Is Jamun Consumption Safe During Pregnancy?


Many a pregnant woman craves to eat Jamun, because of the taste it offers. But the question is, is it safe? The answer is a big yes. Jamuns are not only sweet and delicious, they also offer a lot of health benefits, especially to pregnant women. Let’s see if it really is.

Amazing Health Benefits of Jamun Fruit During Pregnancy

jamun during pregnancy

Jamun: What is it?

Jamun or Black Plum is a native Indian fruit belonging to the Myrtaceae family. They come in a deep bluish or purplish color and are shaped oblong. It offers several health benefits for pregnancy.

Although there is some evidence that the fruit can stain your baby’s skin with small dark patches, it is not clinically proven. So, for now, it is definitely safe to eat Jamun during pregnancy.

Jamun: Health Benefits

As stated before, the fruit comes with its own set of health benefits. So, what are they?

•    Bone-strengthening

Jamun is rich in calcium, iron, vitamin C, and potassium and helps keep your bones strong. Additionally, it also helps boost immunity. Nutrients in the fruit make sure you have a fully developed, healthy baby.


•    Helps in digestion

Jamun is an effective fruit when it comes to curing diarrhea and nasty stomach ulcers. So, eating them during pregnancy helps you get rid of stomach issues such as ulcers, constipation and more, and helps in a healthy digestion process.

•    Diabetes regulation and control

Jamun has a low glycemic index and helps control and regulate blood sugar levels. It lowers the blood glucose level by up to 30 percent, all the while minimizing the risk of developing secondary diabetes complications.

•    Prevents cancer

Many studies have shown that Jamun inhibits the growth of cancerous cells due to its radioprotective and chemoprotective properties. So, eating the fruit during the time of expecting will surely prevent the risk of cancer development.

Read More: Preventing Breast Cancer – 21 Lifestyle Changes Every Woman Should Be Aware Of

•    Help treat infections

Various parts of the plant such as seeds, bark, and leaves are proven to be very effective in treating bacterial infections. The plant stores in it different compounds ranging from oxalic acid to malic acid, tannins to Gallic acid to give you antimalarial, antibacterial and gastro-protective benefits and keep infections away during pregnancy.

•    Helps keep up good oral health

The antibacterial properties Jamun has is very effective when it comes to treating oral health problems. So, a Jamun during pregnancy can keep you from harmful oral and dental health issues, and promote healthy teeth and gums.


•    Helps prevent anemia

Jamun, which is rich in Vitamin C helps substantially boost the blood’s hemoglobin content in pregnant women. So, consuming it will prevent the ill effects of anemia such as fatigue, during pregnancy.

•    Helps keep a healthy heart

Jamuns are rich in potassium, which when taken inadequately, regulates blood pressure and prevents risks of a heart attack. Jamuns also contain nutrients such as anthocyanidins and anthocyanins which provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, preventing oxidation of cholesterol and promoting a healthy heart during pregnancy.

Read More: 21 Health Benefits of Plum (Indian Blackberry) in Your Kid’s Diet

Jamun: Other Health Benefits

There are a number of other health benefits of Jamun besides the ones mentioned above. Some of them are:

•    Helps prevent premature labor

Jamun, apart from calcium, iron, and potassium, also has a lot of magnesium content, which is useful in preventing premature contractions and preterm labor.

•    Helps in easy bowel movement

Jamun has loads of fiber which helps regulate bowel movements relieving a pregnant woman of stomach issues such as constipation, hemorrhoids or any other such disorders.


•    Helps reduce fatigue and stress

The high antioxidant and potassium content in Jamun help expecting mothers get rid of fatigue and stress and help them stay fit, healthy and active throughout the day.

•    Strengthens the nervous system

As Jamun is also rich in Vitamin A, it helps develop not only the pregnant woman’s baby’s eyesight but her own nervous system as well, so that she can have the strength to go through all that pain she has to endure during labor.

•    Protection from cold

Jamun or Black Plum juice helps protect a person from cold and acts as an anti-aging agent.

Besides these, Jamun, when mixed with cow’s milk can be used to treat all kinds of skin problems such as acne and others.

So, to conclude, Jamun is no doubt a wonder fruit. With innumerable health benefits, it’s a must-have, especially for pregnant women. However, it’s not just limited to them alone. Anyone can avail its immeasurable health benefits. So, be sure to include Jamun into your diet, at least now that you have read this article and understood its benefits.

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