When to take a Pregnancy Test?


So, you have just missed your period and do not know if you are pregnant yet. You cannot resist the temptation of taking a pregnancy test. But, how soon can you take one and be sure that the results are correct? Read on to know!

Do you think you might just be pregnant? Though you might use the most effective birth control techniques, there could be some measure of error that could make you pregnant. After all, all it needs is one sperm to fertilize your ovum. Whatever that may be, lay your mind at rest by taking an over-the-counter (OTC) pregnancy test.

Read More: 11 Homemade Pregnancy Tests That Work

When to Test for Pregnancy?

Wait a week after you miss a period and take a pregnancy test to get the most accurate results. Alternatively, wait two weeks after you’ve had sex and then go in for the test. If you test positive, your body is going to need some time to develop detectable HCG levels. This usually takes between seven and 12 days after an egg is implanted. If you test early in your cycle, your results may be inaccurate.

Here are some signs to look out for that tell you to take a pregnancy test now:

1. A missed period

This is one of the most definite signs of pregnancy. To have an accurate test result, you should be able to track your cycle minutely. Often, women have a 28-day menstrual cycle. So, it would be safe for you to take a test if there’s been more than a month’s gap since your last period.Of course, you could have missed your period due to certain reasons like diet, exercise, stress or some medical conditions.


If you’re looking out for pregnancy, check your flow too. You may have spotting or light blood flow in the early weeks as the egg penetrates the uterine lining during the implantation process. While checking for flow, also keep an eye out for the colour, texture and quantity of blood. If you do bleed and meet with a positive pregnancy test, speak to your doctor immediately.

pregnancy test

2. Cramping

The implantation process can give cramps similar to those experienced during menstruation. In the early days of your pregnancy, you might feel the familiar feeling of discomfort as in a period, expecting a period which never comes. If you experience this, take a test now.

3. Sore breasts

With your pregnancy advancing, your body will begin to produce estrogen and progesterone that will cause changes to your body in order to support your baby’s growth. Another sign is your breasts feeling sore and tender, and bigger too, to accommodate an increase in blood flow. Your nipples could be very sensitive now and your veins could look much darker below the skin surface. Women who expect their period experience similar discomfort in the breasts, so these symptoms could indicate pregnancy.

4. Nausea, food aversion and other symptoms

Cramps and sore breasts are only some of the leading symptoms of early pregnancy. Other tell-tale signs include nausea, vomiting, food aversions, fatigue and frequent urination. As time passes, these symptoms strengthen before your levels of HCG can even out towards the end of the first trimester.

5. Inefficient contraception methods

It has been found that birth control pills or other kinds of contraceptive methods like condoms fail to provide 100% pregnancy protection. There are times when you could forget to take your birth control pills, or condoms can break or tear or be worn wrongly. And, for all the care you take, you could be pregnant. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, do take a pregnancy test, irrespective of the birth control method you use.


If you’re worried that your contraceptive methods aren’t working well enough, speak to your doctor about other types of contraception, perhaps like an intrauterine device (IUD). Of course, this isn’t 100% fool-proof either.

Read More: Top 10 Best Pregnancy Test Kits You Should Know About

Best time for a test:

The best time in the day to test for pregnancy is first thing in the morning. Urine drawn upon waking is best because it is highly concentrated and has the highest level of HCG, the pregnancy hormone. Your blood pregnancy test can be positive even many days after you miss your period but a urine pregnancy test is usually positive a couple of days before or after you miss your period.

Read More: 7 Best Online Pregnancy Test


With so many accurate tests available today, you can count on them to give you at least 99% accuracy if not 100%. So, go ahead and try them today.




