Falling on Buttocks While Pregnant- Is It Dangerous?


Afraid of falling while pregnant and wondering how to avoid it? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

In this article:

Misconceptions about Falling while Pregnant
Reasons for Falling Down in Pregnancy
Can Slipping Harm Your Baby?
Testing for Injury Due to Falling
Impacts of Falling During Pregnancy
Precautions You Can Take to Prevent Accidents

All You Need to Know about Falling on Buttocks While Pregnant

falling on buttocks while pregnant

Misconceptions about Falling while Pregnant

Only Falling on Your Tummy is Dangerous

The main factor of concern is the impact intensity of your fall irrespective of its position. Falling on the tummy raises the risk of harm to the baby but heavily falling on buttocks while pregnant can equally harm the baby.


Each Fall can Affect Your Baby’s Mental Development

Research has found no direct relation between falling while pregnant and the development of any emotional or mental disabilities in babies. These are mostly hereditary conditions.

Any Fall can Kill Your Baby

If the fall is minor, your baby won’t be hurt. It takes a lot of trauma to cause any fatality, even in major falls.

Falling while Pregnant Hampers Natural Delivery

Unless the trauma due to the fall is intense or severe enough to impact your baby’s physical structure or position, the doctors wouldn’t recommend a C-Section.

So, examine your body after falling as you can best judge it. Visit your nearby hospital immediately if anything feels unnatural.

Reasons for Falling Down in Pregnancy

Gravitational Shift

During your second and third trimesters, your quick weight gain creates sudden imbalances in your muscles. This shifts your centre of gravity. Practice prenatal yoga and other exercises (with the doctor’s advice) to prepare the muscles for this gravitational shift.


Imbalanced Body Weight

During pregnancy, you gain weight rapidly, mostly centered around your belly. This may imbalance your weight distribution, causing a fall, mostly falling on buttocks while pregnant. Some muscles are overworked more than others. They get fatigued and crumble without support.


It’s a notable cause of falling in second and third trimesters. Pregnancy hormones trigger swelling in your entire body, especially at the feet. This may cause pain and falls due to imbalance.

Hormonal Imbalance

During pregnancy, some hormones relax your ligaments and joints supporting the cervix. This allows the weight-redistribution of your body around your pelvic region to protect your joints and your baby’s growth. When your joints relax too much, you may fall.

Low Blood Sugar and Pressure

Fluctuations in blood pressure and blood sugar because of hormonal imbalance and weakened immune system may cause extreme dizziness and falling while pregnant.

Can Slipping Harm Your Baby?

Foetal movement is highly protected by several uterine layers which constrict the movement while cushioning the baby against moderate falls. Slipping isn’t dangerous unless the fall causes:

  • Bleeding near the vaginal or abdominal region
  • Agonizing pain
  • Amniotic fluid leakage
  • A drop of foetal movements
  • In such cases, call your primary care physician immediately.

Testing for Injury Due to Falling

If you develop trauma after falling while pregnant, doctors may prescribe you the following tests:

  • An X-ray to examine any broken bones
  • An ultrasound to monitor your baby’s heartbeat and their position
  • Blood tests to verify baby’s and your health
  • A normal urine sample to ascertain pregnancy health

Impacts of Falling During Pregnancy

The impacts of falling while pregnant depends on the following factors:

The Position

Falling on buttocks while pregnant can cause different complications than in falling on the stomach. If your pain is excruciating or other symptoms develop, consult your doctor immediately. Falling flat on the tummy can cause the highest risk to your baby.

The Surface

The surface on which you fall can significantly impact the extent of complications. Harder the surface, higher the risk of your baby getting hurt. But it doesn’t assure to hurt your baby. The complications go up or down based on how advanced you are in your pregnancy when you fall.


Mother’s Age

Most doctors say that pregnant women above 35 years of age have higher possibilities of complications because of a fall. If this criterion goes for you, visit your medical consultant irrespective of the manifesting symptoms to ensure safety.

In the First Trimester

There are minimal risks to your pregnancy during the first trimester. Your foetus isn’t much developed and is protected inside a thick layer of your placenta. All this is protected inside the pelvic bone, guaranteeing lower risks to your baby. After a major fall, rest by laying down. If you feel uncomfortable or concerned about the fall’s impact, consult the physician.

In the Second Trimester

Falling while pregnant second trimester causes moderate risks to the foetus. Your uterus is more exposed to the surface instead of being inside the pelvic region. However, the other protective layers keep functioning normally. Seek medical advice if your fall develops the following symptoms:

In the Third Trimester

The highest risks to your foetus are associated with falling while pregnant third trimester. The foetus is completely developed in an upside-down posture with the head closer to your vagina. There are higher risks of your placenta (protecting the foetus) getting pulled off your uterine wall, causing critical damage to your baby. Also, check for any leakage of the amniotic fluid that might be an indication of premature labour.

Precautions You Can Take to Prevent Accidents

  • Walk attentively.
  • Try using guardrails to get support while walking.
  • Use anti-skid tapes in places with wet flooring like bathrooms.
  • Don’t carry heavy things.
  • Don’t use the stairs as much as possible.
  • Lean on and take help from your partner or family or friends.
  • Rest sufficiently in breaks between activities to fight your fatigue.
  • Take assistance in your works. Avoid exerting yourself.
  • Get a foot massage by your partner to relax your muscles.
  • Dip your feet in warm water with rock salt to heal inflammation and muscular stress.
  • Check your blood pressure and sugar levels. Rest when they’re low and eat something to raise them before walking.



Remember that the risks of falling while pregnant raises as you advance in your pregnancy. Follow the precautions to avoid the risks. Consult your doctor on finding any critical symptoms.



