Upt and Ultrasound Negative, Could i Still be Pregnant?


Three of the major pregnancy tests that determine your situation are, firstly a simple home pregnancy test, followed by a clinical urine test and a blood test. All these three tests are done simultaneously, in a single trail, when you as well as your doctor are both unsure of the situation due to results that are hazy or rather on the critical line instead of signifying something definite. When the result of all the three methods of pregnancy test are not quite clear, your gynaecologist recommends that you go for your first ultrasound scan already, in order to detect the real condition. At times, the intravaginal ultrasound test proves that you are pregnant! But at times, much to your mental agony, this test might also not show a positive result. However, it can still not determine that you are necessarily not pregnant. There is a chance, according to experts, that you can still be pregnant despite pregnancy test and ultrasound scans showing negative results. There are some major reasons for this late diagnosis in some women, as compared to most others. The symptoms that must be kept in mind to understand whether you are pregnant are:

Upt and Ultrasound Negative, Could i Still be Pregnant?

  • Missing your scheduled period
  • Passing urine more than you normally do
  • Feeling nauseous most of the time
  • Vomiting after consuming a good amount of food
  • Feeling tired too often
  • Slightly swollen breasts with occasional pain around them

These are the sure signs of you being pregnant, even if the ultrasound scan does not show you the same. The ultrasound test for the first time is designed to show you the three basic things:Upt and Ultrasound

  • Your gestational sac
  • The foetal pole
  • The sac in which the yolk is contained

There have been numerous instances in which doctors or sonographers have failed to find the foetal pole or the sound of the heartbeat in order to confirm pregnancy. An ultrasound that does not detect or show a foetal pole might mean that you are experiencing an extremely early or premature pregnancy in which the foetus has not yet developed. In this case, you are required to wait for a few more weeks before attending the second ultrasound session to determine the result. A pregnancy-like growth inside your body, outside the uterine lining might suggest that you have concurred an ‘ectopic pregnancy’. This will be to be treated by the doctor as it cannot be deemed as a normal condition of conception. However, irrespective of the pregnancy being ectopic or normal, whether you are pregnant at all, can also be detected by examining the amount of beta-hCG hormone in your blood stream. If you have successfully conceived, the level of beta-hCG (pregnancy-related) hormone is supposed to rise by 2 times in about the next couple of days. If there is an appropriate rise in the level of this hormone, you will have to wait for a few weeks before the doctor call you for another test in which the heartbeat of the foetus, if it is there, will be examined. Normally the level of the pregnancy hormone provides the doctor with the answer. This hormone can also signify the possibility of early foetal death that might have occurred, or a normally developing foetus inside the womb.

However, apart from the possibility of being pregnant, there can also be other things that a negative urine pregnant test and an ultrasound test might denote. You have to visit the doctor and get your reproductive area examined in order to understand what is going on inside your body. The major possibilities that a negative pregnancy test might point out at are:

  • You are not pregnant
  • You might have had an early miscarriage
  • You might have had some complications while conceiving
  • You have missed out on your menstrual cycle due to some health issue

The central reasons, as cited by doctors, for the false or negative results in home pregnancy tests are:

  • You are on some routine medication containing highly concentrated chemicals that are affecting your reproductive system
  • You have taken the test in the evening when your urine is diluted due to the day’s food and water consumption
  • You have taken the test within the first week of a missed period
  • You checked the results too soon, without waiting for the mentioned number of minutes, when the line did not even appear
  • You forgot to check the results within the demarcated time limit and thus viewed an evaporated line
  • You use tranquilisers on a regular basis

Keeping these factors in mind, you must always wait and watch out for the final results after going through a pregnancy test or even an ultrasound session. A negative test might or might not mean that you are pregnant. Hence, ask the doctor to conduct all the required tests so that you have clarity on what is happening inside you body and take the necessary next steps.


Three of the major pregnancy tests that determine your situation are, firstly a simple home pregnancy test, followed by a clinical urine test and a blood test. All these three tests are done simultaneously, in a single trail, when you as well as your doctor are both unsure of the situation due to results that are hazy or rather on the critical line instead of signifying something definite. When the result of all the three methods of pregnancy test are not quite clear, your gynaecologist recommends that you go for your first ultrasound scan already, in order to detect the real condition. At times, the intravaginal ultrasound test proves that you are pregnant! But at times, much to your mental agony, this test might also not show a positive result. However, it can still not determine that you are necessarily not pregnant. There is a chance, according to experts, that you can still be pregnant despite pregnancy test and ultrasound scans showing negative results. There are some major reasons for this late diagnosis in some women, as compared to most others. The symptoms that must be kept in mind to understand whether you are pregnant are:

  • Missing your scheduled period
  • Passing urine more than you normally do
  • Feeling nauseous most of the time
  • Vomiting after consuming a good amount of food
  • Feeling tired too often
  • Slightly swollen breasts with occasional pain around them

These are the sure signs of you being pregnant, even if the ultrasound scan does not show you the same. The ultrasound test for the first time is designed to show you the three basic things:

  • Your gestational sac
  • The foetal pole
  • The sac in which the yolk is contained

There have been numerous instances in which doctors or sonographers have failed to find the foetal pole or the sound of the heartbeat in order to confirm pregnancy. An ultrasound that does not detect or show a foetal pole might mean that you are experiencing an extremely early or premature pregnancy in which the foetus has not yet developed. In this case, you are required to wait for a few more weeks before attending the second ultrasound session to determine the result. A pregnancy-like growth inside your body, outside the uterine lining might suggest that you have concurred an ‘ectopic pregnancy’. This will be to be treated by the doctor as it cannot be deemed as a normal condition of conception. However, irrespective of the pregnancy being ectopic or normal, whether you are pregnant at all, can also be detected by examining the amount of beta-hCG hormone in your blood stream. If you have successfully conceived, the level of beta-hCG (pregnancy-related) hormone is supposed to rise by 2 times in about the next couple of days. If there is an appropriate rise in the level of this hormone, you will have to wait for a few weeks before the doctor call you for another test in which the heartbeat of the foetus, if it is there, will be examined. Normally the level of the pregnancy hormone provides the doctor with the answer. This hormone can also signify the possibility of early foetal death that might have occurred, or a normally developing foetus inside the womb.

However, apart from the possibility of being pregnant, there can also be other things that a negative urine pregnant test and an ultrasound test might denote. You have to visit the doctor and get your reproductive area examined in order to understand what is going on inside your body. The major possibilities that a negative pregnancy test might point out at are:

  • You are not pregnant
  • You might have had an early miscarriage
  • You might have had some complications while conceiving
  • You have missed out on your menstrual cycle due to some health issue

The central reasons, as cited by doctors, for the false or negative results in home pregnancy tests are:

  • You are on some routine medication containing highly concentrated chemicals that are affecting your reproductive system
  • You have taken the test in the evening when your urine is diluted due to the day’s food and water consumption
  • You have taken the test within the first week of a missed period
  • You checked the results too soon, without waiting for the mentioned number of minutes, when the line did not even appear
  • You forgot to check the results within the demarcated time limit and thus viewed an evaporated line
  • You use tranquilisers on a regular basis

Keeping these factors in mind, you must always wait and watch out for the final results after going through a pregnancy test or even an ultrasound session. A negative test might or might not mean that you are pregnant. Hence, ask the doctor to conduct all the required tests so that you have clarity on what is happening inside you body and take the necessary next steps.
