51 Festive Baby Names for December Borns


December is the month of rejoice where everyone is the festive mood of Christmas. Everyone will be busy in making plans on how to celebrate and spend the festive day. Amidst this, if you are expecting a child, then it will be much more joy for you. You will be thinking on how to name your December born baby. If you are in the same situation and can’t figure out what you should name your child, then here are 51 December born baby names.

Special qualities of December born babies:

  • According to a study conducted in 2011, babies born in December have the best chance of living up to 100 years.
  • According to a 2015 study conducted by researchers from Columbia University Department of Medicine found that those born from September through December are protected from cardiovascular diseases.
  • A study conducted in 2009 by Italian and Spanish university students found that babies born in December tend to fall asleep earlier.
  • When studied 13,000 adults by University of Vienna it was found that 7.5% of women and 8.8% of men were left-handed.
  • December born babies can be creative, intelligent and hardworking. Also they are creative, adventurous and strong-willed.

Baby Names: 51 Festive Names for December Borns

december born baby names

Baby Girl Names

Names Meaning
Angel/Angelina/Angelica all names for angel
Avery meaning ‘Christmas elf’
Carol or Carolle from Christmas carol
December the month of Christmas
Eira Welsh meaning ‘snow’
Eve meaning living
Faith from the word ‘faith’
Grace meaning effortless beauty
Gloria meaning glory
Holly from holly tree
Ivy named after the climbing plant
Joy meaning joy!
Mary meaning star of the sea
Michaela female version of the Angel Michael, angel of love and families
Natasha meaning ‘Jesus’ birth’
Neva Latin origin meaning ‘Snow’
Noelle/Noella meaning ‘Christmas’
Star representing the star followed to find Jesus
Winter like the season
Olympia The home in the mountains of the Greek Gods is called Olympos
Candy queen mother
Barbara means foreign
Emmanuel God is with us
Helen means the moon or a ray of light
Leah means ruler

Baby Boy Names

Names Meaning
Alfredo Christmas elf
Balthazar one of the three kings
Casper one of the three kings
Celyn meaning ‘holly’
Christian meaning follower of Christ
Claus meaning victorious people, but of course reminds us of Santa Claus!
Eldan/Elden meaning ‘Christmas elf’
Eull ‘Yule’
Gabriel from the Angel Gabriel
Jasper one of the three kings
Jesus meaning God will help
Joseph meaning ‘God shall add another’
Malachi/Malakai God’s messenger
Noel ‘Christmas time’ it can also mean ‘Angel’
Nicholas meaning victory of the people
Robin (unisex) meaning bright fame
Rudolph like our favourite reindeer!
Tannon from the Christmas carol, ‘O Tannenbaum’
Frost means cold weather, a very cool name for this time of the year.
Bruce This name was derived from an old Scottish last name and most probably means the French town of Brix. 
Clement means compassionate
Dagon means little fish
Ethan means rock-solid, durable
Jack This name derives from an old name Jankin
Kris meaning of this name is the disciple of Christ





