21 Best Food to Relieve Constipation in Pregnancy


Watermelon, high-fibre foods, magnesium supplements, lemon, water, oranges, prune juice, chia seeds, flax seeds, berries, kiwis, pears, beans, cereal, apples, guava and spinach are some of the foods that relieve constipation in pregnancy.

Many women have constipation before they get pregnant, but with the increase in hormones and pressure of the womb against the bowels, the problem can get considerably worse. Luckily, there are some tried-and-true natural ways to get things flowing again, without resorting to counter drugs that can harm a developing baby.

Cause of constipation during pregnancy

  • Changes in hormones

One of the culprits causing constipation during pregnancy is an increase in progesterone. This hormone causes the smooth muscle fibers to relax in the body,  preparing mom and a baby for delivery.  But it also smoothes the intestines, which means the peristaltic motion is not as strong, and food moves more slowly through the digestive tract.

  • Reduced food and water consumption
  • Changes in diet
  • Due to iron supplements

Constipation in Pregnancy: 21 Foods that Relieve



Watermelon is key

This is an old midwives remedy for constipation. Midwives used to boil watermelon seeds to make a tea for pregnant women suffering from constipation, though you can also just eat lots of the fruit. Since it is full of water it also helps to move food through the bowels. Watermelon seed tea can also help an infant get its kidneys kick-started.

Eat high-fiber foods

It is already a good idea to do this, even when you’re pregnant. Since insoluble fiber helps to move undigested food through the digestive tract but during pregnancy, it is vital. Flax seeds and almonds are high in fiber and so are fruits and vegetables. If you aren’t getting enough of these foods due to morning sickness, try taking psyllium tablets or eat a bowl of organic oat bran with some strawberries.


Magnesium supplements to  the rescue

High dose magnesium settlements are safe to take during pregnancy and can really save an expecting mom, who hasn’t been able to have a bowel movement for several days at a time.

Three cheers for chamomile sipping

Chamomile tea is a great way to relax your intestinal tract and your overall self can well have been used for centuries. It soothes frazzled nerves, helps with insomnia-another woe for pregnant women and it also has a generally calming effect. Drink no more than two cups a day though since there are untested rumors that it can cause miscarriage in higher doses.


Adding a lemon to a warm glass of water helps emulate your taste and smell and also acts as a great catalyst for the digestive system, flushing out toxins and other undigested material. You can have some concentrated lemon juice, however, adding a little bit of water lessens the intensity of the lemon flavor and helps add fluid to your bowels. Warm water and lemon have been known to induce peristalsis or bowel contractions that help you pass stool.


The best way to soften something of this to add water great well in the case of our stool it is quite a true drinking around eight to ten glasses of water a day will help you get the required amount of water in your system and help you keep constipation in check.  Drinking the right amount of fluid not only softens hard stool it also ensures that the food moves through the digestive tract.


Oranges help to treat constipation and are rich in dietary fiber and vitamin c. One of the main reasons for constipation is a lack of dietary fiber, thus oranges are one of the best remedies for constipation.  Increase fiber intake a little bit every day until you get to 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. You can also consider eating other citrus fruits like grapefruits and grenadine.

Prune juice for constipation

Wondering how to cure constipation during pregnancy, prune juice is widely hailed as an effective cure for constipation.  All you need to do is have prune juice,  four to six times in a day to leave constipation and soften the stool. If the concentrated taste of the prune juice is too strong for you, they mix it with a bit of water and add a slice of lemon.


Read More: yoga for constipation during pregnancy

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are one of the most fiber-dense foods available. Just 1 ounce (28 grams) of chia seeds contains 10.6 grams of fiber, meeting 42% of your daily needs. The fiber in chia is made up of 85% insoluble fiber and 15% soluble. When chia comes into contact with water, it forms a gel. In the gut, this can help soften stools and make them easier to pass (55).

