Baby’s First Christmas Traditions


The first year of a baby is full of mileposts, and Christmas is an integral part of it. The first Christmas of your little one is a magical experience that your family is going to cherish in the days to come.  It is not all about gifts, but new memories or traditions to grace the esteemed occasion.

Let us have a sneak peek at some of the famous first Christmas traditions for your young one.

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1} Counting the days to Christmas

Feeling crafty! Build on the suspense element of the arrival of Santa with a countdown calendar. A step by step guide with the help of a bulletin board, paper cups and tasty treats in developing an advent calendar would be great. You could also transform a magnetic calendar with magnets, glue or tiny pins into a countdown calendar.

2} A birth announcement is round the corner

If you have not sent out an invite, a seasonal or holiday birth announcement will add to the festive atmosphere of the occasion.

3} Plan a Christmas photo shoot with your family

It would be the perfect time to get the ball rolling with a Christmas portrait on a yearly basis. Photos of your family you will cherish throughout your life. The natural light paves way for beautiful photos, but if you feel comfortable at home, then decorate your home in a holiday spirit.


Christmas traditions

4} Dressing up

Add to the element of fun by dressing up your baby in a variety of holiday attire. This could be in wintry hats, to formal baby clothes in various colours. To go one step forward an attire of Santa would grace the occasion. Keep a camera handy for some handy clicks!

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5} An encounter with Santa for the first time

It is an iconic moment for celebration, but not the one to be missed for sure! Even if your baby is not aware who Santa is, the memories are going to be fresh in their minds and the photos are too handy to ignore.

6} Formulate an outstanding holiday card

You can take this opportunity to showcase a single or a few photos that you have of the first year of your baby.  It would be difficult to zero in on the choice as options are manifold.  On the web there are numerous holiday cards to celebrate this gracious occasion and send out holiday wishes.

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7} A special trip to catch up with all family members

Since this is the first Christmas of your baby, it would be the perfect time to catch up with the extended family members. It is the time to foster family bonds and capture some amazing clicks. You could also ask the family to come over to you. Either way it is a perfect time to catch up with your near and dear ones.

8} An elf on the cupboard

Get on to the magic early in this vibrant game of hide and seek. It is going to add in an element of fun and in the coming years will be a tradition for the entire family.

9} Donating toys

Developing an attitude of gratitude is important for kids in the early stages of life. Donating toys are an opportunity to give something back to the community and teaching kid’s value of gratefulness

10} Christmas stocking for the first time

 A personalized Christmas stocking of the baby hanging around yours would be great. Isn’t it! It is going to last for a long time and you will not need to over stuff it, mere the decoration is more than enough to be hanged.

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11} Christmas pyjamas for the first time

Wearing a new set of pyjamas every Christmas that your little one is going to enjoy in the years to come. If siblings are there, opt for a matching set of pyjamas.


12} The nursery can be decked

The newest room of the family could be decorated with holly branches, pillows and candles. It would be a great occasion where the family can snuggle in together.

13} A footprint or handprint

Harp in on the sentimental aspect whereby make it as funny as possible. Use the baby’s footprints or handprints to develop unique Christmas portraits like snowmen, Christmas trees or reindeers.

14} A visit to a Christmas baby farm

Are you an adventure freak? A visit to a Christmas tree and picking a tree is priceless. You are going to have a great time with your family and  the photos are a  cherished possession of the future.

15} Plan a special dinner for Christmas

Family dinners brings the entire family together, but Christmas dinner is a special occasion. You would have to tweak the menu a wee bit with the addition of a new family member. Ideally work on traditional foods (holiday) so that everyone can be part of the menu.

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16} Begin a Santa tradition

Santa does bring in gifts, but it is only the small or the big ones. The onus is on your family on much you want Santa to be part of Christmas morning.  It is the time for you to figure out the role of Santa. Let the ball get rolling!


17} A light show

A mere gaze at the lights is a great way to soak in the festive season. With splendid lights being displayed, your baby will be at the center of it all.

18} With kids start a baking cookie session

You could invite your near and dear one with their own cookie cutters. Kids love to play with shapes and decorating (for the matter over decorating) the cookies. You can make it easy with the help of pre made dough or choosing a versatile recipe of dough. It could be either way but ensure you have a sufficient stock of sprinkles and icing.

Read More: 51 Best Christmas Cookies for Kids

Kudos on this wonderful time! From exploring new ways to celebrate Christmas along with great ideas to grace the occasion. Do ensure that the holiday season is fun filled and take note of the fact that time passes in the blink of an eye.

Hope the baby’s first Christmas tradition idea would be of immense help!


