11 Best Almond Meal Substitutes


Coconut flour, all-purpose flour, cassava flour, whole wheat flour, plantain flour, cashew four, macadamia flour, polenta, rice flour & quinoa flour, and oat flour are the best substitute for almond meal.

Almond meal is a grainy mixture of ground whole almonds. Many people mistake it for almond flour, which is a finely ground flour made from blanched almonds. Almond meal is easy to make at home and it is usually used for grain-free cooking. There are several almond meal substitutes in the market for people who have nut allergies or for those who are looking for other gluten-free options, such as:

Read More: 11 Health Benefits of Soaked Almonds in Your Child’s Diet

11 Amazing Almond Meal Substitutes

Coconut Flour

Is perfect for cakes and pancakes, coconut flour is a great grain-free option. However, Coconut flour is very fibrous, which may be problematic for those with gut infections. You may also not like the flavor of coconut flour, which can be overpowering. Coconut flour is also very dense and requires a lot of eggs when used for baking.

Read More: 21 Must-Try Homemade Coconut Recipes for your Child

substitutes for almond meal


All-purpose Flour

All-purpose flour, also known as refined flour or simply flour, is made from wheat grains after removing the brown chaff. It is then milled, refined and bleached, and is commonly used in noodles, the outer coverings of momos, pasta, spaghetti, and pizza crusts, as well as in baking cakes, pies, and other desserts. It may also be used as a thickening agent and it is white and powdery, unlike whole wheat flour which is creamy and grainy.

Sunflower Seed Flour

This nut-free flour alternative has a depth of flavor with a pinch of natural sweetness. All you need are sunflower seeds (it is recommended to buy soaked and sprouted for lower phytic acid) and a food processor. You can substitute sunflower seed flour 1:1 in most recipes.

Cassava Flour

Grain-free, nut-free and it works much like all-purpose flour in almost all recipes. Made from the tropical cassava root, cassava flour is simply peeled, dried and ground to make flour. Although cassava is starchy and certainly not low-carb, it is a great alternative to almond flour on occasion if you’re wanting to make a nut-free recipe.

Plantain Flour

In baking, plantain flour is a great alternative to almond flour and coconut flour. Like cassava flour, plantain flour is rich in carbs. it can be used to create everything from tortillas to doughnuts. Plantain flour is also rich in fiber; vitamins C, B6, and A; potassium; magnesium and iron Like coconut flour, plantain is dense and fibrous and may need extra moisture while baking.

Whole Wheat Flour

Wheat flour is the most common flour used in baking. One hundred percent whole wheat flour is made from hulled red wheat grain and provides more fiber and other nutrients than all-purpose flour. Generally speaking, it makes for heavier bread and baked goods and.

Cashew Flour

Cashews aren’t nuts but they have enough similarities when it comes to texture, appearance, and taste that the title fits. Cashews get gummy and turn to nut butter when you grind them — not a bad thing, but the opposite of what you want in a flour. Making flour with cashews requires a few extra steps than making a meal or flour with almonds or hazelnuts, but you get a more refined product as a result.


Macadamia Flour

Macadamia nuts are high in fat, but they also provide your daily dose of monounsaturated fats, considered a “good” fat. Macadamia nuts are also rich in fiber. macadamia flour can be used in baking to infuse a rich flavor and texture into your baked goods.


Polenta is really a dish, not an ingredient, a porridge or mush now made from coarsely ground cornmeal but was also in the past made with farro, chestnuts, millet, spelt or chickpeas. Polenta is usually made from yellow corn.

Rice Flour & Quinoa Flour

The combination of rice flour and quinoa flour is a brilliant gluten-free option that can be used to bake several dishes (such as muffins) for people suffering from Celiacs Disease. Quinoa is super rich in protein and carbs and rice flour goes excellently when mixed with another base.

Oat Flour

You can crush rolled oats in a food processor or blender until they are finely ground. If you have selected a gluten-free recipe, use gluten-free oats. You can substitute almond flour with oat flour. It will give your dishes a wonderful lightness and nuttiness.

Tapioca and Coconut Flour Mix

Like cassava flour, coconut flour is a great non-grain gluten-free flour. This flour mix has a wonderfully sweet and fruity flavor. It is rich in protein, good fats, and fiber. Tapioca flour is made from cassava root and is stretchy like gluten. It may not be nutritious, but it is a good binding agent in several recipes. When mixed together, you get such a healthy and nutritious flour alternative to almond flour.

Every flour has its own set of pros and cons. If you are replacing almond flour with any gluten-free flour, it won’t be a perfect replacement. Amounts may vary, and other chemical agents like xanthan gum or guar gum may be required. Through trial and error, you will know the correct proportion of the flour substitute, eggs, baking soda, other flours, and liquids. The bake time also needs to be adjusted. Gluten-free cakes may not be as fluffy as the traditional wheat-based cakes, but they will be full of amazing flavors and textures.





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