Flax seeds

It is another popular remedy for constipation during pregnancy. Flax seeds use to treat  constipation, it is crammed with dietary  fiber which helps add the much-needed  fiber to your diet and it also  contains the rich amount of omega-3s, as  with other cue or so you would have to  supplement the diet along with a minimum  of 8 to 10 glasses of water for each  spoonful of flax seeds . Alternatively, you can also consider using flaxseed oil.

Read More: constipation during pregnancy symptoms


For a sweet constipation remedy, choose from the luscious blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. These are all examples of fruits that contain a good amount of fiber. Just 1 cup of fresh strawberries provides 3 grams of fiber; 1 cup blackberries will provide 7.6 grams, and 1 cup raspberries 8 grams. Also, berries are low in calories, therefore you can eat a big bowl of plain berries with low-fat whipped cream for your dessert, add them into pancakes or into your breakfast cereal.


If slow bowels are your problem, researchers showed that the high-fiber kiwifruit may be the fruit you are looking for. A study by researchers in Pacific Asia reported that IBS sufferers who consumed 2 kiwis a day for 4 weeks experienced less constipation and a general lessening of IBS symptoms, as compared to those who did not.



Pears do not get enough credit, which is quite surprising considering these fruits are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Also, they are one of the most fibrous fruits; therefore adding them into your diet is another way to ease any discomfort you may be experiencing in the bathroom. Just 1 medium pear with the skin on, will give you 5 1/2 grams of fiber, therefore if you eat 2, you are close to half of your daily fiber intake.

Read More: 21 Effective Home Remedies for Constipation


Beans are one of the best sources of dietary fiber. Add beans to stews, soups, curries and salads to increase your intake of fiber. You could also sit down to a plate of baked beans on toast – but make sure the toast is on whole-meal bread because white bread could actually make your constipation worse.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are full of fiber, and a great way to relieve constipation. Raisins, apricots, pineapple, prunes, dates and figs are all full of dietary fiber. Snack on dried fruits throughout the day.


Choose a high-fibre cereal to help relieve constipation. The cereal will usually say whether its high fibre or you can check the nutrition table on the box. Sprinkle some flaxseed on top for extra oomph.


An apple a day keeps constipation away. The crunchy, sweet, juicy fruit helps to relieve your child from symptoms of constipation due to its high fiber content. One study showed that pectin was able to speed up transit time in the colon. It also acted as a probiotic by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut to promote digestive health.


Read More: 11 Natural Laxatives to Relieve Constipation in Children


Guavas have soluble fiber in the pulp and insoluble fiber in the seeds that help mucus production that aims to help the hard bowel to slide easily out of the system and clear the stomach.

Spinach and other greens

Greens such as spinach, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are not only rich in fiber but also great sources of vitamin c, vitamin k and folate. These greens help add bulk and weight to stools, which makes them easier to pass through the gut. One cup of cooked spinach contains 4.3 grams of fiber, or 17% of your recommended daily intake. To get spinach into your diet, try adding it to a quiche, pie or soup. Baby spinach or tender greens can be added raw to salads or sandwiches for a fiber boost.

Tips to Relieve Constipation in Pregnancy


In the early weeks of pregnancy, constipation is normal and we tend to ignore it.  However, it can soon escalate into a severe problem and we need to keep the check on it. One effective remedy for constipation during early pregnancy is massaging your stomach. Remember to do this gently use your fingers to massage your tummy in a clockwise direction. If you are at a risk of premature labor or the placenta is low in the uterus, avoid this remedy.

Change your angle

There are yoga poses that mimic many postures. Pregnant women are taught for giving birth, and these poses are also really helpful with constipation. When your knees are at a 90-degree angle, everything is helped along quite well.  Wind-relieving pose and yes that is really the name of the posture can help move both gas and undigested food, through the intestines providing considerable relief.



Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy and you shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk about it. Constipation involves infrequent or improper bowel movements which are difficult to pass, you can also experience pain when passing the stool and it could cause tearing of the tissues and anal tenderness. A decrease in appetite, as well as abdominal bloating and pain, are other common symptoms of constipation. Maintain a proper diet and get rid of constipation.

Read More: 7 Effective Home Remedies for Infant Constipation

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