?
  • Would you rather have a male best friend or a female best friend?
  • Would you rather eat vegetables for a week or only fruits for a week?
  • Would you rather spend your day reading the newspaper or a magazine?

Tough would you rather questions for teenagers

  • Would you rather get a bad gift for your birthday or no gift at all?
  • Would you rather fail an exam or cheat on exam?
  • Would you rather be super cool or freaking hot?
  • Would you rather break your crush’s heart or have your crush break your heart?
  • Would you rather give up on chocolates forever or give up on junk forever?
  • Would you rather get married at 20 or at 80?
  • Would you rather live in a forest or on an island?
  • Would you rather burn your favourite outfit or burn your significant other’s favourite outfit?
  • Would you rather have kids at 22 or at 60?
  • Would you rather have your phone stolen or confess your phone passcode to your dad?
  • Would you rather sneak out of the house or of the hostel?
  • Would you rather have your crush pass an exam or your best friend pass an exam?
  • Would you rather go shopping with your mom or your dad?
  • Would you rather lose 100 dollars or give 1000 dollars to charity?
  • Would you rather be in prison for a crime you didn’t commit or have your best friend be in prison for a crime you committed?
  • Would you rather do all the cleaning at home or all the cooking?
  • Would you rather get an injection when you fall sick or get a lot of drugs?
  • Would you rather send a love letter to a wrong person or misplace it?
  • Would you rather uninstall Instagram or snapchat?
  • Would you rather someone read all your messages or read your diary?
  • Would you rather drink a bar of soap or a bottle of shampoo?
  • Would you rather smell like a monkey or look like a dog?
  • Would you rather go to a smaller school or move to a smaller house?
  • Would you rather drink liquid from the floor or eat ice cream from the floor?
  • Would you rather pick your nose or be with someone who picks their nose?
  • Would you rather have dandruff in your hair or be with someone who has lice in their hair?
  • Would you rather eat cat poop or dog poop?
  • Would you rather go on a movie date or on a dinner date?
  • Would you rather be underdressed for a party or overdressed?
  • Would you rather eat a crab or lobster?
  • Would you rather find a cure for HIV or cancer?
  • Would you rather have gap teeth or a gold tooth?
  • Would you rather have twin girls or twin boys?
  • Would you rather live in a beach house or a penthouse?
  • Would you rather marry someone who is rich or someone who loves you?
  • Would you rather sleep naked or in clothes?
  • Would you rather watch a scary movie with your friends or with your significant other?

Funny would you rather question for teenagers

  • Would you rather be stuck in a restroom with a baby that won’t stop crying or a baby that won’t stop throwing up?
  • Would you rather burn your nose or burn your most expensive dress?
  • Would you rather get a tattoo of barbie or of Cinderella?
  • Would you rather have yellow teeth or a lot of missing teeth?
  • Would you rather live in a tree or live in a truck?
  • Would you rather not bath for a month or not brush your teeth for a month?
  • Would you rather shit yourself in public or be caught masturbating in public?
  • Would you rather be an alcohol addict or a drug addict?
  • Would you rather lose an arm or lose all your fingers?
  • Would you rather owe your ex money or owe a bank money?
  • Would you rather cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend or on your husband/wife?
  • Would you rather lose your lover or your parents?
  • Would you rather give up the internet or your beloved pet?
  • Would you rather be shape-shifter or a teleporter?
  • Would you rather be a porn star or an escort?
  • Would you rather eat your pet or chew your lip off?
  • Would you rather be eaten by a lion or by a shark?
  • Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
  • Would you rather live without music or without movies?
  • Would you rather have free wi-fi or free electricity?
  • Would you rather be hated for doing something good or loved for doing something bad?
  • Would you rather have an abortion or be a teen mom?
  • Would you rather beg or steal?
  • would you rather gain 50 pounds or lose 50 pounds?
  • Would you rather be a rat or an elephant?
  • Would you rather wear a dirty outfit or a torn outfit?
  • Would you rather take tea or coffee for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather own a jet or own a yacht?

Now you have 101 interesting yet difficult questions for your game. So, get your friends together and get ready for another round of game. Also, if you know more such questions, you can share them with us in the comment section below.

