Stomach Ulcer During Pregnancy: Ultimate Guide


Stomach/peptic ulcer happens when the lining of the stomach is eroded by bacteria. Small sores in the stomach are called ulcers. Stomach ulcer is not very common during pregnancy. It is relatively less complicated than other diseases. It is however very painful and causes various side effects.  Stomach ulcer has no particular cause. It generally happens from the imbalance of digestive juices in the stomach.

Stomach ulcer has a few particular symptoms. Feeling pain or burning sensation in the stomach is a major sign of peptic ulcer. Also nausea and vomiting are also symptoms. Stomach ulcer is a curable problem. Apart from medications, many home remedies are also highly effective. Certain steps are necessary to follow like quitting drinking and smoking to prevent ulcers. Keep reading to know all about stomach ulcers during pregnancy.

Ultimate Guide for Stomach Ulcer During Pregnancy

Stomach ulcer during pregnancy

What is stomach ulcer?

Stomach/ peptic ulcer is a problem of the gastro-intestine. It mainly affects the stomach and uppermost portions of the intestines. Peptic ulcer is ulcer in the intestinal or stomach area. Stomach ulcer is a part of peptic ulcer.  Stomach/peptic ulcer usually occurs when the intestinal lining or stomach lining gets eroded. The mucus lining in the stomach protects the stomach from digestive juices. If the lining gets eroded, the juices attack the stomach and created open sores. These open sores in the stomach lining that are called ulcers.


  • Imbalance of digestive juices in the duodenum and stomach causes stomach ulcer. There is an imbalance in the acid level of the stomach which causes erosion of the stomach lining.
  • Bacterial infection also causes stomach ulcer. Bacteria erode the stomach lining and also cause inflammation. This leads to sores in the stomach that are ulcers.
  • Using non-steroidal anti inflammatory medications for a long time can also cause stomach ulcers.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse can also increase the risk of ulcer in pregnant women.
  • Excessive stress may also sometimes cause stomach ulcer.


  • Pain or burning sensation in the abdomen, typically between your chest and belly button. This pain becomes more intense when you are in empty stomach. It can last for hours or fade away within minutes. This is the most common and major symptom of stomach ulcer.
  • Sometimes there is a constant dull ache in the stomach. This is also another sign of stomach ulcer.
  • Bloating is another symptom of stomach ulcer. Ulcers can make your stomach bloated.
  • Nausea is a common side effect of pregnancy. That is why it is difficult to understand whether it is because of stomach ulcer. But stomach ulcer also causes nausea and vomiting. It can be a symptom.
  • Appetite loss is definitely a symptom of ulcer. Stomach ulcer can make you lose your interest in eating completely. It is a common consequence of ulcer.
  • Feeling full is also another sign of peptic ulcer. You may feel you are completely full despite eating anything. This is a significant sign of ulcer of the gastro-intestine.
  • Excessive acidity and acid reflux is one more symptom. Pregnancy generally reduces the acidity of the stomach. If you have excess acid reflux during pregnancy it is most surely because of ulcer. Check with your doctor immediately.
  • Heartburn or burning sensation in the chest is another sign. If you have stomach ulcer you are most likely to experience heartburn.
  • Fatigue is a side effect of anemia. Anemia is again often a symptom of stomach ulcer. Having anemia during pregnancy can be an indication of ulcer.
  • Shortness of breath is also another sign of anemia caused by ulcer.
  • Dark stool is an important symptom of stomach ulcer.
  • Blood in vomit is a major sign of stomach ulcer. It can indicate the ulcer is in a critical stage. Immediately notify your doctor to ensure a safe pregnancy.
  • Sudden weight loss can also be a sign of stomach ulcer. It is a result of appetite loss that you may experience if you have ulcers.
  • Intolerance of fatty food is another indication that you might have peptic ulcer. Fatty food creates further complications in stomach ulcer.

Risks of peptic ulcer during pregnancy

  • Internal bleeding is a risk associated with stomach ulcer during pregnancy. If the ulcer affects any blood vessel in your stomach, it can cause internal bleeding. This can be very harmful for your pregnancy. The symptoms of internal bleeding can be anemia, shallow colored skin, blood in stool and vomit.
  • Perforation is another fatal consequence of stomach ulcer. It happens when your stomach lining splits due to steady erosion. This condition can lead to serious stomach infection. It is a dangerous risk for you and the baby.
  • Stomach ulcer causes inflammation of the digestive tract. This obstructs the food to pass into your system. As a result it leads to appetite loss and malnutrition. This can poses serious complications in your pregnancy. It affects the normal growth of the baby as well.


Antacids are commonly used to treat peptic ulcer. There are other pain relief medications as well. However these medications have a risk of causing certain side effects. They can harm the fetus as well as the mother.

 Home remedies are the safest way to treat peptic ulcer during pregnancy. There are several effective home remedies for this. Including cabbage, carrots, banana, almonds in your regular diet can cure peptic ulcers. Also aloe vera juice, apple cider vinegar, slippery elm and many other home remedies are equally effective.



  • Avoid eating fatty foods to prevent ulcers. Foods rich in fat content have high chance of eroding the stomach lining by increasing the acidity level in the stomach.
  • Avoid caffeine as this can also cause peptic ulcers.
  • Chocolates, mint and citrus juices are also capable of aggravating your problem if you are already suffering from peptic ulcer.
  • Immediately quit smoking and drinking. Both alcohol and nicotine can make your ulcer worse.
  • Avoid taking non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications can worsen peptic ulcer.


Peptic ulcer can be very painful and troublesome during pregnancy. It can interfere in your well being. Peptic ulcer is not a serious illness. It can be easily curable. Medications as well home remedies are effective as treatment. But stomach ulcer can sometimes cause serious side effects like anemia, internal bleeding and perforation. These complications can harm your baby. If you notice blood in your stool, vomit or experience symptoms of anemia, immediately consult a doctor.

