Top 12 Free Homework Help Websites


Campusbug, Paul’s Online math notes, Math pickle, Khan academy, Study geek, fact monster,, Hippocampus and Ask Dr. math are some the best websites that offer free homework help.

Youngsters love asking questions. They begin investigating the world around in school, and they start to think about help with their assignments at the secondary school level. In secondary school, the assignments turn out to be more complicated with each new semester. This article will help to find the best Homework Help Websites.

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12 Websites that Offer Free Homework Help

free homework help


CampusBug is one of the free homework assist sites with improving the communication channels among understudies and their tutors. It is a student’s online network. The site proposes an assortment of helpful tools, literature, and different sorts of assets to give students a chance to finish their academic projects on any subject.

Paul’s Online Math Notes

Paul’s Online Math Notes belongs to the category of math homework help websites. Math is the most noticeably awful bad dream of numerous youths. Students may even apply the offered cheat sheets in class – look out not to get into trouble! Find distinctive math notes and instructional exercises to prevail in the following subjects:

  • Variable based math
  • Geometry
  • Math I
  • Math II
  • Differential Equations
  • Math III

The notes are straightforward! Prepare by taking care of math problems to prepare for the class.

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Math Pickle

The site is one of the best answers to the question, “What site can assist me with my math homework?” It is a regularly asked question among the secondary school students. Unlike to the past alternative on the rundown, this site is a greater amount of fun and entertainment type. The essential objective of this online website is to offer the best K-12 math topics, colorful videos and presentations, and fun games to handle the art of math.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy gives important, detailed understandings of different concepts. A Harvard’s graduate launched this non-business venture some time back to give every student far and wide chance to get a high-quality education in any piece of the world. Students can discover in excess of 4,200 examination accumulations devoted to:

  • Math
  • History
  • Science
  • Financial aspects
  • Cosmology
  • Material science
  • Social insurance and prescription
  • Expressions and visual expressions
  • Software engineering

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Study Geek

Grades & Subjects: All grades, math

Advertisements is a nonprofit site “where Ph.D. specialists help with math homework” — flawless! The site offers point by point segments on variable based math, geometry, trigonometry, analytics, and measurements. Every zone gives supportive explanations and sample problems particular to a wide range of math. Study Geek additionally offers an accessible math vocabulary guide. Their Math Solver apparatus causes you to take care of any sort of math problem, and by making a (free) account on the site, you can “open” the well-ordered clarification of how the problem was solved and save math problems to refer to later

Fact Monster

Grades & Subjects: K-8, all subjects

Fact Monster is a part of the Family Education Network and is a free reference site for youngsters, educators, and parents. Fact Monster’s homework center offers online math flash cards for children to practice their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills, and a conversion calculator for all kinds of units of measurement. The site likewise offers an atlas, almanac, and encyclopedia, plus loads of writing assignment advice, including how to write an essay, biography, and bibliography. The U.S. Almanac is a lifeline when your child is composing a report regarding one of the 50 states!

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BJ Pinchbeck’s Homework Helper

Grades & Subjects: All

A dad/child pair began this webpage in 1996 when 9-year-old BJ needed to figure out how to build a site alongside his “computer nerd” father. The site has developed and keeps on serving as an incredible reference to families. It gives hundreds of links to helpful websites for each school subject and focus area, so you can discover assets for anything from plant science, to the Latin language, to musical chords. It can likewise enable you to discover free texts and books online — which is wonderful.


Grades & Subjects: All grades, math, and English gives helpful printable “Parent Roadmaps” for Math and English for levels K-12, accessible in English and Spanish. The Roadmaps offer a more offer a closer look at Common Core educational programs for each level, including test math problems and English activities. is another site that offers grade-specific math “tip sheets” for parents, which demonstrate the “new math” method for solving problems, such as using dots to learn how to count or “bar models” (aka “tape diagrams”) to solve word problems


Grades & Subjects: All grades and subjects, especially math and science for middle school & up is a free site that offers rich interactive multimedia academic content — animations, quizzes, and simulations. The site offers in excess of 5,700 free videos gathered from different scholarly establishments in 13 branches of knowledge, including polynomial math, geometry, analytics, earth science, science, material science, history, and English. Math Snacks is a series of cool animated videos and games that assistance show center school math ideas utilizing fun, visual procedures. STEMbite is a series of videos that talk about math and science in the real world, for example, the math behind barcodes, and the science behind captivated sunglass focal points. Visual learning and real-world application are two vital educational concepts in the Common Core Standards.

Scholastic Parent & Child

Grades & Subjects: All grades, especially K-8, and all subjects


This site offers subject-specific Parent Primers, which enable you to dust off old spelling rules, revisit to the three branches of government, see distinctive geometric shapes, and more. Besides, with their Flash Card Maker you can make your own math and vocabulary flashcards, and with their Spelling Wizard, you can make a word scramble or word search that enables children to learn their spelling list in fun ways.

Ask Dr. Math

Grades & Subjects: All grades, math

“Ask Dr. Math” is a nonprofit forum managed by Drexel University. The site may look dated; however, it’s as yet supportive and relevant. The list of math FAQs covers numerous famous subjects, for example, dividing by zero types of fractions, learning to factor, and how to round numbers. You can also browse for answers by age group (elementary, middle, or high school) or search the archive by keyword.


A few students may ponder, yet it isn’t important to spend money on online help with homework. It is sufficient to open a question-answer site. It is conceivable to discover a lot of such sites on the web without contributing a penny. Get help from these online websites and complete homework without any problem.
