11 Common Teenage Girl Issues Every Parent Should Know


‘Problem’ is a common word every individual faces in their daily life. Without problem it seems a life is incomplete or a person saying that he doesn’t have any problem is not at all living a life. Problem doesn’t look like a problem if one has ways to solve it. Problem effects one when they have no clue how to solve it. And now a day’s problem is becoming common and in a huge amount as well in everyone’s life. But it’s important to learn how to deal with that sort of problem.

Teenage girls go through a lot in their day to day life, with themselves, with parent, with their personal life, social life, friendship, self actualization etc. No matter how hard it to live but as every woman is strong and unique in their own way, they face this with their grace and beauty.

Now a day’s it’s common to hear that so many girls commit suicide because of some problem or the other and the biggest drawback here is parent know nothing about what is going on in their daughter’s life. When they come to know the damage is done. It’s important for parent to know what they are doing, who they are meeting, what is going on in their life and all.

Teenage is said to be most dangerous age group because maximum kid’s take wrong decisions which ruins their life. They do something or the else which can never be rectified. This age itself seems to have a lot of changes, like bodily changes, surrounding, people, behavior etc. it’s important that in this age period parent should be friendly with their kid’s because without having bond the teenager’s won’t be comfortable in sharing their problems and what if they are in a big trouble, they’ll be wanting help and without parent no one can help them that much. In this particular age time a teenager needs proper guidance, care, and nurture from their parent. Ignorance of parent can make the situation worse. Parent should be friendly and should talk to the kid’s in their day to day life. It is important as well as necessary and should not be strict, they should be more calm and understandable. Without their support teenagers won’t be able to fight any sort of problem. Mutual concern and understanding is necessary here.

Teenage Girl Issues: 11 Facts Every Parent Should Know

common teenage girl issues

11 common teenage girl problems which parents should know.



Well, this is the very first and the most common thing which every girl goes through. They worry a lot about their shape, figure, looks, colour etc. Every woman is beautiful in their own way but this realization takes a lot of time to hit them and appreciate themselves for what they are. Looks matters a lot for girls starting from their hair, face, nails, dress everything.

And there are other kid’s in schools and college who are very popular for their looks and for their glamour and those girls who are none of these feels neglected and just to get attention they try different types of make ups than creams which will make them look beautiful but when they end up being same they prefer wrong measures to hurt themselves just because they themselves doesn’t want to appreciate their appearance. And parent should help them out in getting rid of this obsession. This is not an easy issue to handle or neglect every parent should know and should take care when their girl’s faces this sort of an issue and should help them in gaining confidence.


This is now a day’s a major issue to handle. Every girl in this age goes against their parent and the most common reason is this dating reason or I would say boyfriend reason. This age is the most creepy as well dangerous age, because in this particular age every person feels like a lover, like Romeo and Juliet and the new person in life becomes more important than parent. Teenager should not keep secrets like this from their parents. And parent should have an eye on these matters because this causes a lot of trouble which cannot be rectified later onwards.


Depression a common word and also a common phase one go through. But how does it occurs, why it happens is a common question one faces and is enable to answer. Well there is a lot which happens to one’s and very few are there who tackles them all. Its tough to say that what brings a person to that stage where they couldn’t find themselves and rather gets lost totally. Parent should know that what their girl is up to and what is going on in their mind and should help them out in dealing with this.


This is the most serious cause of people having or coming with suicidal thoughts. Most of the girls face this and they are so quiet or shy they don’t even share and they fill that its better to quit then to continue living with these type of insensitive people. Bullying has been stopped in many of the places but it’s still going on. People usually take this as they are joking but the person who faces it knows how painful and humiliating it is. Parent should have an eye on college as well as school and what their girl’s are going through.


Now a day’s friends changes frequently as in some sort of dress is being changed. every second day it seems as in one girl is either alone or changes their group. So girl’s who are introvert and have problem in communication they goes through a lot. Parent should be friendly with these type of introvert girls and should give them the confidence of getting to know new people and trying to be friend with them.


Self esteem

Confidence is the major thing which maximum of the girls lack and they rather than feeling more boast up they just gets on being nervous and demotivated. Parent should try their level best in boasting confidence in their girls and make them familiar with the outer world as well.

Cyber addiction

This is not an issue but should always be visible to everyone’s parent because this social media has a lot to tell and show as well. Parent should keep an eye on whom their girl’s talk to, what they talk about, is they are facing any sort of problem or not. Cyber can help people a lot at the same time it can harm also. So be careful before going through or meeting any new people in cyber.


Life s stressful but to deal with that and tackle that is very important and when someone looses in tackling or dealing with certain kind of issues it makes a person more stressful. Parent should know what is bothering them and stressing them out and they should deal with their kid’s as well.

Drinking and smoking

It seems cool in this age, when we see people doing this and at the same time we too want to experience it, but how much it can be harmful we get to know later onwards. In this age only the addiction to smoking and drinking starts. Everyone starts by saying that they just want to try once but they end up doing it in daily basis. In a younger age itself parent should control these situations and also habit.

Teen pregnancy

As we discussed that in this age girl’s and also boys end up making decisions which can be harmful at the same time cannot be rectified. This is one of the biggest issue which girl faces and cannot rectify, they end up killing themselves. Parent should be cooperating as well as understanding and they should help in them getting along with this phase as well.

Underage sex

This age comes with a lot of changes and lot of excitement as well and this excitement end up in this way whereas it should be more in some other work than this thing. Its normal in this age but one should deal with this very calmly and with protection. Parent should keep an eye on their kid’s and should rectify them where ever they are wrong.
