Magnesium Citrate to Fight Constipation During Pregnancy


Constipation is an uncomfortable physical condition, where it implies that the bowel movements happen less frequently or that the stool is tough. It is so common that most people experience it at some point in their lives. Even though it isn’t very serious problem, you are prone to feel way better after the body is functioning like it should. The time gap between the bowel movements depends for each person. While some pass stool thrice daily, others may pass stool twice weekly. If the stool is passed after more than three days then it is generally considered to be too long. The faecal matter becomes harder after not being passed for three days at a stretch.

A Guide for Magnesium Citrate During Pregnancy 

magnesium citrate

Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy: up to half of pregnant women get constipated at some point. One reason for constipation during pregnancy is an increase in the hormone progesterone which relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body including the digestive tract. This means that food passes through the intestines more slowly. And the problem may be compounded later in pregnancy by the pressure of your growing uterus on your rectum. Iron supplements, especially in high doses, can make constipation worse.

There are many home remedies as well as medications available for constipation, one of which is magnesium citrate.

What is magnesium citrate?

Magnesium citrate is the generic name for over-the-counter products such as citroma or citrate of magnesia which can be used as a laxative or dietary supplement. It can also be taken to “clean out” or evacuate the colon before undergoing diagnostic procedures like a colonoscopy or to help relieve symptoms of indigestion. It belongs to group of drugs known as saline laxatives, which work by pulling more water into the colon in order to help the colon empty its contents.

How to intake magnesium citrate?

Magnesium citrate is an oral drug and is taken orally.


How to use magnesium citrate during pregnancy?

During early pregnancy or first trimester, moms should consult anything to the doctors before taking any medications and home remedies. Use magnesium citrate (saline laxatives) only if your doctor recommends its use as a last resort for your constipation treatment. Saline laxatives should be taken with plenty of water. There are no actual side effects and risks of magnesium citrate for the fetal health. Magnesium citrate is approved by various medical organizations. Therefore, it will be safe for human bodies. However, it is recommended that magnesium citrate is used only in the short term or occasionally to avoid dehydration or electrolyte imbalances in pregnant women.

When not to use magnesium citrate

If you are allergic to magnesium citrate or any of its inactive ingredients, you should not take magnesium citrate. You should not take magnesium citrate if you are on a low-sodium or restricted-sodium diet.

Talk to your doctor before taking magnesium citrate if you have or have had:

  • Major kidney problems
  • Levels of potassium, sodium, chloride, and/or phosphate that may be too low or too high
  • Blockages in your stomach or colon
  • Heart problems like weak or damaged heart muscles or heart block
  • Chronic or long-term constipation.

If you suffer from chronic or long-term constipation, you should not take magnesium citrate – it’s not safe for daily, long-term, or frequent treatment of constipation.

Side effects

The most commonly reported side effects caused by magnesium citrate include:

  • Stomach and intestinal issues like gas, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramping
  • High levels of magnesium in your bloodstream
  • Imbalance in your electrolytes, or levels of minerals and compounds like sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and phosphate in your blood

Other home remedies for constipation

  • Include more fiber in your diet. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Keep your water and fluid intake optimum. Lack of water often causes constipation.
  • Continue some physical activity during pregnancy after a consultation with your doctor. Physical movement is beneficial for bowel health. Even moderate walking may be beneficial for your bowel health during pregnancy.
  • Discontinue or reduce the dose of your iron supplements and use food sources for your body’s iron needs.
  • If you suffer from persistent constipation, ask your doctor for laxative recommendations that you can use during pregnancy for long-term. Certain bulk-forming laxatives are considered safe to use.

What we basically want to say is that constipation is one of the most common problems during pregnancy and more often than not, simple home remedies actually work. Use laxatives like magnesium citrate only after consulting your physician and that too under control.

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