13 Fun Filled Family Christmas Games You Can Play at Any Holiday Party


Are games a part of your Christmas plans? Have you planned some family games and activities for this Christmas? If not, here are some best Christmas family games and activities for you. Christmas is all about sharing love and spending quality time with your beloved ones. Enjoy time with your family with the following Christmas games.

Read More: 51 Christmas Party Games for Kids

13 Best Family Christmas Games to Have Fun with Your Family

family christmas games

Sock guessing game

This is a simple game and doesn’t need many items. Put some things you own in Yuletide sock and ask your guests to guess what’s inside in it. This game is very inexpensive.

Read More: Top 21 Christmas Party Games for Teenagers

sock guessing game


Guess the smell Christmas game

This is an easy sniffing game. You can put all sorts of things in small jars and ask the guests to guess it by sniffing. You can include holiday scents like peppermint, pine, nutmeg etc.,

Read More: 13 Fun Filled Family Christmas Games You Can Play at Any Holiday Party

guess the smell

Reindeer ring toss

This is a game which you can have fun while playing. Wear a pair of adorable antlers and ask your guest to toss the rings.

Read More: 21 Creative Christmas Party Themes

reindeer ring toss


Hands-free hang the ornament

This game needs partners where you need to hang the ornaments of the tree without touching them with hands. It will be fun and challenging while playing.

hanging ornaments

Oven mitts challenge

Everyone wants to open their gifts as fast as possible. But in this game they need to unwrap their gifts wearing a pair of oven mitts. Let’s see who makes it fast.

oven mitts challenge

Face the gingerbread man

Most of the people love gingerbread cookies. Place gingerbread cookie on your head and without using your hands, slowly try to shimmer it down your face and see if you can bite it before it drops.

face the gingerbread man


Who Am I? Christmas edition

This is the traditional Who Am I game. But all the characters are replaced with Christmas characters like Rudolph, Olaf, Grinch etc.

who am I

Christmas Trivia

Find out how much your guests know about Christmas by asking some questions about Christmas. Make a Trivia of Christmas tradition, food and have fun.

christmas trivia

Build a snowman

We all love building a snowman but, here not with the snow. Build a snowman indoor with items available inside the house.

build a snowman


Pin the heart on the Grinch

Grinch may look frowning but this game brings smiles on your faces. Blindfold your guests and ask them to pinch the heart on Grinch’s drawing. Let’s see who finds the right place.

Candy cane hunt

It’s just like the treasure hunt game where you hid items and give some clues to find them. Here we hide candy canes and ask guests to find them by giving some clues.

What’s in Santa’s hat?

Place some items under Santa’s hat and they need to guess the things by touching them over the hat.

whats in santas hat

Snowman drawing contest

This easy will definitely bring laughs and also some artistic talent too. Players need to put paper plates on their heads and draw the snowman.

draw the snowman





