Is It Safe to Use Benzyl Peroxide While Breastfeeding?


Do you know the fact that Topical Benzyl Peroxide has not been studied while breastfeeding and this is only because around 5% is only absorbed in the topical application and it is considered to be the low risk of the nursing infant at the same time? So, you need to ensure that the infant’s skin does not really come out directly in contact with the areas of the skin that have been initially treated. Make sure only gel products or water-miscible cream products are used or applied on the breasts because all of these ointments can initially expose the infant to the high level of mineral paraffins only via licking and this can cause problem to the infant later onwards.

Effect of Benzyl Peroxide During Breastfeeding

benzyl peroxide during breastfeeding

Effects on the Breast milk and lactation

Benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid contains high doses and should not always been used during pregnancy, although both of these topical treatments for acne can be considered safe while using for breast-milk as Benzyl peroxide initially works by only killing the bacteria that duly cause acne and at the same time the salicylic acid helps in unclogging the pores.

Is acne breakout causing you trouble after the pregnancy? You should initially make use of Benzyl Peroxide.

Benzyl peroxide is considered to be very effective in order to reduce the severity of the acne that duly caused. For this skin initially takes some time in order to get used to it or the product and only then minor breakouts are caused. Make sure you avoid using this product on your face if your skin is highly sensitive. Benzyl peroxide acid is duly considered to be one of the most important and organic peroxides related to the application and production.

Uses of Benzyl Peroxide:

Benzyl Peroxide is mainly used in order to treat moderate acne to mild acne and however, it can be actually used sometimes with the combination of other acne treatments as well because it is generally said to decrease or reduce the number of the acne bacteria and it is mostly caused due to skin dryness and peeling effect. So, it is considered to be important and advisable if you check the product before using it because the wrong product can harm your skin and the infant at the same time.


What is the use of Benzyl Peroxide while breastfeeding?

This package initially contains a cleansing liquid or you can say a bar lotion, gel or a cream and as it is advised to make sure you use only twice a day and for that, you need to start with once a day first in order to see the effects for the same on your skin. Follow all the tips and the directions that are duly mentioned on the package and after that, you can consult your doctor or any dermatologist if any kind of ingredient you don’t know. Make sure you don’t overuse this product and also use only what is mentioned. Just like any other product you can use this product on the palm for at least three days in order to see if it causes you any kind of discomfort.

The steps to apply the Benzyl Peroxide liquid:

The very first step is to use the liquid in the affected area and then gently wash the affected area after that pat them dry with a towel and initially apply it with a cream, gel or the lotion. Once all of this is done the next step for you is to apply Benzyl Peroxide and then rub it gently. The doctor might initially advise you to avoid any kind of product that causes discomfort to your skin while you are already using Benzyl Peroxide. If by chance you miss this application you can either apply it as soon as you get to know or remember. But you need to make sure that you don’t apply a double dose if you missed applying one.

Side effects of Benzyl Peroxide:

Side effects of Benzyl Peroxide are not severe but while nursing might cause some of the side effects such as:

  • Feeling warm
  • Peeling & dryness of skin
  • A tingling and stinging sensation

There are times when these side effects may be adverse and in that case, you can duly consult the doctor and initially stop using the Benzyl Peroxide and some of these adverse side effects are:

  • Feeling dizzy
  • Throat tightness
  • Swelling in any part of the body
  • Itching
  • Breathing problems

Drug relations

There are certain kinds of medicines that are initially not supposed to be used all together. So, when you start with these medicines it becomes extremely important for you to inform your doctor about the same. You can get the consultation from your health care professional and then discuss the need and importance for the medicine.

However, after 2 or 3 weeks you will initially get to notice anything strange happening to your body you can stop the medication and consult the doctor about the same. Generally, anything that eventually does affect the infant. Studies have literally proved that this medicine, in particular, is considered to be safe for the infant while breastfeeding. However, a medicine is considered safe to use unless and until it hurts you.


There are Many women who think that if the combination of both the acids are used for the above-mentioned acne treatments while breastfeeding will be considered to be the most effective solution. But if you are unsure about a particular treatment if it is safe to use or not while breastfeeding so it is important for you to talk to your dermatologists then and there because only a dermatologist can guide you or recommend you the best treatment or combinations if any that will be initially safe to use for you and your baby. This is because of the acne breakouts that are usually linked to hormonal fluctuations and it is generally uncommon in most of the women who are breastfeeding or are pregnant because there is kind of special precautions that need to be duly taken in order to ensure safety for the new babies.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!
