9 Exercises for Pregnant Women to do at Home During the Quarantine


Staying at home during the lockdown can be hard. But it does not imply you merely sit around and restrict your physical activity. This includes pregnant mamas-to-be as well.

Pregnant women come in the high-risk category and should exercise precaution before stepping out of the house during these crisis fuelled days. However, that does not mean you totally limit your physical movement. In this article, we will discuss exercises for pregnant women to do at home during the quarantine.

9 exercises for pregnant women to do at home during the quarantine


Not only are Kegels recommended for ladies of all ages, but it can even especially be helpful for pregnant women. If you are in the second trimester, do try this exercise out which involves squeezing and relaxing the muscles around your genitals. It promotes pelvic health and also helps you prepare for labor and delivery.

Doing up to five sets of Kegels a day also can prevent the problem of fecal incontinence which may be commonly experienced during pregnancy.

Kegel Exercises

Relaxed belly breathing

This deep breathing exercise works like a meditative exercise as you grow along with the little one resting in your belly. Moderating or deliberating the way you breathe can ensure essential oxygen supply and nutrients to the baby, help you stay calm (which is far needed during the crucial last days) and even relax between contractions. Doing this regularly can be quite beneficial.


Weight training exercise

Who said pregnant women can’t lift weights? Moms-to-be can gain benefits from simple weight training exercises which will be done at home. Some stretches and weight engaging exercises can lower back pain, build stamina and endurance needed during pregnancy and best of all, fight off chances of excess weight gain.

Any weight regimes or exercises which use your weight are often easily done at home.

Cat cow pose

The classic yoga pose is one among the favorites of the many pregnant women and comes back with several benefits. From enhanced mobility, strengthening the lower back and abdomen, regular practice of the cat-cow pose also can encourage the body to gradually adapt to a simple and ideal birth position. Plus, it can be done anywhere- be it the bed or the floor.

Dancer’s triceps

Stand together with your feet opened up, wider than hip-width. Point your left foot far away from your body, and right foot forward. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms bent, dumbbells near your shoulders. Slowly bend your left knee as far as you’ll be able to, without letting your knee go past your foot. As you do, extend your right arm to the bottom, then far away from your body, engaging your triceps. Return to start. That’s one rep. Perform 20 reps on each side. Continue to the next move.

Pelvic curl

Lie on your back together with your knees bent and feet flat on the bottom, about hip-width apart. Take a deep breath in to prepare, and then exhale as you tuck your pelvis (your “hips”) so that you’re making an impression of your spine on the floor. Keep that tucked position as you continue the exhale and roll through the movement so that you are lifting your spine out of that impression, one vertebra at a time. Stop when you reach your shoulder blades. Inhale at the top of the movement, then exhale as you fold your body back down, placing one vertebra at a time back onto the floor until you get to your starting position on the back of your pelvis (your “hips,” as many people will refer to them as).

Pelvic brace

Do this throughout pregnancy as long as you don’t have pelvic floor symptoms like painful intercourse or urinary urgency. Lie on your back together with your knees bent and feet flat on the bottom, about hip-width apart. Place your pelvis and low back into a “neutral” position. To find this, make sure you’re resting on the back of your pelvis and creating a small space in your lower back (your back should not be pressed into the floor). Inhale to prepare, and then exhale to perform a kegel contraction by gently closing the openings (the urethra, the vagina, and anus). As you are performing this contraction, notice how your lower abdominal muscles want to work with that. Slightly draw the lower abs in with the kegel. Inhale, relax the abs and pelvic floor, and exhale repeat contraction.


Kneeling pushups

This move targets core and upper body strengthening together. Lie flat on your stomach, and then push up onto your hands and knees, keeping your knees behind your hips. Pull in your abs (the pelvic brace), and then slowly lower your chest toward the floor as you inhale. Exhale as you press back up.

Mermaid stretch

As your baby grows, it can start to create pressure on your diaphragm and ribs that can be painful. Sit on the ground with both of your knees bent (or folded) and your feet facing to the right. Raise your left arm straight to the ceiling as you inhale, then exhale and side bend your torso toward the right. The stretch should be felt on the left side in this example. Hold for 4 slow, deep breaths. This would be the direction to stretch if you experience discomfort on the left side. Reverse directions for discomfort on the right side. To reduce the risk of this occurring, start stretching both directions during the second trimester.


Staying active pre and post-pregnancy may be a wonderful thing. However, it’s advised that you keep your doctor in the loop before going ahead with any kind of activity. If you’ve got any chronic history or problem, proceed with caution.
