Head Lice Prevention: 11 Things Every Parent Should Do


Associating yourself with the pests, performing frequent and constant routine head checks, reminding your kids not to share hats with anyone, practising better bed ethics, trying out shampoo and conditioner which are specialized in head lice prevention, using essential oils in order to dissuade head lice, using lice protection spray on clothing by spraying on it, using lice protection spray on clothing by spraying on it, placing a cloth over public used seats is certainly effective and keeping hair tied up are the best head lice prevention tips.

Head lice can be a pain. Especially for parents who worry head lice can dominate their kids’ heads. Why? Since head lice escalations are totally common in preschool and even in elementary school where it is found in children to caretakers. According to the CDC, an approximate amount of 6-12 million children who are aged between 3 to 11 years obtain head lice per annum. But, in contrast to the demanding opinions of people, eradicating head lice has related to cleanliness and hygiene. Literally, anyone can be a victim towards these pests.

Typically, this tends to happen via head-to-head contact, but head lice can even hop onto toys, clothing and even upholstery. But, do not fret. Even though head lice appear to be a hazard; they do not cause any other issue apart from itching.

It is pointed out through research that 1.78 million children under 16 years lose about 2.74 million days from institutions and even parents take off 2.78 million days off work in order to solve these infestations.

 If it does happen, it happens, however, you can prevent this risk from occurring by following these 11 tips to avoid head lice. Parents please do take notes!

Read More: How To Get Rid Of Lice in a Day? | 11 Quick Home Remedies


11 Tips for Head Lice Prevention in Kids

head lice prevention

Associate yourself with the pests

Get to know more about head lice by researching on what are they and how they multiply on the heads. Even so, learning more about its cause, parents can take extra care in eradicating its environments in order to avoid the risk of breeding head lice.

Perform frequent and constant routine head checks

It is always essential in carrying out such head checks since lice are small and quick therefore such infestations can be typically found by the existence of nits. Moreover, these head lice eggs are mounted onto strands of hair which are much easier to identify. If head lice are removed effortlessly, then it is just either lint or dandruff.

Always take your child out for a checkup once a week in order to assess closely at the rear end of the hairline and behind the ears as well. These are areas where head lice are known to breed. Furthermore, it takes up to 6 weeks in order to feel the irritating itching experience.

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Remind your kids not to share hats with anyone

It is known that head lice can survive up to 1-2 days without requiring a host. Therefore, these pests can be transferred through various mediums such as costumes, coats, scarves, hoodies, headbands, hats and even helmets


Hairbrushes are for individual use only and not for sharing purposes

It is recommended for each individual to use their own hairbrush. Sharing the same accessories such as the hairbrushes will lead to an easy transfer of head lice from one person to another. This is, in fact, one of the most effective methods to avoid head lice since this is counted as one of the easiest and direct methods for head lice to spread from one person to another.

Practice better bed ethics

Whether it being in your own home or when you send your kids to sleepovers, it is suggested to change bed sheets especially pillow covers in order to avoid the infestation of head lice. Having a change on a weekly routine will lead to cleaner beds and cleaner heads.

Try out shampoo and conditioner which are specialized in head lice prevention

Head lice are known to avoid peculiar smells such as menthol, tea tree oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, eucalyptus oil and citronella. You should select a shampoo and conditioner with these scents for your child as it enhances protection against the scalp.

Using essential oils in order to dissuade head lice

Essential oils are to be used or can be used in addition to any shampoo and conditioner for shielding against lice. All you need to do is add in little drops of these oils mixed with water in a spray bottle and spray it on your child’s head, hats and even jackets in order to ward off the head lice. Using lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, multipurpose tea tree and other oils can do the trick and even enable the hair to smell much better, which is an added bonus.

Using lice protection spray on clothing by spraying on it

This spray which is peppermint-scented enables head lice as well as nits to be eradicated. You can spray this on pillows, hair accessories, and other household items which come in direct and indirect contact with your child if you assume that he/she has been made vulnerable to lice.

Placing a cloth over public used seats is certainly effective

As mentioned before, head lice can live up to 1-2 days without needing a host. With this in mind, public modes of transportation and places can be prone to head lice hence as an effective solution, you can bring a cloth or better – a scarf. Using such cloths can offer you an extra means of protection.


Good idea to keep hair tied up

There is some evidence to support that girls are more prone to get more head lice compared to boys. Keeping the hair tied up in buns or braids can reduce the risks or probable chances of an infestation.

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Make use of clothes dryers

If your children might be vulnerable to head lice or have head lice then you may need to prevent/get rid of head lice before the re-infestation takes place. Always be sure to throw in the pillow covers, bedding and other furry toys which children sleep within the dryer for a minimum of 15 minutes in order to kill off nits and lice effectively.

The Bottom Line

Head lice can be extremely annoying to both parent and a child. Like how the old saying goes ‘Prevention is better than cure’, you can reduce the chances of getting head lice by following the above tips and even opt for weekly or bi-monthly routines for head lice. Surely, health is not only in the mind but on the body as well. Kids are prone to head lice; therefore, head lice treatments can be conducted in order to eradicate these pests effectively.

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Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!