Queef in Early Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know


Sometimes while doing yoga, exercise or even sex you may have experienced a tiny amount of air expelling from your vagina. That is known as queef or vaginal flatulence in medical terms.  This is the normal physiology of body. Sometimes it may be associated with medical conditions. With proper information we can acknowledge these conditions early.

What is queef?

Queef is the sound that is expelled from the vagina. This sound is caused due to the air blowing out of vagina. Our vagina is not a straight tube, it has rugae i.e. rough surface. Due to which air gets stuck in vagina and is expelled later.  When air is expelled; the anterior and the posterior vaginal wall collide with each other, due to which there is expulsion of sound. Though queefing is quite common, any dangers due to it are very rare. So there is no need of stressing over it.

Queef in Early Pregnancy: Causes, Complications and Symptoms 

queef during pregnancy

What Causes Queefing? 

Exercise– while doing exercise, sometimes an air pocket may enter your vagina; it may cause blowing of air, which results in a queef. There is nothing to worry about this, this is absolutely normal.

Sex– while having sex, there are lots of chances, air may enter you vagina, creating an air pocket, maximum females experience queef while having sex. Even this is completely normal there are no complications related to this.

Blowing air in vagina– this is somewhat not recommended during pregnancy. Since due to the flow, air might enter the pelvic arteries or veins causing air emboli. it is very rare, but during pregnancy, chances increase. So while practising sex or oral sex during pregnancy proper care should be taken.


Periods sometimes during periods random pockets of air pass out during vagina it is very common and no need to stress out if this happens.

Queef can lead to some Complications

Fistula– normally queef is not a phenomenon to worry about. The only time when you should worry if you get stool, blood or pus while queefing. It is an indicator of fistula. Fistula is formation of hole in any tract of body. If there is formation of fistula in anal tract then stool might come out through vagina, it is a very critical situation you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Air embolism– this is the highest risk during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the blood supply to the uterus increases due to which the risk of air embolism also increases. Air embolism means the addition of air pocket into the blood stream. It is very dangerous for the mother as well as the baby. So queefing during pregnancy might be a sign of air embolism. But it is a very rare condition, hardly any cases are reported. Symptoms of air embolism can be

  • Too much pain in joints and muscles- air embolism may cause obstruction to blood flow. Due to which there might be high amount of pain in muscles and joint
  • Decrease in blood pressure- decrease in blood flow invariabaly causes decrease in blood pressure.
  • Extreme fatigue- due to decrease in blood flow glucose is not supplied to body. Due to which extreme level of fatigue may be experienced
  • Loss of co ordination– due to decrease in blood supply to the joints and muscle there may be loss of co ordination.
  • Decrease in blood supply to baby– it is most feared complication. Decrease in blood supply to baby may create problem in its growth and development.

Queefing has almost negligible health consequences. It is a normal phenomenon. Just during pregnancy it may be quite dangerous, so blowing air in vagina or doing any activity which may cause air to enter the vagina forcefully should be avoided. Even during pregnancy air embolism is a very rare disorder, do not give yourself extra stress if you happen to queef. If it happens frequently then consult your doctor. Wishing you a happy, healthy and stress free pregnancy!

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